Oh come on. They almost paid you to have them -_-
I can believe that. How much do them body swappers go for anyway?
It's not "extremely rare", the Mercedes is quite common, this is a1973 release in enamel yellow, cappes rear wheels, open fronts. Yes it's rare, but without the hood it's not worty anything. Them telling you this is rare shows you have to be careful of what they tell you.
Disregard that about it being "extremely rare", that was a typing error on my part, it was supposed to go in a different place on my post, my bad.
I can confirm he did say it was "rare" though.
Even if it was being sold separately (which it obviously wasn't), I wasn't quite willing to give up that truck and those body swappers for it since it was missing the hood. Don't get me wrong, I still want it but that is something I would probably wait and get later granted that the price is low. (If he was to sell it separate that is) I do agree, it is a bit worthless without the hood, but I still like it.
You do have a point there on that last sentence. I did get suspicious yesterday that he was trying to get me to pay full price for the Rolls Royce. The price tag was $10 and the lowest he said he would go was $8, so I handed him a 20 and I got only 2 bucks back and I began to wonder if he was trying to pull something on me, but turns out I just underestimated taxes instead. So yea, I do keep watch, although I still suck at math.
Not bad. That's probably well worth the $22 asking price. Is the chrome on the wheels still there?
Not sure to be honest. I will try to get a closer look next time I go.
I wonder what the lowest he will go on it. My guess is somewhere around $19 to $20, but I won't know until I actually ask him.
You could fabricate yourself a axle straightening tool (or buy it online) and make that look pretty good in 5 minutes.
Really?! You have my attention.
Tell me more about these axle straighteners, I could really use them.