10 reasons why Ferrari Challenge is better than GT5P

  • Thread starter Biggles
Been playing this a bit more recently (just single-player). The physics are very convincing and the feedback excellent (much better than GT5P's - as has been mentioned above). But the graphics are appalling! Many of the background images appear to be lower-quality than even GT4! (Note: I ran GT4 in 1080i). The other cars on the track are just pixelated messes. It is a real shame as this game would have been excellent if they had bothered to give it decent graphics.
I started playing FC the other night, did the tutorial and they got challenge right. I am starting the game with all driving aids turned off. FFB is high, pedal is medium, and steering is High. I started playing Arcade on beginner and have yet to get better than 6th. I am using the bumper view which I like the handling better than the hood view but sucks when you get behind another car. The FFB on High is very strong but kinda kills the dead zone in my opinion, medium is just a tad to weak. The graphics are tolerable and I find the game entertaining.
I recommend everyone trying ferrari challenge. It is definitely a lot of fun. Visually nowhere near prologue, but it manages a strong simulation feel and you have to really work at the wheel (DF GT). Currently I am trying to unlock the Fxx, while in Prologue I am trying to unlock the Citroen GT. Still have not unlocked the F1 (just to keep things interesting).
Hmm... I don't think the graphics are "appalling", but they are certainly much less "realistic" than the graphics in GT5P. The most disturbing thing about the graphics is how exaggerated & artificial the colours are - it seems that this may have been a deliberate (but misguided) choice on the part of the developers. However, for what its worth, there is a lot of trackside detail in FC - more, I think, than in GT5P. To appreciate the graphics in FC, you should run a few laps in the rain - without the strange colour scheme of the "dry" races FC actually looks pretty good.
Well, to an extent this is correct. Every time I've been playing FC and then go back to GT5P, I'm just amazed at how much more sophisticated GT5P seems. The level of photo realism is clearly a generation ahead of FC. No matter how many times I see it, it's just striking. But I think a lot has to do with the lighting, shading & colors. There IS actually a lot of detail in FC that is easily overlooked. The other day I switched to the 'trailing' cam just before finishing a race. As I was following the car around the track waiting for one more player to complete the lap, I saw that track from a perspective than I normally don't and was amazed at some of the details: cars parked inside the paddock area, hospitality tents, flags on the hospitality tents blowing in the breeze, catering trucks. There's also little touches like the birds flying by, leaves blowing around the track, clouds that slowly move in the sky, and even the way the water seemed to flow underneath a bridge.

In truth, none of this is really important to running a race. And in the end, the pure visual impact of GT5P which does NOT actually offer some of those details is much more impressive. Not only are the colors over-saturated in FC but the shadows and lighting are just all wrong. The over all appearance is very 'cartoon' like. In truth, when you're used to it, it's not bad. But I think for people going from GT to FC, the initial impression is somewhat disappointing.
I picked up FC yesterday when I was just looking for 'something' to buy. It was $40 (budget price for PS3 game in Australia), I knew it hadn't been received well but I thought, 'even if it's average it will be worth $40'.

Firstly, I'm a PC race sim nut, I have a G25/triplehead setup and currently play rFactor, but have played LFS, GTR, GTL and GTR2 quite extensively. I know what a proper sim feels like. I also consider F355 Challenge on Dreamcast to be one of my favorite console racers, and is probably the only game I still keep my Dreamcast for. I've put in many hours on GT5P but I've grown a bit tired of it over the last couple of months and thought this may satisfy my console racing urge until GT5 is released.

Now, graphics aren't the most important thing in a racing sim, but these graphics are decidedly average. I wasn't expecting it to be a looker, I'd seen videos and screenshots and even the shots of the back of the case were unimpressive. It really doesn't look graphically any different to the Race Driver series on my old Xbox. The framerate is steady but it's poor, 30fps in a high speed racer is simply not fluid enough. The resolution might say 1080, but it doesn't look it. The colours are saturated and dull, the shadows are overdone and overall the game has a dark, dirty feel. The car models look simple but accurate in menus, but in game they look very average, especially the spinning wheel models. Wheels on AI cars look in serious need of a wheel balance.

