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Whoops... :ill: :guilty: I'm so sorry guys, I just didn't feel I had a good internet connection tonight, I didn't want to ruin anyone's race.
Just fyi, I'll be in Japan for three more weeks, then I have two weeks to do a motor rebuild and swap for a race. But I'm working on a series for cars that start around 400pp. There are maybe 15 or more cars for the choosing. more details to come :-)
I can do it.

I would like to ask that a room is made several hours ahead of time though and that you check the recommended race quality. If your connection doesn't allow 4 stars (or at least 3), then someone else should host.

If not, there will be issues all night. "Low" and "Very Low" are too bad to be used for a serious event. The server prediction on car location is so bad that other drivers have no real idea where the opponent cars are.
I can do it.

I would like to ask that a room is made several hours ahead of time though and that you check the recommended race quality. If your connection doesn't allow 4 stars (or at least 3), then someone else should host.

If not, there will be issues all night. "Low" and "Very Low" are too bad to be used for a serious event. The server prediction on car location is so bad that other drivers have no real idea where the opponent cars are.
You're right. Last night something came up last minute and gor me late. Tonight at 8pm I'll be preparing stuff
I talked to Psycho on the PS3, I'm not running a 4:02 around the track, but I will be I'm this one, pending attendance, I won't take the place of anyone who is set up. I will see how quick I can get the Lexus.
I may miss out. I am nursing a cold and I might no be able to stay awake.

If I don't show on time, go without me.
I talked to Psycho on the PS3, I'm not running a 4:02 around the track, but I will be I'm this one, pending attendance, I won't take the place of anyone who is set up. I will see how quick I can get the Lexus.
There will be most probably room for you so if you want grab one Ford GT '06, prepare and tune it and get on track. ;)
A big thanks to voodoo for setting up that other room. It may not have been the real thing, but it was fun to get to race at least.

Awesome drive Otaku, I just couldn't quite catch you. Almost got around you under pit stops, but once you got ahead, i just couldn't keep up. Very close lap times though between the McLaren, SLS, Ferrari and Ford.
I do wonder if we ran the whole race whether i could have gotten any advantage on the 5th laps or not once your tyres started going. It doesn't seem like it as i didn't get past you when you pitted 1 lap too late :lol:

The ferrari seemed to struggle a bit with tires too. I'll have to watch the replay. I also put too much gas in. I didnt want to run out after that debacle at midfield when i had that race in the bag. :banghead:

I never saw any of the other cars, so no idea how they did. The audi seemed like it kept up. The srt, not so much.

Overall i enjoyed it guys, thanks. Sorry we had those issues and ruined the full race this week. :(
The tires on the Ferrari started to slip on the 5th lap. It was mainly just an issue through the Porsche Curves, though. I noticed I caught up to you on the final lap. Unfortunately I couldn't make a run at you because I was trying to nurse my car home on fuel. I ran out just before the 2nd to last chicane. Were you sliding around on 4 lap old tires? I thought maybe you were trying to save fuel too, but you said you put too much in. Didn't know if you were intentionally taking it easy that last lap or just trying to keep your car on track.

Racing ran a great race. My Ferrari was outclassed by the McLaren in acceleration and top speed, but I think it may have been a touch better in the corners. Anyway, great win! 👍
Sorry guys, my internet was very unstable preceding the race. I didn't want to ruin anyone's race, so I stayed out. Parrilla can also back me up on that. :lol: Congrats Otaku, it sounded like fun!!! :cheers:
Yeah, it would have been fun if my strategy wasn't an epic fail :banghead: I'm definitely one of those guys that needs a race director (hello fh1sher):lol:
Ok, guys... be ready and work on your cars because in 15 days we will head to Monza.
@RacingOtaku86 be aware brother, I sent someone over there to "take a look" at your car :irked:
Oh man... I know its legal or else you wouldn't be able to pass the door man. What my agents want "to see" is what you did underneath that bonnet :odd:



Ok, what i mean is YOU DID AN INCREDIBLE JOB TUNING YOUR CAR AND I WANT TO COPY IT...... Buaaaaaaa!:lol::lol::lol:

Hehe, me to!
I'm in :dopey:

oh wait a sec...:irked:

that's what you meant by rescheduling? the next night? 👎

Dolph, i had a couple issues after the pit stops. i came out right behind Otaku and trying to overtake him before his tyres got warmed up i sort of overused mine (turn 2 i had to slam on my brakes to avoid crashing into him as he came out as i totally misjudged the corner). I also made a few mental errors the last couple laps too (6 and 7). I figured you had me once you were able to catch up just before the last lap (8). Remember, you were only on your 3rd lap on those tires at the end since you pitted after lap 5 like Otaku did. But i saw you make an error that gave me enough of a gap to bring it home. The three of us stayed close the whole race, but we never really got a chance to rub wheels unfortunately, LOL. Although I did get on Otaku's bumper a couple times, but he just accelerated away coming off the corners i had no chance to ever even try to pass him or draft, even though i could match his lap times.
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