Siku have sets with trailers, right? Maybe it's a just there so you use it with them?
Well they do, but all the Siku road cars I have lack a tow bar. The 4C, the Traction Avant and the Wiesmann MP4, none features it... Maybe it all boils down to the fact that Dodge puts them as a standard item in their cars, really.
Isn't that what they call "downforce"? Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know anything about cars.
Er... I'm afraid you're being a old man about this. Tow bars go completely against downforce, especially if you're aiming for aerodynamic grip from the bottom of the car. They'd just get in the way more often than not... And besides, a car like the Challenger could care less about aerodynamics. If it had a job interview, it'd go like this;
"So, what are your skills, Mr. Hellkitty?"
"I can go viciously fast in a straight line."
"...that's all? You do not possess any other skills?"
"What are these "other skills" you're talking about? Do they taste any good?"
It's a very... blunt car. That's why it has two keys; one is if you want to go past corners with your life intact, the other is if you want to experience what was like to drive an Auto Union F1 from the 1930s!
I'm still in one of the earlier stages, so I'm still trying to decide. If I want to actually do it or not.
Wow, such a Japanese way to approach it. I guess the pondering will take a lot of time, then...
It's the typical defense around here when a guy is accosted for wearing pink.
And what an excuse it is, haha. Just call it salmon, no one will question it despite salmons having different colors...
It's the gleaming gold standard against which all youtube videos must be measured & it's the best.
Not even Drivetribe's videos rank above it? Wow, that's quite the praise. But I won't disagree, comedy car videos could learn 10 things or 20 from RCR. It's definitely the yard stick for them...