My apologies.

I had forgotten how close we were - in fact I'm still holding a HW Porsche Series Porsche 935-78 for him stashed away somewhere.
I guess I was a bit grumpy and tired at hearing the old cry of 'Dustcollectors!' every time I post a mass amount of cars. There is no lack of malice on the internet, and sometimes it's hard to differentiate between malice and playfulness.
I should have dismissed the cry of 'Dustcollectors' using logic (and quoted the
fallacy of false dilemma) with my customary grin.
Very old photo - that display is now broken up and relocated - much nicer actually (will post some pics soon.) I explained in the Diorama Thread that most of the thousands of cars are catalogued and boxed away from heat, light, and dust (with pics of the boxes in a out.) This particular rack though is a marvel - holds 300 cars easily and is lovely to stand before and eyeball; the various aerodynamics, finishes, rear-ends, faces, wheels, etc. so much to study as a huge tapestry of patterns. A petrol-head's wet dream.
Where it differs from a normal prestige $100.00 a-pop scale-model display is that they are not scale models - mostly weird, wacky, and wonderful Hot Wheels. You might call me a poop-head if you want.
Well, I gotta go.