1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Nobody cares when I share anything anyway.

You know, I actually look with interest at the weirdo variations you sometimes post. I'm also a fan of rare variations and have been chasing some 80s and 90s variations for some years now, so I totally understand and share your point of view. Not to mention it is way more interesting to see an actually rare car than what I can go and see at the supermarket myself, which is...well, the majority of supermarket-cars posted here with the exception of the odd error that pops up once in a while.
Nobody said they don't care. We have not forgotten all those posted headlines for new releases you've shared. We do appreciate that. You've kept us, especially me, posted about variations several times. You've even linked me to that 10SP 24 Ours that one time, a casting I know you don't collect! I've expressed my appreciation for your thoughtfulness.
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Hahaha keep talking, while I don't have that particular one you posted, I already have another Hammer Down shark along with some others. :sly: I posted it earlier:


I have more I need to add to the group photo.

Edit: Reuploaded since I no longer need Photobucket.
Yo, who has this cool looking 323?


Dat flat top surface... dat M3 tampo... dem UH wheels.
No, I usually don't care too much about BMW's, but that is one I wish I had. :drool:
I like you, but you so kraygee......(on both rat & yellow cooper lol)
Like I said in my extremely long introduction thread, I am not exactly what you call "normal". ;) :sly:

Vehicles with animal bodies have always been some of my favorites ever since I started collecting. I must have inherited it from dad because he felt the same way. You noticed I have been getting a lot of Sharkrusier's here lately, I literally have been buying every version they have come with since 2006.

As for the Mini Cooper, yellow is my favorite color and Mini Coopers have always been a favorite for me since I was 8 or 9 years old. There's a long story behind why I tend to highly favor yellow Mini Coopers.....
*raises hand.

Me, too. :embarrassed:

But . . .
I went searching for my Ratmobile, but it's gone. Disappeared. All sub-sets searched, even boxes of packages and customising trays searched - no rat. Dang it. :irked:

Obviously it must have known about the coming sledge-hammer test. In any case, that type of HW tends to disappear, though, if one has kids in the home. Investigation into the mice-tery will have to follow.
That Ratmobile is peg warmer were I live. I have an awesome Color Shifters version that I really enjoy playing with. :D
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eBay is the way. :P

Unfortunately for some of us eBay is the only way we have. :lol: And that's the exact reason why I'm not going to bother chasing a Legacy RS rally car or a 22B, I'm guessing they are going to be the most popular ones amongst collectors and the eBay prices for those will probably reflect that. :indiff:
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You know I haven't picked up one those things just yet. :indiff: I should! :dopey:

Agree, agree - you should. What's a shark-hunter without the required El Camino?
Funny story - if you remember :
About a year and a half ago maybe, or longer, I saw the #1 SHARKRUISER on the pegs and thought to myself that while you had mentioned collecting them, and shown a few, I had never seen that one in your collection.
So I bought the thing and when I hit this thread later, said: 'Jarrod, I got you a new Sharkruiser!" (Stay with me - I know I'm losing you--) and Spacegoat goes: "Duh? Wut?"
Turns out I mistook Space for you that time. :lol: Later you said you already had one.

Group shot of all your shark stuff is a must, now. Deadly curious. And what other shark-related vehicles have you got?

I bought this for a really strange reason. To make a brooch. Oh! yes, you can make jewelry out of these things. Ask Andy - he made a key-chain once. Custom jobs. ;)

Never knew that El Camino said "Shark Patrol" on the side until now to be honest. Great beach vehicle! 👍

Interesting story, I think I remember that from back in 2012. ;) I loved the Sharkruiser since I first saw it back in 2004, my dad told me he used to have some back his collecting days. He collected all sorts of vehicles with animal bodies back in the day, it's no wonder I do now! :lol:

As for the group shot, I will try to get a group shot soon, but I am just too lazy to go down to my basement to find them all. :lol: I took apart one of them a while back because I thought the axle was out of place, won't be able to completely reassemble it until Jason gets that tutorial up and I get the materials I need.

