• Thread starter Lessen
(...)This series should be the "Sunday" of Project Cars. Let's make it what we know it can be.
For me, having left GT6 behind, this not only should be Sunday for PCars, but it is "Sunday" for me, as it is the race night I'm looking forward to in the other days.

I was not surprised to see my name on the list of offenders, as I was aware that I had a couple of bumps (I believe the one that really messed up another racer was on Aero, whom I talked to directly about it) and I know my car control is still not up to what I want it to be.
It will get better and I will see my name off the list.
I am pretty sure my comment after the racing on Tuesday night contributed to the decision Lesson made on reviewing the racing in detail. Sorry for all the time you had to spend doing this. I know how much work that was, but it shows all of us the dedication you have to make this series great.
I don't regret my decision to speak up as I feel, even if it was only my first month here, that things were getting a bit out of hand concerning the SNAIL OLR. It is just human nature that if things are let be then we start to get complacent. A little shake up can do a world of good. I remember a couple of times back in the RCS when Grimm had to give all of us a stern reminder when things were getting a little out of hand. Nobody likes to file an IR, but sometimes it's the only way to keep things on track, and I for one, will never take it personally. In the end, this can only make the racing even better.
I use it to practice MY racecraft, collision avoidance and feel for the car in real traffic.
:D Same here. I actually mentioned that before in a post that every random public room is an hard core technical school that delivers all kind of possible and impossible craziness for you to train collision avoidance, defensive drive, patience and well calculated passing manouvers.
Most of the times is frustrating though because that is not much you can do to avoid someone that actually wants to knock you out for whatever reason but if you manage to keep the cool and not getting p***** off, there's a lot of good stuff you can learn there.
:D Same here. I actually mentioned that before in a post that every random public room is an hard core technical school that delivers all kind of possible and impossible craziness for you to train collision avoidance, defensive drive, patience and well calculated passing manouvers.
Most of the times is frustrating though because that is not much you can do to avoid someone that actually wants to knock you out for whatever reason but if you manage to keep the cool and not getting p***** off, there's a lot of good stuff you can learn there.
I must confess that I had not looked at it like that, but you make a very good point. I will try it out later today. I know I need the practice.
Well it was fun guys but I don't think I am coming back to this series anytime soon. Farewell everybody.

Why is that, because your name was on the list (just guessing)? I believe ALL our names are on the list (yes including me), and Lessen's reminder and reviewing of it is only to better the league. Racing accidents are going to happen, but you try to make better decisions and learn from your mistakes. We all like having you here Austin.
With this wake-up call for us all, this should make the racing better overall, and not a bump fest to try and gain a position.
You can ask anyone here who i believe will say, if we're racing door to door they know i'll race clean and they can have the trust in me not to drive dirty for my own gain.
I got a 4 race suspension.
So what!!! Learn from it. You want to race? Practice a bit and take the penalties as a way to better yourself on the track. Hey Man, we all sucked at one time.Lol.
Listen, this is a very different game than GT. I never got above D5 on Sundays but PCars, with it's far superior and more realistic game physics, I seem to be able to connect better with the car and finish a lot higher than I would playing the "old game". Even Aero, who was a far superior racer in GT than I was, is still getting used to the game, but I expect him to be ahead of me shortly. (Dream on Sheepboy).

In other words, don't quit!!! You are a fun guy to talk to between races.

Card= Class act.
@Lessen you should probably explain the suspension/probation deal. They think they are not allowed to race for X weeks. But Snail probation doesn't work like that.
Never mind...I'll do eet.

Probation means that any penalty points you incur during the probation period are doubled. You can still race but if you continue to get penalized while on probation then the penalty points are doubled and the probation period is extended.

Usually if you continue to be a repeat offender week after week the possibility of banning is discussed. This is rare though.
@Lessen you should probably explain the suspension/probation deal. They think they are not allowed to race for X weeks. But Snail probation doesn't work like that.

Thanks Joe. It's probably a good idea for me to explain my actions anyways.

The entire policy is in the first post and I encourage everybody to take a look through it if not completely familiar. In lamens terms, once a driver reaches 6 weeks of probation or receives one Level 5 infraction, the stewards vote on whether or not the driver should be placed on the LCL. If yes, then the driver may receive further reprocussions at the stewards discression upon the very next infraction (suspension/banning etc.). Because we are a small group there is no voting to be had since we have no steward corps. Due to my repeated stressing of clean racing over several weeks I felt I've already allowed enough "chances" and using the LCL would only drag out and complicate the situations more than necessary.

I don't like to air people's laundry so I won't name names, but the drivers serving suspensions actually accrued a total of 7, 11 and 20 weeks of probation respectively. In lieu of these ridiculously long probation periods they are each serving varied suspension lengths to be followed by 6 weeks of probation.

So on that bombshell, I want to move forward and focus on good racing. I truly hope to see all drivers on the grid again soon.
Well it was fun guys but I don't think I am coming back to this series anytime soon. Farewell everybody.

