1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Worth every penny if you ask me.
The top-2, damn straight. That Sweet Rods Skyline, I think they generally go for lot more, I had extra chunk of change, so I just said why not. It was just another addition to the collection, where that Tomica Skyline & Silverado, I had to have them!
You just had to post that freakin Silhouette again, didn't you? :drool: Gah, curse you. :grumpy:
It will never happen again. At least for not another couple of days.
Must be nice to have money coming out of your ears.

Duuude, most of us here aren't wealthy blokes. We all got debts, bills and mortgages we ought to be putting our money towards too. Soon, we all may have to sell our TVs to make the monthly statement. :P


N Case. There's more. Check Lamley.
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My top three most expensive single car purchases:

3) $70, shipped. Hot Wheels 100% R32 Skyline GT-R

2) $73-ish, shipped. Tomica Limited Vintage Neo - Tomica Skyline Super Silhouette(Early '83)

1) $85, shipped. Cano's favorite: Hot Wheels RLC/Real Riders '83 Chevy Silverado

I know, I know. They are not really heavy-hitters, but most of the cars I'm interested in generally tops out before reaching $100(and that's a good thing). There is one car I've been looking at lately that exceeds the $100 barrier, and I believe I also commented looong time ago that I'd never consider buying this particular car. We'll see!

I remember that set. Better pics. :drool:

And I would totally agree with that. Like Jason, I don't see how it would be necessary, but I would agree that it would make a nice compromise. :)

Next aim, SKYLINE!
I don't know what you are talking about. I don't spend over five dollars for a toy car! Buwahahahaha!

P.S. These (name)tag things don't work half the time. :crazy:

Ok since we are competing, the most I have dropped is $400 for a mainline Hot Wheels vari. That was in 2006. Decided to sell it a couple of years later and it fetched $950. Can anyone guess what it was?

Also dropped $300 for a Matchbox prepro in a charity auction. Tax write-off!
My top three most expensive single car purchases:

3) $70, shipped. Hot Wheels 100% R32 Skyline GT-R

2) $73-ish, shipped. Tomica Limited Vintage Neo - Tomica Skyline Super Silhouette(Early '83)

1) $85, shipped. Cano's favorite: Hot Wheels RLC/Real Riders '83 Chevy Silverado

I know, I know. They are not really heavy-hitters, but most of the cars I'm interested in generally tops out before reaching $100(and that's a good thing). There is one car I've been looking at lately that exceeds the $100 barrier, and I believe I also commented looong time ago that I'd never consider buying this particular car. We'll see!

I remember that set. Better pics. :drool:

And I would totally agree with that. Like Jason, I don't see how it would be necessary, but I would agree that it would make a nice compromise. :)

Super Silhouette is worth every penny. I have three and have the other two coming. Japan Booster are being very nice...
Duuude, most of us here aren't wealthy blokes.
Wasn't there one? I don't recall his name, but he was in here briefly(considering) with rare prototypes or something.
Next aim, SKYLINE!
Which one!? :D
Ok since we are competing, the most I have dropped is $400 for a mainline Hot Wheels vari. That was in 2006. Decided to sell it a couple of years later and it fetched $950. Can anyone guess what it was?
Well, I don't know about competing...... Like I said on the last page, I do have an fair idea of where my collection is..... Like Cano calls them, supermarket trash, or something like that. :lol: That's the range of cars I like though, mostly, and off the top of my head, I couldn't tell you one car I want costing in hundreds. That's a good thing(rather invest it in a German handgun). :D

As for this variation, I have to know. Buying it high($400) & more than doubling it is intriguing. :embarrassed:
Super Silhouette is worth every penny. I have three and have the other two coming. Japan Booster are being very nice...
Do they have like five total, with possibly a variation of the newer Skyline(probably late '83) making it the sixth?

