Is it that hard to accept that the GT5 demo has some serious simulation issiues?
When the Forza2 came out, I praised the pros but didn't left out the cons and I must say that the forumites on xboxsite were more understanding than glorifying the cons...they didn't play blind! They saw what was bad in the game and we could discuss it without any problems.
Seems like, part of the forumites here can't see/wan't see what's bad with this demo. The only thing I can read is that The GT5 demo is FREE, wow...than we all better be shutup and keep the cons for ourselves.
You may visit different racingsites, where almost everyone who played the GT5 demo agrees how unoptimized the G25 wheel is in the game, but here Nooooo
Here we know that the G25 wheel is as good optimized as in LFS/GTR2 :/
Everyone has the right to his/her opinion, I respect that. I read what others write and answer to that. Some things are obvious, you don't need a translator to get it. Some not.
GT5 demo's pros and cons doesn't need a translator to see what's wrong in the demo.
As to Digital-Nitrate,
Yes, if you are in for racing simulations, that means if you can afford than you have both a good pc(GTR-series, LFS, RFactor, Race), an Xbo360(Forza2) and a Ps3(GT5)
Than you probably played Forza2 with the wireless wheel and know how real the driving physics are, how deep the tunings are, and now compare it to GT5 demo.
Or demo on demo! Forza2 or RFactor it doesn't matter wich demo you compare it with, exapt for the georgous graphics in GT5, the rest is almost arcade and that's in the simulation mode!
I was one of the first to get a Ps3, paid a lot of money and I expect to get value for it, if the demo isn't ready don't release it. I just can't believe how little it takes for many to be happy. This is sad.
Even a demo, a "FREE" demo should be under critisism if there are things to critisez about. Small things, I don't care much, but GT5 has allways stod for The real Driving Simulation and that means first of all a real good dirivng physics, crash physics *not Pinball*