You can do what you want to Austin, obviously we've all been through our moments. As everyone said learn from your mistakes and I promise you, you will get stronger, better, and more confident. Here's a motivational video by me in Gran Turismo 6 after dropping from division 1 to division 3, I hope this will help you. I didn't get first place but I managed to pass 2 people, trust me if you believe in yourself, YOU WILL MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN, SOMETHINGS GOT TO GIVE!!!
You can do what you want to Austin, obviously we've all been through our moments. As everyone said learn from your mistakes and I promise you, you will get stronger, better, and more confident. Here's a motivational video by me in Gran Turismo 6 after dropping from division 1 to division 3, I hope this will help you. I didn't get first place but I managed to pass 2 people, trust me if you believe in yourself, YOU WILL MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN, SOMETHINGS GOT TO GIVE!!!

Best part of the video for me was watching you when you were going for them, using every single inch of the track, clean entry, hit the apex, let the car push to the edge of the track on exit, rinse, repeat.
Good stuff.
So jealous. I was hoping to start my own program this year, but that's not going to happen. Maybe a sim room, but no IRL stuff. Rental leagues will have to do for a while longer.

Just a reminder/heads-up to those who may not be familiar with the SNAIL probation process. All drivers must race their way off probation. In order to reduce the amount of weeks of probation left, a driver must COMPLETE AT LEAST 3 RACES in a race night without receiving any penalties.

I've fixed the formulation errors in the IR sheet. Everything looks kosher now. The Probation List reflects the tentative date each driver's probation period shall run through provided they race off probation successfully from the current date until then. The sheet is dynamic so it will automatically add 7 days if a driver does not race or race enough, or add accordingly if more penalties are accessed. Once a driver successfully races off probation, the list will continue to reflect the final probation race date, but the status will turn blank.

Updates to OP (effective immediately)

Clarification of FnF voting results
  • A current car drop MUST be chosen by majority vote. A tie will result in no car replacement for the upcoming week's event.
  • The new car shall be that which receives more votes than it's paired counterpart. (ie. Option B wins over Option A if Car #1 wins the drop, even if Option D received more overall car votes than Option B). In lamens terms, the drop gets precedence over the replacement.
  • Should there be a tie of car votes within the winning drop, the first tie-breaker shall be the greater total number of participation points accompanied by the car votes each car received. (ie. Three drivers with 4 completed races each in the current season vote for Car B. Car B is then accompanied by 12 participation points.)
  • Should the participation points be tied, the preference shall be given to the involved driver (and his/her vote) who is/was highest in a season's point standings as of the last event.
Fourth & Final (FnF) results explained:

    • Once a car has been used over the course of 4 consecutive race events it shall be replaced.
    • All previously outlined voting policies remain in effect (The format allows that the 2nd car (if not also FnF) may not necessarilly be replaced under certain voting results.
    • The FnF car needs only 1 vote to be replaced
Track Voting results procedure:

    • The 4 winning tracks to accompany the new car shall be raced 1 each over the next four events or until the car is voted off the lineup. Their order shall be according to voted rankings, highest to lowest. Categories for order and tie-breakers are as follows...
    • Average Rank per Vote (sum of rankings/total number of votes - includes all "No Votes")
    • Quantity of Ranked Votes (sum of rankings given - does not include "No Votes")
    • Highest Rank given
    • 2nd Highest Rank given
    • Should two or more tracks still be tied, the preference shall be given to the involved driver (and his/her vote) who is/was highest in a season's point standings as of the last event.

Replay instructions "removed" due to technical barrier
Playstation 4 does not allow sharing of SAVEDATA from one system to another without same user login.

2016 Schedule added
2016 Schedule

Season 8
  1. March 1
  2. March 8
  3. March 15
  4. March 22
  5. March 29 OFF WEEK
Season 9
  1. April 5
  2. April 12
  3. April 19
  4. April 26
Season 10
  1. May 3
  2. May 10
  3. May 17
  4. May 24
  5. May 31 OFF WEEK
Season 11
  1. June 7
  2. June 14
  3. June 20
  4. June 28
Season 12
  1. July 5
  2. July 12
  3. July 19
  4. July 26
Season 13
  1. August 2
  2. August 9
  3. August 16
  4. August 23
  5. August 30 OFF WEEK
Season 14
  1. September 6
  2. September 13
  3. September 20
  4. September 27
Season 15
  1. October 4
  2. October 11
  3. October 18
  4. October 25
Season 16
  1. November 1
  2. November 8
  3. November 15
  4. November 22
  5. November 29 OFF WEEK
Season 17
  1. December 6
  2. December 13
  3. December 20
  4. December 27

Livery policy updated to reflect new deadline and choice limitation
Livery Policy

Although livery assignment is not mandatory in WRC events, it is strongly encouraged.

Assigned liveries help drivers awareness of their situation and also ensures a field of competition that is visually striking for photography and videography.

Proper assigned liveries (with no duplicates in the field) also makes IR review much easier for the stewards.
  • Drivers are responsible for keeping track of what liveries are available each week via the applicable Livery Assignment post (post #2) and the entire WRC thread.
  • Drivers who wish to partake in assigned liveries shall post their choices either in the WRC thread or PSN WRC Community no later than 11pm EST Monday evenings. No other form of communication is acceptable.
  • Once a livery is chosen, it may not be changed before its respective car is voted off the lineup.
  • IMPORTANT: Drivers who choose NOT to assign specific liveries to themselves by the noted deadline or are found to have failed to use the liveries they have assigned to themselves shall:
    • forfeit the right to self-report any IR's upon themselves for any races in which proper livery assignment has not been regarded.
    • receive the maximum point penalty for any IR's incured (dependent on penalty level) in any races in which proper livery assignment has not been regarded.