Josh, I used to browse stores a lot too when younger without a penny in my pocket. Hey - that's part of manifestation; you got to believe it's possible that you actually have money in your pocket and you are shopping, before such event substantiates into reality.
What chances in getting a 'paper route' over there, or some other way of boosting your income? You should be of age now that the farmers out there at the very least could do with some help and put some extra dollars in your pocket. Is it true that NZ prices are higher than the norm?
A full-blown hobby can cost a lot; there are months I've spent nothing . . . and there are months I've blown in excess of $300.00. I have never purchased online, though, every vehicle I have has come off a retail peg - but, there are probably a dozen loose cars I have picked up at a yard sale or two. Never purchased at a flea market either - though I seen a few displays - with either overblown prices for the better models - or sucker-low prices for cars that really are ghastly kids' toys clumped together in huge give-away lots.