As for that Hammer down, I don't really know why I haven't already have it. I guess I have been finding other vehicles I have wanted and just haven't bought it yet. I have no idea what a brooch is by the way. :lol:
^ Digging the Studebaker moon pie truck, very nice. 👍

So I bought the thing and when I hit this thread later, said: 'Jarrod, I got you a new Sharkruiser!" (Stay with me - I know I'm losing you--) and Spacegoat goes: "Duh? Wut?"
Turns out I mistook Space for you that time. :lol:

I remember that. :lol: Recall saying something like, "I only collect real cars". Which at the time was true but these days, I find there seems to be more and more fantasy cars sneaking their way into my collection. :boggled:
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Good haul today(actually, all ordered online).

Auto World Muscle Wagons 1969 Chevy Kingswood Estate

I prefer Coke brand beverage, but prefer throwback Pepsi logo. Matchbox Chevy Pro Stocker

First of the two mystery Tomica Limited Vintage arrived:

Huge box is huge(why?). Tomica Limited Vintage Neo Hino Type-KB314 IdemitsuTank Truck(Lorry)

^^^Coke truck + 260z Police boxes to show size.

Not as big as its box, but still pretty big. Size comparison:

Coke truck's pretty big, but this tanker dwarfs it.

I'll just collect what I collect and keep it to myself I guess. Nobody cares when I share anything anyway.
You are being ridiculous. Come on, you are probably the most valuable contributor. :crazy:
There is no real harm in a little 'neigh'-ing now and then. Nay?
We should all remember this.
That was Ace; he was quite a nice kid - and I took him at his word (maybe there was a lot he said that matched up with certain realities of which I was aware.) He also successfully answered certain questions I put to him. Sure, there was some hype that costumed the truth, but the truth was solid. We have to be careful not to throw out what is true just because some of it is false. He, was, though, disbelieved by many, and even ended up (for some half-truths) as a Ludicrous Claimant.
Honesty is the best policy - and yes, in the end it's all about honour.
Yes, that was him. 👍 Too bad he left us!
Dang it . . . typing is hard work
No wonder I mostly post pictures. :guilty:
But when you go, you go, don't you! :lol:
Are you in Japan?
No, I'm Japanese, but I've lived in the U.S. for over 25 years. I hope you read my post, that pic was a joke(pic was of Toyota Museum in Japan).
For fudge...can we all just enjoy the damn toy cars?

Remember, the majority of what we buy in this thread are TOYS. I bet kids don't get into huge philosophical and psychological debates about the nuances of this hobby.

They're toys for crying out loud.
I don't know about just 'toys', but for me, it is a hobby. Pretty damn close. :D
I was about to say, you don't even know what's in your own fake display case? :lol:
Pretty ignorant collector, I am. :D
Time to stalk the bay of internet. You may start seeing me more soon. :lol:


Actually, I wouldn't mind getting a Legacy wagon too. Always been a fan of those, great looking cars.
Probably the only cars I'm really interested in. Don't get me wrong, they are all awesome!
Karuwaza? What's that?
So I bought the thing and when I hit this thread later, said: 'Jarrod, I got you a new Sharkruiser!" (Stay with me - I know I'm losing you--) and Spacegoat goes: "Duh? Wut?"
Turns out I mistook Space for you that time. :lol: Later you said you already had one.
I also remember this. I thought less of Jarrod, but never again....... I've bought a few fantasy cars since then, too.
@a6m5 I blame this purchase on you. Damnit.
About time........ So proud of you right now. Tomica Limited Vintage-Neo preorder last month, he's picking up couple of M2s this month. Guys, Jason's coming around. :D
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@a6m5 - Karuwaza is an online store where one can buy Kyosho boxsets.