I do like all of them, but not enough to come up with the funds. :P Early '83 Skyline was the absolutely must-have, and I did order my second favorite, which is the "Coca Cola" Bluebird. I made a mistake of ordering one on Amazon to save a few bucks off the Japan Booster price. While I fully expect it to take no more than maybe around couple of weeks in transit, they have no tracking, and Amazon page tells me to expect it in Mid-August. Lesson learned.

My last Japan Booster order, I did google the link from Lamley to place the order. 👍
Tax write-off!
I did not realize this. :eek: Makes sense!
Wasn't there one? I don't recall his name, but he was in here briefly(considering) with rare prototypes or something.

Which one!? :D

Well, I don't know about competing...... Like I said on the last page, I do have an fair idea of where my collection is..... Like Cano calls them, supermarket trash, or something like that. :lol: That's the range of cars I like though, mostly, and off the top of my head, I couldn't tell you one car I want costing in hundreds. That's a good thing(rather invest it in a German handgun). :D

As for this variation, I have to know. Buying it high($400) & more than doubling it is intriguing. :embarrassed:

Do they have like five total, with possibly a variation of the newer Skyline(probably late '83) making it the sixth?

I do like all of them, but not enough to come up with the funds. :P Early '83 Skyline was the absolutely must-have, and I did order my second favorite, which is the "Coca Cola" Bluebird. I made a mistake of ordering one on Amazon to save a few bucks off the Japan Booster price. While I fully expect it to take no more than maybe around couple of weeks in transit, they have no tracking, and Amazon page tells me to expect it in Mid-August. Lesson learned.

My last Japan Booster order, I did google the link from Lamley to place the order. 👍

I did not realize this. :eek: Makes sense!

Thanks for using the link. Japan Booster have noticed the attention and are listening. They just put up the grey Datsun Wagon which is a toughie, and are looking for other faves that are not listed that often.

As far as the Super Silhouettes, I think there are three Bluebirds (coke, coke light, and autobucks) and the two varis on the Skyline (early and late). I could be missing a couple.

I will wait before revealing the expensive vari to see if anyone can guess...
Wasn't there one? I don't recall his name, but he was in here briefly(considering) with rare prototypes or something.

Oh now I remember. Flaunted that goofy-yet kinda cool 1:18 Deora II around like it was nobody's business. :lol:
Edit: As a toddler, I used to love sitting in the front passenger seat(w/much protest from mom), stare at other cars on the road. My last two purchases from Japan Booster on eBay........ It's gonna get slightly weird....... I bought two cars for their taillights. I have one more set of taillights I'm after. Images of these taillights were forever burned in my mind.

I can't remember the third one, but I think it might've been from 70's Lancer. :dopey:
I'm flying to Spain tomorrow.. :P:P:P:P:P

They usually have a nice selection of HW's down there.
This sounds so weird to me living in the States, but at the same time, I totally understand where you are coming from. Good luck hunting in Spain, and I hope you have lots of fun!
Thanks for using the link. Japan Booster have noticed the attention and are listening. They just put up the grey Datsun Wagon which is a toughie, and are looking for other faves that are not listed that often.
I got on there to see, but as expected, they put that one up to auction, so I'll settle being a spectator. Love to have it but not for the price the market dictate!

I did use the link again to snag the "SSS" Bluebird though. First time I actually saw one for reasonable price. 👍
As far as the Super Silhouettes, I think there are three Bluebirds (coke, coke light, and autobucks) and the two varis on the Skyline (early and late). I could be missing a couple.
I like the Coca Cola Light, too. JDM Diet Coke. :lol: Yeah, those are the five that I'm aware of, but I thought I saw a variation of the "late" '83 Skyline before. I'll try to do a search on it today.
I will wait before revealing the expensive vari to see if anyone can guess...
Sounds good, but no response from Jason or Andy.... That leaves Cano. :D
Oh now I remember. Flaunted that goofy-yet kinda cool 1:18 Deora II around like it was nobody's business. :lol:
No no, I don't know anything about 1/18 casting, but it was really weird fantasy car prototype. Somebody called him out in the Ludicrous Claim thread about the Ferrari his dad owned or something(he wasn't a fraud).
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You're talking about the guy with the dark basement gallery, right?
Uh-uh, but I think he was a cancer survivor, and he got the prototype Hot Wheel thru Make A Wish Foundation.

