- 631
- Oklahoma
- DwightSchrute12
HWC Datsun Bluebird/510 to go on sale this Tuesday, at 9am. No more than 3,000 is to be produced.
That is such a bull-blank. Cars limited to 4,000 are selling out in less than 10 minutes, and Mattel is going to limit these to even smaller number? Sorry Jason, but I think this one's going to be for the record books. Both in the shortest time to completely sell out, and also for the highest price achieved by scalpers on eBay.
Well, if there's any silver lining here, it's that the Datsun isn't part of the subscription. So most of those 4,000 cars were actually only 2,000 on the day of sale because the other half were part of sub plans.
It will still probably sell out really fast, but a little silver lining. I wish they had put up the e-sheet though, I'd like to see more than one pic. I'll try for one Tuesday though.