Sore dake desu. :)
Ah, thanks. 👍 I wonder if you can get this Karuwaza limited version only from their store(as name suggest), or it's sponsored by the store, but you may still find them in random cases.....
@a6m5 The IDx preorders were a no doubter since I'm buying one and now work for Nissan...

Will be purchasing one of those Auto World Mach 1 Mustangs this weekend. Been eyeballing them for a while.
Well, look at you go! Mach 1 is nice. $7 is more than I'd pay, but it's certainly worth that. 👍
Ah, thanks. 👍 I wonder if you can get this Karuwaza limited version only from their store(as name suggest), or it's sponsored by the store, but you may still find them in random cases.....

You'll get it if you order from them. It's not a chase car, as Kyosho does not advertise as to what the chase car is. So chances are, there is still a chase car in the boxset, but it's definitely not that orange Impreza.
First off I want to apologize to you all for causing such a fuss earlier. It irritates me when I feel falsely accused of wrong doing with no chance of clearing up misunderstanding. And no, @yabiggoose, after giving it some thought, it really wasn't about cars believe it or not (:P). I spent a whopping 3 hours writing an apology note too. That oughta mean something and I seriously hope it gets completely read and understood.

Because of that, it took me this long to get photos of today's delivery:



Superfast Series set. It's a damn shame the SL55's windshield is warped! :(

BTW Does anyone want any of these before I sell 'em off on eBay or make a custom or two from them?

I also got a new real life car today. It's a GT-R race car from the 60's.


That's me on the right. I apologize for the cellphone picture(hand me down from gotbeefboy).

If you report me on that ludicrous claim thread nonsense, I'll kill you, thanks.

I won't report you for a ludicrous claim, I'll report you for posting a 1:1 car in the wrong thread.

Don't kill me, thanks. :P
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Interesting story, I think I remember that from back in 2012. ;) I loved the Sharkruiser since I first saw it back in 2004, my dad told me he used to have some back his collecting days. He collected all sorts of vehicles with animal bodies back in the day, it's no wonder I do now! :lol:

Well, that's an interesting story, too . . . we all collect (and different things) for different reasons.

As for the group shot, I will try to get a group shot soon, but I am just too lazy to go down to my basement to find them all. :lol:

This is the one thing that can enhance the enjoymnt of your collection no end - organisation. You got to organise. Start small - get some boxes and start to sort them out. Eventually you'll get to the point where you can locate any car you want quickly.
Not only that - when you organise them, the visuals stay in your head; you see better in your mind what you actually own.

As for that Hammer down, I don't really know why I haven't already have it. I guess I have been finding other vehicles I have wanted and just haven't bought it yet.

One of the nicest HAMMER DOWNs I have seen - I have only 1 Sharkruiser - and that stays in the package. I have no intention of using it in a diorama. I know people also buy diecasts (Hotwheels, right? We're talking HWs, imagine that :D ) as accessories for their aquariums (after suitable fish-keeper sanitizing.) I've seen HW planes, choppers and ships of all kinds, (as well as Sharkruisers and Hammer Downs) submerged spectacularly on the floors of fish-tanks, and in fact once rescued an MBX Ice Breaker from a fishbowl after the tenant had passed off to swim in earth.
I've seen some really nice die-cast displays inside fishtanks, actually - and the Sharkruiser is quite popular for that.
Got a fish-tank?

I have no idea what a brooch is by the way. :lol:

If you must broach the subject . . . a brooch is a small ornamental medallion-like object that is usually decorative in nature (though it can also be symbolic of something, or some cause,) and is usually fastened to one's lapel . . . or hat.
It's a gift I'm making for a friend.

Never knew that El Camino said "Shark Patrol" on the side until now to be honest. Great beach vehicle! 👍

You collect beach vehicles? I got lots. I have this dream of doing an ultimate beach diorama . . . . *sigh.

As for the El Camino . . okay . . why don't we turn the spotlight over to the El Camino . . . .