Edit: Maybe it wasn't a prototype, maybe it was a one-off.
a6m5 what is the second TLV model? I have the first.
If you are referring to the "tailights" models, first is the Datsun Violet, second is Toyota Carina from the 70's. I also ordered their 80's Carinas in yellow & white(to exploit free shipping :P).
If you are referring to the "tailights" models, first is the Datsun Violet, second is Toyota Carina from the 70's. I also ordered their 80's Carinas in yellow & white(to exploit free shipping :P).

Awesome. I know I keep rambling on about their shop, but JB really are the first eBay shop to make older TLV realistically available to collectors not in Japan and Hong Kong. The prices are good, but the free shipping closes the deal.

I have my eyes in a few models. I am going to try and photograph all the models I have over the next few weeks. It is easy to mesh them together.
Think this is a merc but I'm not sure who made this either

Yatming, from the time that Yatmings weren't marked as Yamings anymore. I have one but it's missing the entire frond end grille piece ):

1) $85, shipped. Cano's favorite: Hot Wheels RLC/Real Riders '83 Chevy Silverado

Ah yes, $85.


The Skyline makes me laugh too. It's soooooooooooo ugly. And with Torq-Trusts :lol: At least the Silverado looks good.

Ok since we are competing, the most I have dropped is $400 for a mainline Hot Wheels vari. That was in 2006. Decided to sell it a couple of years later and it fetched $950. Can anyone guess what it was?

Also dropped $300 for a Matchbox prepro in a charity auction. Tax write-off!

Pre-pro is worth it. Eh, more or less :lol: Vari, damn. That's extremlely rare/exotic redline money, but I know you're not into that kinda stuff, so it beats me. I would have bought me some pink 1970 stuff :lol:

What is it?
Awesome. I know I keep rambling on about their shop, but JB really are the first eBay shop to make older TLV realistically available to collectors not in Japan and Hong Kong. The prices are good, but the free shipping closes the deal.
I do the same, especially with AmiAmi. They really are true pros, couple that with the lowest prices, I'm more than happy to keep recommending them. 👍
I have my eyes in a few models. I am going to try and photograph all the models I have over the next few weeks. It is easy to mesh them together.
Nice. 👍 I can't wait to check them out!
Get the hell out of here Cano!

The Skyline makes me laugh too. It's soooooooooooo ugly. And with Torq-Trusts :lol: At least the Silverado looks good.
It's not my cup of tea either, but I do like it best out of all R32 GT-R by Mattel. Like I said, $70 shipped, it's not a horrible investment by any means. I just have it sit in my collection for now, see where it goes!
I went out in search of some things to customize cars, one of them was a Kmart. This is what I found:


And this here, somebody needs to make a meme out of it or something. Yes, you're seeing things right. The peg is going through the card.

@AOS- Hey, you have finally come around! :D

I will see if I can do any better on the prices, OK? I should have the total for you Monday. I'll stop by the post office after work. Thanks man! :)
The peg is going through the card.
Best pic ever. :lol:👍

-Isn't his cup of tea
-pays $70 for it (lol)
-no profit
It was just interesting enough, just cool enough, and like I said, I had cash on hand that was begging to be spent. :P

I don't know about no profit. It's slim, but it's certainly there. I'd guesstimate $15~$25 from what I've seen on eBay!
No probs. Was hoping you had more to sell.

Ahem, I think it's time you scale back on the collection. :P

On the topic of helping others out, I've got an extra Garage Series '64 Ford Galaxie. Anyone need one? It's red, black, white, with chrome torq thrusts. Super baller, mint on card, smoke-free, lint-free, batteries not included.

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