1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Arigatou gozaimasu, a6-san.

I'm still brushing up on my Nihongo in my spare time. :lol:

I think your Japanese is awesome Kakashi! 👍

That's a bit of good news there. Maybe they will come up with something better, or maybe they will focus first on TLV and TLVNs.
I'm thinking along the same line, and I am looking forward to it!
To each his own, I guess. I'd need both hands to count the times I passed on the Black Bandit Focus! I never realized it had such nice detail on the back though. With the exception of the exhaust, it looks amazing. 👍
The Black Bandit SLS is really sharp too.
I'll see if I can't get a picture of it and the ST together tomorrow.
To each his own, I guess. I'd need both hands to count the times I passed on the Black Bandit Focus! I never realized it had such nice detail on the back though. With the exception of the exhaust, it looks amazing. 👍
That's funny, i have plans for the exhaust, some Tamiya chrome :sly: and black indents, that's the only problem i have with it, after that it will be amazing.

As for other black bandits, i have collected the whole series, i will post them up as well, my favorite being the SLS and Mercury marauder!
I'm looking forward to the pics. SLS & Marauder does sound cool. One I've been looking at is the C6R. Only one I actually have is the (78?)Trans Am, which I got after Ben posted his in this thread. Must've been a year or two ago now!
I'm looking forward to the pics. SLS & Marauder does sound cool. One I've been looking at is the C6R. Only one I actually have is the (78?)Trans Am, which I got after Ben posted his in this thread. Must've been a year or two ago now!
Greenlight Black Bandit Mercury Marauder

Greenlight Black Bandit Mercedes SLS and Motormax SLR(premium edition)

I just visited TTP & looks like those Red Line Club Texas Drive 'Em are now reaching the $70~$80 range. Very nice(especially for Dwight!). :sly:

lol I still can't believe I got one of them for $15. It's hanging by my computer so I stare at it every day when I get home from work.

I swear I'm going to open it....some day...

I've got some pickups over the past week or so, will try to get some pics up tonight.
Finally got some new cars (one of which is finally in my possession after trying to look for it for so long :D), will have some pics up tomarrow.
Interestingly, there was a "Beads Collection" model of this one. This one belongs from the "Skyline GT-R Minicar Collection" from the Circle K Sunkus Line. Comparison in the future, perhaps?




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That's a really nice car. I almost bought one before but for some reason, I decided not to. Hopefully, I get the chance to buy one again especially since I collect race cars in 1:64.
Well, not a heart attack per sé, but it is pretty damn cool. I'm for sure gonna try to get it. Amazingly, they didnt eff up the graphics, they're almost nostalgia-correct. Main sponsor bein' Isky, one of the original Cam Grinder Wars warriors, helps a lot.

Needs skinnies in the front.

EDIT: and speaking of $THs, I finally nabbed one that had been on my list for a while now, the 240Z. Traded it for the lame green Shelby supersnake at the past club meet. Like 7 to go.
Seeing this makes me wish I had an Ebay account! :nervous: So tempting! :drool:
I clicked on it thinking it was gonna be the best thing ever..... Never been so let down in my life!

I'm joking about how we all look for different things(cars) in this hobby. :lol: