1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
First car of the night is an Auto World 2011 Callaway Corvette. I uncarded it because the blister pack had a crack in it. Now I find a huge crack in the case. :banghead:

20151126_183618.jpg 20151126_184122.jpg

2nd car is a 2013 Dale Jr Chevy SS. No problems with this one other than not having a 1:24 to go with it.

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Japan Booster damaged box sale. Wish I could wait for it to start, but....it'll be at 3AM and I have work tomorrow. :(

I got the same Corona you got last year, Kevin. I might've added couple hundred more bucks worth of TLVs after that. :P

My #1 target was this guy($24 & change):


I thought I was done, then I saw this truck I've been after for months($50, $20 off):


Awesome sale. Most of the cars I bought were 40%~50% off + free ship as usual. Few cars still left & looks like they added few Kyoshos, too.
I got the same Corona you got last year, Kevin. I might've added couple hundred more bucks worth of TLVs after that. :P

My #1 target was this guy($24 & change):


I thought I was done, then I saw this truck I've been after for months($50, $20 off):


Awesome sale. Most of the cars I bought were 40%~50% off + free ship as usual. Few cars still left & looks like they added few Kyoshos, too.

Nice ones! Really wanted the Toyota Sports 800 and Skyline wagons...but was too late for that. I went overboard... :( Of course the Kyosho's popped up later. I wanted the blue 993, but I jumped on the white one.









I should start cutting down on Hot Wheels if I plan on sticking to this. X_x
I remember being stoked about the 180SX, but given all the modded ones I see on my new feed, I think I'm done and over it now.
Given the recent trend of HW, that shouldn't be too difficult to do.

Some of us do collect HWs still - I think there are about 40 million of us worldwide.
However - I think it has to do with a particular culture more than anything to do with quality-build diecast replicas.
I've still to buy any of the new models created by the more recently popular manufacturers using newly-created production lines involving the latest high-tech - but I've continued to buy Mattel.
Maybe we need a separate discussion for Hot Wheelers - at least where they wouldn't feel put down for collecting dollar cars amidst the likes of those spending 20.00 or more per vehicle?

Maybe we need a separate discussion for Hot Wheelers - at least where they wouldn't feel put down for collecting dollar cars amidst the likes of those spending 20.00 or more per vehicle?
Nobody is talking bad about HW collectors, chill please. We're simply stating that we don't have the desire to collect them like we used to. Due to many factors such as prices on the secondary market being insane, store employees taking the good cars, or simply the selection is not what it used to be.
Thanks for the rapid response, Jason.
Nobody is talking bad about HW collectors,

Did someone say someone was doing so?
chill please.

Thanks for the input.

We're simply stating that we don't have the desire to collect them like we used to.

Maybe others do? And would like a place to glorify their collection? In fact enjoy the hobby together with like minds and share what they think is 'loot'?
Where do they do this comfortably with those who admire what they have?
Since you oversee this site so visibly maybe you can point me to a discussion where Mattel is focused on by Mattel collectors who put their HW/MBX collections ahead of all their other hobbies?

Due to many factors such as prices on the secondary market being insane, store employees taking the good cars, or simply the selection is not what it used to be.

That may be part of the thrill of the hunt for certain HW collectors - maybe super-marketing over the internet is not their thing. HW collectors come from a particular cult. They paint their cars like HWs, they tattoo their arms with HWs, the birthday parties they have are HW parties - HW cake, and HW loot bags - as well as races, races, races . . . .
It's not the same as having a mini-museum. It's an activity.

Do you need to respond to this anymore?
We'll continue to talk and post all miniature models in here.
Did someone say someone was doing so?
The way you felt the need to say "put down for collecting dollar cars" made it seem like it.

Maybe others do?
And that's fine, no problem with that. I still collect some, just not nearly as much as I used to.