The driving model is actually fairly good. I'm not expecting a PC-level simulation on a console, I play with the controller rather than the G25 because from experience (Gran Turismo series), console racers are designed around the controller and don't translate well to wheels. Plus if I wanted to I picked up the feel of the game very quickly and find it quite enjoyable. One negative is that the brake seems to have a considerable dead zone, and doesn't really come into effect until the last 10% of trigger travel. This forces me to brake in a very 'on/off' style.

I turned all assists off as soon as I started the game. No ABS, no TC, no SC, full manual shifting. I drive on hood-cam because the in-car view is obviously designed to make screenshots look pretty and is completely non-functional. I can't race a car while looking through a letter box. But I flicked through the views and noticed on the in-car view that there is STILL steering assist. The wheel in the car does not match my inputs, it is classic steering assist and it cannot be disabled. This is not acceptable in a 'simulation'.

Despite this, I still found it enjoyable so I continued playing. So far I've put in around 3 hours in offline mode, the first 2 hours in unpatched mode, the last hour with the 2.02 patch.

This brings me to AI. In the unpatched version of the game, the AI was very easy. I could carve my way through the pack with almost no problem, AI would generally stick to a line and not get in my way if i attempted to overtake. Some people obviously thought this was too basic, so they patched it. Now the game is almost unplayable. AI will swerve up the straight to prevent me from slipstreaming. They will move out of their line in a corner to block a pass, even when I am halfway through the maneuver. If I pull up along side them, they will force their way back into their line, ramming me EVERY time. Passing the AI now involves 1. outbrake, 2. slam into the back of the AI car as it swerves infront of me, 3. Dab the brakes to 'disconnect' my car from the rear of his, 4. Accelerate around the AI car, 5. struggle for the next 100m as he grinds into the side of my car, 6. CURSE THE DAMN GAME.

This is TERRIBLE. Just terrible. I was in a race where I had 2 AI cars infront of me, I could easily overtake one into corner 1. I moved past on the inside and pushed against him as he tried to drive me off the track. But as I edged my way past, I watched the AI car infront swerve right infront of me, basically sandwiching me between it and the one I'm halfway through passing. Is this a cop chase in Need for Speed Most Wanted or am I playing a racing sim here? I ended up having to go OFFROAD in order to get around this ridiculousness.

But it doesn't end there. I gave up with the F430 series for a while and went and purchased a 348 Challenge. Loaded up the 348 series and began driving. As I mentioned before I keep the shifting set to manual. The 348 tears down the straight and I'm in control. I accelerate to the top of the gear and shift, the revs drop, then suddenly spike up to redline and then settle into the next gear. What the hell. Have they simulated clutch-slip on this 15 year old Ferrari or something?

Maybe, I thought, they are making it a challenge and forcing me to lift off the throttle during an upshift. But it doesn't matter what I do, it continues to happen. I can let the revs sit at 4000, off the throttle for 2 seconds, then shift up. BAM, revs spike to redline and it shifts. What the ..?! It's not only upshifts which are ruined; I came to a corner and began downshifting, which resulted in what felt like compression lockup causing the car to behave very erratically into the corner.

This is COMPLETELY BROKEN. The game should CUT throttle on upshift. It should CUT throttle on downshift. It does neither. In fact, it applies FULL throttle on both regardless of whether or not I was on the throttle as I shifted.

These old cars are UNPLAYABLE as a result. Who were the beta testers for this rubbish? How many patches have there been for this game and this issue still exists?! I searched to try and find reference to this issue but couldn't, does noone care? Not only do I wonder who let this bug go unnoticed, but WHY hasn't anyone fixed it?!

I will go back to this game tonight and see if i can extract perhaps a few dollars more enjoyment from it, but I don't think I'll be able to. This game is not just a waste of $40; it is a complete and utter waste of the Ferrari license.
""I will go back to this game tonight and see if i can extract perhaps a few dollars more enjoyment from it, but I don't think I'll be able to. This game is not just a waste of $40; it is a complete and utter waste of the Ferrari license. ""

Completely agree!

