1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Oh come on, I like the Ratmobile! :dopey:

*raises hand.

Me, too. :embarrassed:

But . . .
I went searching for my Ratmobile, but it's gone. Disappeared. All sub-sets searched, even boxes of packages and customising trays searched - no rat. Dang it. :irked:

Obviously it must have known about the coming sledge-hammer test. In any case, that type of HW tends to disappear, though, if one has kids in the home. Investigation into the mice-tery will have to follow.
Meanwhile I found a couple that were trapped (can you guess which ones?):

Edit: Okay - that was more than a minute. Here's the answers:

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Cars! Cars! Cars!


This green car must be the worst engineered car ever(it's a fantasy car, I get it), but I am so fascinated by it...... :lol:

It totally stymies the engineer in me. I can spend hours theorising how it's actually going to work. :lol:
I admit - it's so ludicrous it's fascinating.
But first - how big is it really? It's actually a massive vehicle, totally unconcerned with any sort of drag coefficient.
How big a human would fit under that cowling? According to the size of the cockpit, around 2.5 cm. The car itself is 7.5 cm. That would make it about 20 feet long in reality, with huge, oversize wheels.

Harry: Here's your crazy/sexy experimental car at turn 1, 2, 3, .......

no rat. Dang it. :irked:
WTF, Harry. WTF.

I pass, but I'm sure Cano would be all over that. Speaking of Mexico, did you guys hear that Mountain Dew Baja Blast will be sold in bottles(probably 20oz) at Walmart this summer? I've always said, whoever made the drink exclusive to Taco Bell should be imprisoned. I hope this wasn't too random, but I'm really excited.
That's the black one I was referring to. I need to take that thing off the card.
And you call yourself a collector. :P

Don't care on the soda, giving it up!

I'll buy one just to collect it. :lol:

More on the Double Vision:

As you see here - the same human can get into both vehicles (same scale.)

That's a helluva big engine, though, 16 pots, eight on each block .

Yes, quite the futuristic vehicle - but how and where one is going to use it only the petrolhead at El Segundo will know.

Some other fantasy cars that would be quite possible IRL:

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Yes, I see more people having AcceleRacers creep into their collection, one way or another. You can't fight it, people (:<




Meanwhile, I just got 3 more gorgeous AcceleRacers from a lot. The rest of the lot is going to be entered into a trade to get something even more valuable.
Oh well, poor Ahmed :lol:

Don't pity him - he has too many cars already.

The yellow one is new to my collection:

The blue one was a custom model for McDees - so the model was made safer - no pipes sticking out, and no slots on the mudguards.

Here's a tray I like mulling over, weird vehicles that would be so much fun in real life:

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Don't pity him - he has too many cars already.

The yellow one is new to my collection:

The blue one was a custom model for McDees - so the model was made safer - no pipes sticking out, and no slots on the mudguards.

Here's a tray I like mulling over, weird vehicles that would be so much fun in real life:

Yes, an AcceleRacer is in the box (:< You have been brainwashed

Window decals anyone?



Not extreme enough for you?


I may have an addiction problem :lol:
I know most of us here are collectors, but are you beyond a collector? Do you actually enjoy your cars, and how do you enjoy them besides display?

Here's how I enjoy mine (:


Do you have the other 3, too?

I got to keep an eye out for that.


I know most of us here are collectors, but are you beyond a collector? Do you actually enjoy your cars, and how do you enjoy them besides display?

Yes, I collect my cars, and other vehicles, to enjoy them; sometimes I fly around just looking:

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The blues show up really nice in your photos. I almost forgot I had one myself. Now I wanna take a photo of mine, use photoshop magic and make a glow-in-the-dark Tron XB drive-by shot.
Flynn Falcon?
Do you actually enjoy your cars, and how do you enjoy them besides display?

Apart from display, not really. I'll occasionally run something across the desk when dusting but that's pretty much it really. As I mentioned in a previous post, a majority of my collection is sealed.

And if you haven't seen it before this thread is worth a view. 👍
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What I think is the best color for the Ferrari California:



Nice, nice model. Glad to see you have it out of the box, and making it work it's worth.

And . . um . . *koff . . . time for a group shot from you . . . ;)


And I'll close this page, since I opened it - :D - with a group shot from me:

Have a good one guys. :)

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What kind of 'mainline' Majorettes are you talking about?
I don't know much about Majorettes. I'll take a couple of pics when I hit the stores.

Not many people collect cars here. Those who do, mainly collect Tekno. (I believe)

there are some positives in being the lonely hunter.
The Lonely Hunter.. I like the sound of that. 👍


What do you mean by 'webshop'?
An online shop..
Don't you use the word "webshop"?

As I mentioned - it would be easy for some of us to post the themed stuff you like over to you there - all you have to do is ask - either via private conversation, or just pop the question over here. Trades can be worked out.
That's the whole point of hanging out with collectors, no? Well, one of the points, anyway.
Sounds great. Really great! :D

Just don't take it off that base, okay?
Do not take off base- Check!:)

Oh, by the way... What's up with the off/of thing? :confused: