1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
If it wasn't for those damn double-digit shipping fees!

That's what you get for bidding on a 99 cents auction, they always get you back with the shipping. :lol:
Maybe we should merge our collection by having yours shipped to me, then we may have mere 190 or so to go? No? OK.


Exactly. :lol:👍
In that fake Tomica picture I posted, on the bottom-right, I see couple of what seems to be late-70's Toyota Celica XX/Supra? I. Want. :eek: *Edit: Doggone it! I blew up the picture & they were 1/43 by Norev. :grumpy:
That's what you get for bidding on a 99 cents auction, they always get you back with the shipping. :lol:
I knew what I was doing. :lol: Auction even stated that the seller would not combine shipping. :crazy:
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@photonrider don't even bother, I'm done.

Should we stick a fork in you, then? ;)

The thought-provoking question I'm trying to say is "who's to say any of our photos are legitimate? That they belong to us and that the cars depicted in those photos are real?" And to take it closer to the point: "Who's to say they aren't real?"

@photonrider, I'd love to hear what you can say about this.

Well, since you asked - and my refusal to be involved may be taken as rebuttal - here goes:

# It has quite well been demonstrated that many photos placed here are not those of the original owner of the pic. Sometimes people state right away that the socks pic is not theirs, or that the pic is from a completely different country than the one the poster is located in, etc, etc, only after having been called out.
Sometimes people don't state that the pic is theirs - so there is some ambiguity - and unless questioned and exposed, the pic is left as is - as if the poster of the pic actually took the pic, or that the items pictured belong to them.
So - the ownership of the pic can be at question - if not fully disclosed right away.

#The content of the pic is always open to question - and it is only through, sometimes, FBI-like techno-wizardry can the authenticity of the pic be verified.
For instance I claim that over 95% of my pics are as is - untouched, unedited, uncropped, etc, etc. Unless one is technologically proficient at disproving me, the pics are to be taken as what I say they are - original, and unedited.
Fact remains - I may not be stating the truth - or I could be stating the truth; hence credibility built on reputation for most who have to take my word as my honour.
Conclusion? Pictures can lie.
(In fact, it's the whole process of shooting dioramas (or fiction movies))

#Production errors are NOT official variations.
It just so happens that when the line is running and they run out of the spec wheels, the line foreman approves a substitute for that particular job lot. Got to keep the line running, and the production quantity filled - that's all that matters; these are $1.00 kiddie novelties.
Finding production errors in the Premium lines . . . might actually make me look up. I might even fire off a call to a QC or two.

Give me a Kyosho error - and I'll be taking a long hard look at that pic. :lol:

@a6m5 - That last post of yours - the ones with the pics - nearly killed me, you sick puppy. For a moment I actually thought you had snagged all of that.
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@a6m5 - That last post of yours - the ones with the pics - nearly killed me, you sick puppy. For a moment I actually thought you had snagged all of that.
Don't forget the fancy glass case! :lol:

I stole that pic from here: Speedhunters - The Toyota Museum Even if you just mostly look at the pics, it's a neat article. I recommend my peeps check it out. 👍

Great job laying down your take on this debate, by the way. 👍 I'll just say that I still trust Andy, along with most veteran members of this thread. New members, I've yet to suspect anyone, except there was one kid(forget his name/handle) who was posting prototypes, etc., but I still believed him, his posts in the end. If some got thru, or truth was bent somewhere, it wouldn't concern me really all that much to be honest. It's frigging hot wheel cars, at least to me. :crazy:
There's a HUGE difference between an error and a variation. But don't feel like explaining it since it'll just turn into another scrappy debate. I'll just collect what I collect and keep it to myself I guess. Nobody cares when I share anything anyway.
288 GTO - Hot Wheels vs. Kyosho:


Greenlight Porsche Panamera Turbo:


And seriously, Greenlight should know the existence of the Porsche 911...
There's a HUGE difference between an error and a variation.

Exactly what was said. Calling a production error an officially listed variation is misinformation.

But don't feel like explaining it since it'll just turn into another scrappy debate.

There was no explanation; just a breakdown of the facts concerning the situation of photos possibly posted in a fraudulent manner and whether 'wheel variations' posted could be factory products or just the result of a drill at home, or even clever editing.

I'll just collect what I collect and keep it to myself I guess. Nobody cares when I share anything anyway.