Hi i bought the game 2 months ago.. play during some days, but that's all!
Can't play it anymore, i hate this game, is for sure, a waste of money.
How could compare this piece of EDIT to a GT5 prologue.
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Dont think I'm going to give this one a go... I will give Supercar Challenge a spin when it comes, If Im not mistaken by the same people who made FC.
...the 348 series and began driving. As I mentioned before I keep the shifting set to manual. The 348 tears down the straight and I'm in control. I accelerate to the top of the gear and shift, the revs drop, then suddenly spike up to redline and then settle into the next gear. What the hell. Have they simulated clutch-slip on this 15 year old Ferrari or something?

Maybe, I thought, they are making it a challenge and forcing me to lift off the throttle during an upshift. But it doesn't matter what I do, it continues to happen. I can let the revs sit at 4000, off the throttle for 2 seconds, then shift up. BAM, revs spike to redline and it shifts. What the ..?! It's not only upshifts which are ruined; I came to a corner and began downshifting, which resulted in what felt like compression lockup causing the car to behave very erratically into the corner.

This is COMPLETELY BROKEN. The game should CUT throttle on upshift. It should CUT throttle on downshift. It does neither. In fact, it applies FULL throttle on both regardless of whether or not I was on the throttle as I shifted.

These old cars are UNPLAYABLE as a result. Who were the beta testers for this rubbish? How many patches have there been for this game and this issue still exists?! I searched to try and find reference to this issue but couldn't, does noone care? Not only do I wonder who let this bug go unnoticed, but WHY hasn't anyone fixed it?!

I will go back to this game tonight and see if i can extract perhaps a few dollars more enjoyment from it, but I don't think I'll be able to. This game is not just a waste of $40; it is a complete and utter waste of the Ferrari license.

Many people play the game with the controller and are happy with it. But if you have a G25, have a go with the wheel. As a PAL user, you're going to have a deadzone issue to contend with but it's not terrible. And I think you'd find the game much more enjoyable and interesting with the excellent FFB responses the combination of this game and the G25 provides.

FWIW, I tend to agree with your assessment of the AI. Some find it challenging but I find nothing challenging about cars that:
- defend their line to the point of diving in front of you when you're closing on them at a rate where you have no choice but to either hit them or fly off the road
- brake checking you mid corner
- in some cases punting you off the track.
As a suggestion, run through some QUICK RACEs and select one on one instead of the full field. This will give you a much better feel for how the AI cars react and how to deal with them without the feeling that you've been caught in the middle of a gang war. But in general, the AI will nearly always defend the inside line. The trick is to pass them on the outside.

The game does INDEED simulate both clutch slip on upshifts with the manual transmission cars as well as throttle input to match revs on downshifts. Some like it, some hate it, but it was purposely designed that way. The fact that FC makes no use of the clutch makes the process a bit unfulfilling when one considers what it could be with proper clutch support.

That said, I find the affect of downshifting during heavy braking and the resulting instability to be quite realistic and one of the more interesting features of this game. And it differs widely between the cars. You can take the FXX and downshift from 6th to 2nd under heavy braking and you'll hear nothing but a series of rev-matching blips as the car quickly hauls itself down (in a straight line) with little drama. But take the 250 GTO and go from 4th to 3rd to 2nd and you can clearly feel the inertia of the tranmission engaging and it's accompanying affect on the cars balance and drivetrain. It's really quite challenging.

So I very much disagree on this point. I wouldn't consider this broken. I'd consider it a brilliant piece of coding by folks who were trying to convey the balance and feel of weight transfer, fore and aft, left and right and drive train friction. It's not perfect but it's well done.

Keep at it. I think you need to really give it a fair chance and play the game solidly for a few weeks before drawing an ultimate conclusion. Many people here who have come to appreciate Ferrari Challenge's finer points didn't much care for it when they first played it.
I picked up FC yesterday when I was just looking for 'something' to buy. It was $40 (budget price for PS3 game in Australia), I knew it hadn't been received well but I thought, 'even if it's average it will be worth $40'.

Firstly, I'm a PC race sim nut, I have a G25/triplehead setup and currently play rFactor, but have played LFS, GTR, GTL and GTR2 quite extensively. I know what a proper sim feels like. I also consider F355 Challenge on Dreamcast to be one of my favorite console racers, and is probably the only game I still keep my Dreamcast for. I've put in many hours on GT5P but I've grown a bit tired of it over the last couple of months and thought this may satisfy my console racing urge until GT5 is released.