And would like a place to glorify their collection? In fact enjoy the hobby together with like minds and share what they think is 'loot'?
Where do they do this comfortably with those who admire what they have?
Since you oversee this site so visibly maybe you can point me to a discussion where Mattel is focused on by Mattel collectors who put their HW/MBX collections ahead of all their other hobbies?
Right here. Where's always been and should always be. If you are not getting much reaction to what you post here, then maybe there aren't as many people with the same interests. Creating an all new place won't help that.

We'll continue to talk and post all miniature models in here.
The way you felt the need to say "put down for collecting dollar cars" made it seem like it.

There are too many comments in here to pull expressing the fact that HWs do not compare in quality (or value) to the top-line die-cast models in here - and that HW collecting is passe.

And that's fine, no problem with that. I still collect some, just not nearly as much as I used to.

You obviously wouldn't be interested in the hobby of HWs as much as some then. There is no problem with that other than interference with those who wish to get together to discuss HWs and why they are the best thing since sliced bread.

If you are not getting much reaction to what you post here, then maybe there aren't as many people with the same interests.

The reasons we post are many. The reactions are ineffable.

Creating an all new place won't help that.

There was a place created - not just to collect but to go further than that; you were quick once again to tell everybody a Mattel Exclusive discussion had no approval from you and it wasn't necessary for anybody to post there. Have a look:


Your reasons again?

And let's not forget the planes, trains, and boats . . .:)


Going back to what I was discussing before - I found some models in the 'Commercial Vehicle' MBX box that actually belonged to the box marked 'Cars/SUVs'.

So I opened that box to put those in and . . . I think it was a big mistake. :crazy:
Other stuff is being put off now while I'm fondling all these crisp packages trying not to get drool on them.
Maybe I should wear gloves. Finger acid?


Back later. Enjoy your collections. ;)
Some of us do collect HWs still

Yes. This is true. Based on Medigo's circumstances (obviously won't be discussed), I think he can cut on his spendings.

Likewise, I can cut on my spendings too. I've been spending twice the amount of my last three paycheques. Do you think I should be cutting on spendings in some way or another?

I should make it clear I was not implying people who collect HWs are doing something morally, financially wrong. I apologize if I created a negative impression on the subject, so let me clarify. Based on the current HW/MBX trend (variety of releases, and availability at local stores), plus my current life situation, for me personally, my interest for continuing a collection declined. You guys can continue to collect if that's what you wish to do. I just no longer see a desirable end goal of collecting HWs and other 1/64s now.
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Nice ones! Really wanted the Toyota Sports 800 and Skyline wagons...but was too late for that. I went overboard... :( Of course the Kyosho's popped up later. I wanted the blue 993, but I jumped on the white one.

I got the Sports 800...... I've been wanting the red one for some time, but for $8.50, I said #$@% it. I'll settle for silver at that price. Digging your pick ups, too. 👍 TLVs, especially, but I do like your white Porsche. Had I not already placed three separate orders(Kyosho did come on much later), I'd have picked that one up myself!
Civic was gone after 1 bloody second...
Don't exaggerate Yabi...... It took me at least 3, 4 seconds.

There are too many comments in here to pull expressing the fact that HWs do not compare in quality (or value) to the top-line die-cast models in here - and that HW collecting is passe.
Well of course they don't, and I think some healthy discussion about it shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings. Hot Wheels as a whole has had a quality decline for the last 15-20 years. No more opening parts, movable parts, removable parts, switching to plastic bodies, tampo quality is horrific unless you buy HWC items that are $10+. (even the $5 retail cars they switched to a different tampo process that looks like someone printed them out on a 15 year old inkjet printer) etc etc. That kind of stuff will tend to push people away from the hobby. It's all due to Mattel trying their hardest to keep them under $1, but in the end the quality will suffer because of that.
There is definite snobbery in this thread towards Mattel collectors. I do think a seperate Mattel thread would be a good idea.

