That is a China-made car with a Japanese mold. I know because I have both, I have the vintage japanese car (which I got for a buck at a flea market, mint) and that exact one you posted (got it off E-Bay for 99 cents plus like 3 bucks for shipping off Hong Kong many years ago; yup, deals like this still exist) and I do have to say that the difference in quality is much lower than full-China-made stuff, but you can still see it.
For instance, in the back of the car, there is mesh in the lower holes, in the japanese casting the mesh is much more delicate and intricate, whereas in the chinese car the mesh is a bit sloppy... not as bad as stuff made later on in China, but you do notice a difference.
If I ever remember where the China car is (That one has a lot more time with me than the Japanese version) or happen to stumble upon it I'll compare both, but I don't have time right now to go trough all my boxes to find it.
EDIT: I had not noticed the price for the car you posted. The guy is insane for asking that for a China-made car. Heck, the japanese version would barely be worth that, as it is one of the most common racing car Tomicas. It's not like it's the Renault 5 Turbo or the Sillohuette Silvia. Those would be SO worth that and more. A China car? lol. Don't fall onto that, people. If you're gonna pay more than ten bucks for a Tomica, make sure it's a japanese car.