Now, graphics aren't the most important thing in a racing sim, but these graphics are decidedly average. I wasn't expecting it to be a looker, I'd seen videos and screenshots and even the shots of the back of the case were unimpressive. It really doesn't look graphically any different to the Race Driver series on my old Xbox. The framerate is steady but it's poor, 30fps in a high speed racer is simply not fluid enough. The resolution might say 1080, but it doesn't look it. The colours are saturated and dull, the shadows are overdone and overall the game has a dark, dirty feel. The car models look simple but accurate in menus, but in game they look very average, especially the spinning wheel models. Wheels on AI cars look in serious need of a wheel balance.

The driving model is actually fairly good. I'm not expecting a PC-level simulation on a console, I play with the controller rather than the G25 because from experience (Gran Turismo series), console racers are designed around the controller and don't translate well to wheels. Plus if I wanted to I picked up the feel of the game very quickly and find it quite enjoyable. One negative is that the brake seems to have a considerable dead zone, and doesn't really come into effect until the last 10% of trigger travel. This forces me to brake in a very 'on/off' style.

I turned all assists off as soon as I started the game. No ABS, no TC, no SC, full manual shifting. I drive on hood-cam because the in-car view is obviously designed to make screenshots look pretty and is completely non-functional. I can't race a car while looking through a letter box. But I flicked through the views and noticed on the in-car view that there is STILL steering assist. The wheel in the car does not match my inputs, it is classic steering assist and it cannot be disabled. This is not acceptable in a 'simulation'.

Despite this, I still found it enjoyable so I continued playing. So far I've put in around 3 hours in offline mode, the first 2 hours in unpatched mode, the last hour with the 2.02 patch.

This brings me to AI. In the unpatched version of the game, the AI was very easy. I could carve my way through the pack with almost no problem, AI would generally stick to a line and not get in my way if i attempted to overtake. Some people obviously thought this was too basic, so they patched it. Now the game is almost unplayable. AI will swerve up the straight to prevent me from slipstreaming. They will move out of their line in a corner to block a pass, even when I am halfway through the maneuver. If I pull up along side them, they will force their way back into their line, ramming me EVERY time. Passing the AI now involves 1. outbrake, 2. slam into the back of the AI car as it swerves infront of me, 3. Dab the brakes to 'disconnect' my car from the rear of his, 4. Accelerate around the AI car, 5. struggle for the next 100m as he grinds into the side of my car, 6. CURSE THE DAMN GAME.

This is TERRIBLE. Just terrible. I was in a race where I had 2 AI cars infront of me, I could easily overtake one into corner 1. I moved past on the inside and pushed against him as he tried to drive me off the track. But as I edged my way past, I watched the AI car infront swerve right infront of me, basically sandwiching me between it and the one I'm halfway through passing. Is this a cop chase in Need for Speed Most Wanted or am I playing a racing sim here? I ended up having to go OFFROAD in order to get around this ridiculousness.

But it doesn't end there. I gave up with the F430 series for a while and went and purchased a 348 Challenge. Loaded up the 348 series and began driving. As I mentioned before I keep the shifting set to manual. The 348 tears down the straight and I'm in control. I accelerate to the top of the gear and shift, the revs drop, then suddenly spike up to redline and then settle into the next gear. What the hell. Have they simulated clutch-slip on this 15 year old Ferrari or something?

Maybe, I thought, they are making it a challenge and forcing me to lift off the throttle during an upshift. But it doesn't matter what I do, it continues to happen. I can let the revs sit at 4000, off the throttle for 2 seconds, then shift up. BAM, revs spike to redline and it shifts. What the ..?! It's not only upshifts which are ruined; I came to a corner and began downshifting, which resulted in what felt like compression lockup causing the car to behave very erratically into the corner.

This is COMPLETELY BROKEN. The game should CUT throttle on upshift. It should CUT throttle on downshift. It does neither. In fact, it applies FULL throttle on both regardless of whether or not I was on the throttle as I shifted.