It's why I rarely post any purchases in here. Sick of the elitist commentary.
Sick of the elitist commentary.

Is there really anymore brand elitist comments or are we just still viewing things too negatively? It'd be nice if we can resolve the problem instead of beating around the bush every time, otherwise things get a bit awkward.

I know I used to make those kind of comments, but I'm confident to say I've kept that in check for the past 3 months now (maybe more).
Personally, I think people are taking this "issue" far too seriously again; no one is despising others for posting Hot Wheels pictures, nor are they insulting Mattel over other brands. Besides, people are still being allowed to post anything they like in this thread, as long as it's 1/64 scale, are they not? There is no forced requirement that is related to brand preference, so those who think that they are being ostracized for their preferences are looking far too deep into things. This thread is meant to be an all-brand event, which is why we visit it; to see cars from other brands, to appreciate them and share our own collections.

Does HW have its issues? Indeed, they do have them; in order to make them readily available for all markets, they have to cut costs. However, Basic Tomica cars are also like that, and they are not even sold outside of Japan all that often. Yes, latest HW cars have suffered from inaccuracies, badly-made front splitters and quality issues, but we are not forcing Mattel fans to leave this thread because of them. I am not, at least, because I myself own several HW cars and even purchased two of them this year. All brands have their own personal issues, from high prices to quality issues, so Mattel isn't the only company with flaws in this thread.

As usual, it's a matter of preference, and of course all of us will have their own personal one depending on their situation. Some will enjoy the more simple and readily-available Hot Wheels cars, others will prefer the attention to detail of cars from TLV and/or Kyosho.

Let's leave this sort of "brand battles" to the GT6/Forza threads, shall we? The last thing that this thread needs is yet another mass discussion about the "elitist commentary" here...
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I think people are taking this "issue" far too seriously.

I'm amazed you identified the issue. I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this recurring problem. Am I allowed to post my Kyosho or CM's anymore or am I not welcome now?

Let's leave this sort of "brand battles" to the GT6/Forza threads, shall we?

Well to more correct, it wasn't a topic of who's better than who to begin with.
I'm amazed you identified the issue. I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this recurring problem. Am I allowed to post my Kyosho or CM's anymore or am I not welcome now?

Well, I can see that the issue is that those who collect Mattel models feel that they are being ostracized for their choice, and that others are pushing them away from this thread. Unless I'm wrong, that seems to be the key point of this issue.

And last time I checked, there is no brand requirement for this thread yet, so you are more than welcome to post your cars here. I am not telling you to leave, that's for sure...

Well to more correct, it wasn't a topic of who's better than who to begin with.

It does seem that those who believe in the "elitist comment" say that those who don't collect Mattel models claim superiority over the Mattel collectors themselves.

Again, this is not going to help any matters, so perhaps it's best to stop now before we hamper the general feel here.
Well, I can see that the issue is that those who collect Mattel models feel that they are being ostracized for their choice

Yeah- that's what I was expecting to hear. ;) Let me ask you a question. In the short exchange of words I had with Medigo:

Rewording the conversation so it is less ambiguous
Medigo: I ought to cut down on HW because I want to spend my money differently.

AOS: Well, based on overall palette of cars Mattel is dishing out these days, it shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish this.

One is talking about managing disposable income, the other comments on the goal's plausibility.

So where's the part where HW fans were being looked down on?

It does seem that those who believe in the "elitist comment" say that those who don't collect Mattel models claim superiority over the Mattel collectors themselves.

Again, I fail to see how/why we prematurely arrived at this conclusion. We have reached that in the past, but I'm pretty sure we (except one) learned from our past experiences. I'm not trying to put you on the spot for anything, Niku. Your overviews make it welcoming for others to participate, and you're doing a great job helping me get my point across. 👍

cm's subaru impreza 1998 monte carlo

This is last CM's I've got in my collection.
One of the most sought after.

I'll be passing up on the MR2 that's next to impossible to find.

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