Gotta love my Walmart. It kicks me in the @#%, then pats me on the back:
These new Beatles cars. I wasn't going to buy
but one. White Album Hiway Hauler(HUGE fan of the Beatles). They had like six of everything, but all Hiway Hauler's all gone. 🤬 I was warming up to the Hard Day's Night Dairy Delivery & rest looked cool too, so I ended up grabbing all four out of five that they did have.
I cried for like five minutes, then ran into these!
Big Paul Walker fan & a Supra fan, so I was REALLY hoping to run into these, but I was almost sure I had to go online to get it. I know, you are thinking "The irony after you cried about the Beatles Hiway Hauler", but only two of those are for me(I would 1 card/1 loose on this one!). One's going to my friend. Rest of the F&F cars, including the extra Supra's going to de nephews. So sad about the Hiway Hauler, but so glad about the white Supras. 👍
And here's the part where I peer pressure you into liking this car and buying one for yourself because you're not cool if you don't.
I want to be cool, but I can't find one!
Not those two. Bel Air was probably about $20~$30(
shipped) & the Super Nova was free & free shipping.
Grabbed another organizer to begin holding more wheels and spare parts for the custom stuff..... Also got lucky with Walmart's $1 rollback AND found a Datsun.
I also can not find that Bluebird. My Walmart sucks so hard.