These old cars are UNPLAYABLE as a result. Who were the beta testers for this rubbish? How many patches have there been for this game and this issue still exists?! I searched to try and find reference to this issue but couldn't, does noone care? Not only do I wonder who let this bug go unnoticed, but WHY hasn't anyone fixed it?!

I will go back to this game tonight and see if i can extract perhaps a few dollars more enjoyment from it, but I don't think I'll be able to. This game is not just a waste of $40; it is a complete and utter waste of the Ferrari license.

I don't know if you completely gave up on the game already. However, in the case that you didn't, let me tell you this:

1 - Wheel/pad - You are doing a mistake by racing it with the pad, especially if you own a G25. If you don't need and you don't like "steering assist", use the wheel, you won't get any. And you'll have the greatest wheel feedback I ever experienced in a console racing game.

But I must warn you, set the FFB strengh to "High", to avoid or minimize what is commonly known as the "deadzone" issue.

2 - AI behaviour - Maybe the devs trying to create "responsive" AI made them "overdo" it. However, between "drones" that stick to their lines no matter what and AIs that swerve to avoid you slipstreaming them, or that cover the inside line of a corner to block you from overtaking there ... I prefer the latter. Sometimes they're rough yes, but you know what, even then they just remind me some human players in GT5P online :lol:

However, and as always in games, you learn their ways and you have eventually have fun with it. I find it funny to show myself in their rear view mirrors before a corner just to make them duck to the inside and then I overtake them on the outside, at least they don't punt you out like human cheaters do ;)

3 - Gearshifting/revs issue - You are absolutely right about this, but luckily it only happens in a few models. I'm not sure about the 348 Challenge, but I am sure that this happens, and itis annoying, in the 348 TB and in the 550 and 575 road cars. However, all other cars don't have this and the greatest and more enjoyable cars to drive in this game are indeed the classics (512S, 512M, 250 Testarossa, 250 GTO and 250 LM).

Just (another :D ) two cents from me ...
2 - AI behaviour ...at least they don't punt you out like human cheaters do ;)

:lol: Oh YES they do! Well, OK, maybe not QUITE that bad. ;)

3 - Gearshifting/revs issue - You are absolutely right about this, but luckily it only happens in a few models. I'm not sure about the 348 Challenge, but I am sure that this happens, and itis annoying, in the 348 TB and in the 550 and 575 road cars. However, all other cars don't have this and the greatest and more enjoyable cars to drive in this game are indeed the classics (512S, 512M, 250 Testarossa, 250 GTO and 250 LM).

I don't completely agree with this. I think ALL of the manual transmission cars, as opposed to the cars with semi-automatic gearboxes, exhibit this behavior to a certain extent. The 348TB and 550/575 have much more pronounced clutch slip on upshifts. But all exhibit some inertia resistance and varying degree of instability when downshifting and braking.
the 348tb is most definitely broken. If they're going to simulate clutch slip, how about giving us a button to actually work the clutch? But it's not even clutch slip, when I shift up the game actually opens the throttle all the way in the middle of the shift, regardless of whether i'm on the throttle or not. When I shift down the game doesn't do any hint of rev matching for me, making the car lurch around with no stability. I can't rev match myself because the game won't let me. So this car IS broken. I hope there aren't too many more like this, because it's unplayable.

However... I powered through the 348 Challenge and unlocked the F355. Now we're talking. I think I can just spend the rest of my time in this game with the F355. I unlocked the Berlinetta as well but it exibits similar problems to the 348 on downshifts, which is just not nice to have to put up with.

What disappoints me most is the wasted potential. The physics are just about the best I've experienced in a console racer. I put GT5P back in last night and while it looked light years ahead of FC, it drove like a joke. The cars have no feeling of mass, which is something that FC has nailed pretty well.

But... the AI is still a joke, I turned the difficulty down and they're no longer suicidal but it's still not right. And the graphics... I can forgive over saturated colours, and going overboard with shader effects, but when I pass another car I want to see DETAIL. The wheel models in particular completely ruin the immersion of the game. They have the same detail as the wheels in the original Need for Speed on the 3DO. Except that was 1994.