How many of you saw the clock that the El Caminos made in the last pic I posted? 10:10, of course.. . . :)

Upper view:


This one is special to me - metal/metal basic Hotwheels from the good old days when HW cared about quality - top to bottom. Plus . . . a wing.

Here's the single-riveted metal base of the older model:

And the double riveted plastic base of the newer mainlines:

The lime-green Majorette is the oldest in my collection. As can be seen from the condition. It has working suspension and doors that open. Obviously meant to be handled. :)
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Well, that's an interesting story, too . . . we all collect (and different things) for different reasons.
Yep that is true. 👍 Vehicles like the Express Lane, Radio Flyer Wagon, Hot Seat and the Red Baron tend to interest me alot as well. :dopey:

This is the one thing that can enhance the enjoymnt of your collection no end - organisation. You got to organise. Start small - get some boxes and start to sort them out. Eventually you'll get to the point where you can locate any car you want quickly.
Not only that - when you organise them, the visuals stay in your head; you see better in your mind what you actually own.
My other Sharkruisers are in organized boxes in my basement, but I am just too lazy to get them. :lol:

Quite honestly when I go through my boxes, I tend to stop and admire everything I have collected in the past decade, so much, it takes me FOREVER just find to find one vehicle. :lol: I tend to be heavily attached to everything I buy.

One of the nicest HAMMER DOWNs I have seen - I have only 1 Sharkruiser - and that stays in the package. I have no intention of using it in a diorama. I know people also buy diecasts (Hotwheels, right? We're talking HWs, imagine that :D ) as accessories for their aquariums (after suitable fish-keeper sanitizing.) I've seen HW planes, choppers and ships of all kinds, (as well as Sharkruisers and Hammer Downs) submerged spectacularly on the floors of fish-tanks, and in fact once rescued an MBX Ice Breaker from a fishbowl after the tenant had passed off to swim in earth.
I've seen some really nice die-cast displays inside fishtanks, actually - and the Sharkruiser is quite popular for that.
Got a fish-tank?
No, I wish I did through. I will admit I do find it amusing to have Hot Wheels submerged under water like that but in a way I find it to be a bit wasteful. Like buying a Hot Wheel and then never opening it, I just can't stand to leave it there, I got to play with it! :dopey:

If you must broach the subject . . . a brooch is a small ornamental medallion-like object that is usually decorative in nature (though it can also be symbolic of something, or some cause,) and is usually fastened to one's lapel . . . or hat.
It's a gift I'm making for a friend.
I had a feeling that was it. I have watched SpongeBob before so I figured. :lol:

You collect beach vehicles? I got lots. I have this dream of doing an ultimate beach diorama . . . . *sigh.
Yep I sure do collect them. :D I have a lot I could list including a blue Hummer H2 with surfboards, I used to call it "The Ultimate Beach Vehicle"! :dopey: Deara II has been a favorite since I was a kid.

If you really want to make a beach diorama, start with these ;) :



As for the El Camino . . okay . . why don't we turn the spotlight over to the El Camino . . . .


How many of you saw the clock that the El Caminos made in the last pic I posted? 10:10, of course.. . . :)

Upper view:


This one is special to me - metal/metal basic Hotwheels from the good old days when HW cared about quality - top to bottom. Plus . . . a wing.

Here's the single-riveted metal base of the older model:

And the double riveted plastic base of the newer mainlines:

The lime-green Majorette is the oldest in my collection. As can be seen from the condition. It has working suspension and doors that open. Obviously meant to be handled. :)
That one with the jet engines is one I wish I had gotten when it was available.:indiff: That green one with the spoiler brings back childhood memories. :D That white one looks fabulous! :dopey: It should be a life guard vehicle instead of a fire department vehicle. ;) I kind of dig that Majorette as well. ;)👍

You have a nice collection of El Camino's here, but you are missing the best of them all.......

The Seasider. ;)
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