Not true - and I'm quite puzzled that you would have that mindset. You help out many people here with cars, and go to a lot of trouble to bring new information and even go so far as to offer in advance to purchase stuff for people and so on - I would think a lot of people care about what you do in here.
I do, though I have never traded with you - I would if I could - but I've made just one trade in here (even in all the years I have been here) because I don't have the time for all the hassle. The best I can do is offer to send free cars to people who are in some form of dire straits ( :D Not you, Dr. Nessy!) and actually not expect anything in return.
In fact I traded once with Andy - great trade, speedily done, nicely packaged - and it's still all in the box, packaging and all - I didn't really need the cars; I wanted to give him what he had seen of my spares and asked for. :lol:
Basically, no time to really get into the thrill of the trade.
However, when I see you encourage it in here, and offer to source cars, and I hear about packages, and boxes being filled up and going all over the place, Mexico, Australia, etc, it makes me happy to see such activity and such cooperation from everybody, and the help you all give each other.
Sure, those personal chattings about postage, and prices, etc, might take up a lot of posts, and be thoroughly boring to those not involved, who only wish to discuss a hundred other aspects of the hobby, but it also keeps us involved as to what is going on in the HW world, and who likes what, and what is hot and what is not.
So - in short, I can't speak for the others - but, yes, I care about what you do and what you share. 👍

Don't forget the fancy glass case! :lol:

You . . . you . . .urgh! :irked:
Obviously I was thinking at the speed of thought - or light? if I had to translate in words what I was thinking as I scrolled was:

Hmmm . . . a6m5 . . cars he got today . . hmfp . . jeez nice cars . . WTF . . he's into showcases now . . bastard . . man, nice cases, what's in that Toyota box . . FFS . . so many good cars? Bastard 🤬 so nicely 🤬 labelled and all. Damn, he's doing a really great job, 🤬 Unbelievable---What? Speedhunters? Speed -you . . bloody . . sick . . .uuurghhhman . . . . hahahahahaha.

At which point I guess my brain had registered that you were pulling my leg.
Good one. You really had me going - I should scroll faster.

Great job laying down your take on this debate, by the way. 👍

Thank you. Well, it wasn't anything too heated - we all disagree about something or another now and then - but burning bridges is never a wise thing; you never know when you may need one.
We must try to stick to the facts as much as possible - but it's supposed to be a hobby, anyway, not a lifestyle or a career - just between friends.
There is no real harm in a little 'neigh'-ing now and then. Nay?

I'll just say that I still trust Andy, along with most veteran members of this thread.

I tend to trust everybody right away - though to be sure trust is something that is built up, nay, even earned.
I might trust people right away to be ignorant (and therefore will treat them with that in mind) or trust them to be mindful - in which case I know how far to go with them.
Trusting people not to lie or be prevaricative is another thing (remember there is actually a thread on that, and a hilarious one, too - ) and obviously with the filtered nature of the internet a lot of what is said or shown can be merely the work of Photoshop, or worse the shenanigans of Cleverbot Jr., but, as you say - veterans - that comes from getting to know the person and dealing with them.
Personally speaking, I have no reason not to trust anyone here - sure, there might be a bit of hype, and bragging, but that's the nature of the game and it's all in good sport.
Lying to outwit, demean, or part someone from their cash or valuables is what I would call untrustworthy (that's quite a harsh term, and is defamatory) - and surely, Andy is not that.

New members, I've yet to suspect anyone, except there was one kid(forget his name/handle) who was posting prototypes, etc., but I still believed him, his posts in the end.

That was Ace; he was quite a nice kid - and I took him at his word (maybe there was a lot he said that matched up with certain realities of which I was aware.) He also successfully answered certain questions I put to him. Sure, there was some hype that costumed the truth, but the truth was solid. We have to be careful not to throw out what is true just because some of it is false. He, was, though, disbelieved by many, and even ended up (for some half-truths) as a Ludicrous Claimant.
Honesty is the best policy - and yes, in the end it's all about honour.

If some got thru, or truth was bent somewhere, it wouldn't concern me really all that much to be honest. It's frigging hot wheel cars, at least to me. :crazy:

This is what we should remember. This is where we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater - just because someone's ego gets bruised, or someone else gets frustrated at not getting the point through - we should learn to move on, because the stakes here are quite different to that.
The stakes here are about enjoying the hobby and enjoying each others company; basically hanging out chewing the fat about die-casts, showing off our different collections (and it's the difference that is also very enjoyable), swapping info, getting into trades . . . all that fun activity that really goes into satisfying the passion we feel about these little toy cars.

Dang it . . . typing is hard work
No wonder I mostly post pictures. :guilty:
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Hi guys, cars I got today.


That's my new Tomica case, I swear to god(mike garrett is my middle name).

I also got a new real life car today. It's a GT-R race car from the 60's.


That's me on the right. I apologize for the cellphone picture(hand me down from gotbeefboy).

If you report me on that ludicrous claim thread nonsense, I'll kill you, thanks.

If it wasn't for those damn double-digit shipping fees! Maybe we should merge our collection by having yours shipped to me, then we may have mere 190 or so to go? No? OK.


Thanks! :) I wanted the Tomica Limited Vintage version, but they are $50+. :crazy:

Are you in Japan?
It would, definitely going to have to get at least one BRZ. 👍

I'm tempted to get at least one of each. :dopey:

You guys look out, I just won a Kyosho on eBay as well. First gen CR-X for one dollar. You read that right. Actually, the winning bid was 99 cents. *cough*shipping was $13.58!*cough* I probably have only 195 more to go or something, I'm excited!

Time to stalk the bay of internet. You may start seeing me more soon. :lol:
Yeah, it's a pity that CM'S closed. I'm a fan of their rally car models. Would be cool if Kyosho got their hands on the Mitsubishi license. Would love a Kyosho Tommi Mäkinen Edition Evo VI. :drool:
Now, I'd like to see a few of these:



How much is the set? I've just remembered that I need to get the Mazda set too. :D

I'll look on it.

I do have a Legacy 2.0 GT Spec B wagon albeit the 3rd generation (I think), and it's made by Konami. I've posted it here a year ago...
I'll look on it.

I do have a Legacy 2.0 GT Spec B wagon albeit the 3rd generation (I think), and it's made by Konami. I've posted it here a year ago...

Only third generation wagin one I've ever seen is a tiny Real-X one, parents bought it ages ago. :D
Only third generation wagin one I've ever seen is a tiny Real-X one, parents bought it ages ago. :D

I've now found the price of the Subaru set. It costs 12,600 Yen. (123 USD)

The Mazda set costs 10,800 Yen. (106 USD)

Pricing found here.
I've now found the price of the Subaru set. It costs 12,600 Yen. (123 USD)

The Mazda set costs 10,800 Yen. (106 USD)

Pricing found here.

Many thanks. 👍

Is there anyway to get cars separately? Obviously not the chase car, but I'm interested in the SVX and Legacy rally cars, not so much the others though.
Many thanks. 👍

Is there anyway to get cars separately? Obviously not the chase car, but I'm interested in the SVX and Legacy rally cars, not so much the others though.

eBay is the way. :P

If chances are, you are in Japan, then stop by at any Circle K Sunkus stores in Tokyo. They sell the boxsets, but you can get the models individually. Though of course, it's a blind box, and you don't know what's inside of it.
eBay is the way. :P

If chances are, you are in Japan, then stop by at any Circle K Sunkus stores in Tokyo. They sell the boxsets, but you can get the models individually. Though of course, it's a blind box, and you don't know what's inside of it.

Nah, I'm in NZ, but I'll stalk eBay for a bit, thanks. :)
Nah, I'm in NZ, but I'll stalk eBay for a bit, thanks. :)

Wait until June, since it's the release date of the Subaru set in Japan. Or give it a month after the release date for the sellers from HK or Japan will start selling those. The chase car is something to avoid, as it can cost as much as a finely-detailed 1/43 model.
For fudge...can we all just enjoy the damn toy cars?

Remember, the majority of what we buy in this thread are TOYS. I bet kids don't get into huge philosophical and psychological debates about the nuances of this hobby.

They're toys for crying out loud.

Dude, I admire your courage of speaking up, but please do not dismiss the body of text on the basis that it is meaningless. Not even attempting to understand what I've said and labeling it as an argument is precisely why I've kept on going.
Dude, I admire your courage of speaking up, but please do not dismiss the body of text on the basis that it is meaningless. Not even attempting to understand what I've said and labeling it as an argument is precisely why I've kept on going.

Thanks for assuming what I've read and what my reading comprehension is like. Thanks. No point making any further replies.