Anyway, I don't think I could really recommend this game to anyone. I've put in about 8 hours so far and I reckon i'll get a fair few more in with the decent cars, so I'll get my $40 worth easily, but it's just not good enough.
Dear Mr Gibbon,

Give it a bit more time (definitely with the G25), & I am sure you will enjoy FC more & more.

There's no question that the graphics are certainly not on a level with GT5P, but it is something that you simply don't notice too much once you get used to them.

The AI behaviour seems to have been changed with each patch. The last NTSC patch fixed most of the problems with the AI - I now find it pretty good, but you may not be using that version of the game. In general, the AI is very aggressive, but only in defending the INSIDE line. It is easy (too easy in fact) to overtake the AI cars on the outside of corners (I always play with the AI on the hardest setting). Unlike GT5P, the FC AI actually DOES react to your position which can make for decent races.

In any case, I am sure you will find racing online against well-matched human opponents much more enjoyable (although there are some significant frame rate issues online).

Yes, the 355 Challenge is a great car to drive - there are a number of very interesting vintage cars as well. I would urge you to stick with FC - it took a couple of weeks before I really started to enjoy it & get the feel of the physics & the great FFB.
Well, I haven't had much luck getting the game. I tried www.games-asia.com as someone earlier suggested. Nothings arrived and they don't answer their e-mails. I've escalated it with PayPal.

I then tried to get a second hand copy from Play.com. The day after I ordered the seller told me it was "broken" and gave me a refund.

I just did get this last night and have been getting used to FC. Naturally, I only have the F430 to play with right now, and won't be messing with the livery editor until I can get at least 2nd in the first Quick Race - Monauro?

Just with my limited experience with it, it does seem to deliver a little more of what I expect a high performance car to feel like with a good FFB wheel like the DF Pro. The F430 does feel a little more substantial and massive. I do get more sense of inertia loading up the front in heavy braking. Turn the assists off completely, and it's a handful for the novice. It lets you know it's a mid-engined beast to be respected. It's very sure footed when you come to terms with it or edge up some assists, but then you're using racing tires.

As with most games, you're stuck with the same stupid selection of driver cams from the 90s, and you can't fuss with them, but oh well. I immediately updated the game to version 2, so I only know the modern bots and physics, which are quite nice. Although bots being bots, they do aggravate me at times. The graphics aren't quite up to snuff against Prologue, but then who is? It does look better in many respects than Forza 2 and most PC games. While lacking a little beef, the sounds are very nice, though the growly tire sounds seem more like one or two than four in a skid. They do give you a nice feel for how well the car is gripping. I had to practice Tiff Needell's lesson around Fiorano quite a few times, and am still coming to grips with the game's behavior. This is a game you have to practice to take it to the edge with authority.

The opening... wow. I don't think I've heard a more exciting and inspiring intro to a racing game. The real shame is that this isn't Supercar Challenge, as being stuck with Ferraris is a limited flavor of racing. Still, if you want a change of pace or if you just love racing period, you should pick this up. Well worth the $40 US in my opinion.

Well, lunch is over, back to the track. ;)
This is a game you have to practice to take it to the edge with authority.

This is true of any decent racing sim. It feels so different from GT5P that it takes quite a while to adjust, but the same would be true if you had played FC for a long time & then switched to GT5P. However, I think FC gives you much more in the way of FFB cues as to what the car is doing.

Tenacious: if you are enjoying the feel of the F430, you're really going to like some of the other cars like the 348 & 355 Challenge, as well as some of the vintage cars. Even though there aren't that many cars in FC, & "they're all Ferraris", there's a lot of variety in the performance & handling of the cars - as you will discover. 👍

I spent some time in GT5P at DR yesterday & was struck again by how "understated" the FFB is. Going into the first big left-hander the car seems to endlessly slide sideways as you slow down, because the FFB doesn't give you a feel for the tire grip & the weight transfer. You have to learn where the braking point is from experience because you really can't feel it. This is not to say that the physics in GT5P are inferior - driving in GT5P is great (especially in the amazing cockpit view), the difference is really all about the FFB. I hope when GT5 arrives it has more of the FFB feel of FC.

(I had the embarrassing experience of running an entire 10 lap DR race & being totally annihilated by two GTRs, all the while cursing the terrible PP of GT5P. Only when I finished the race did I realise I had selected a 550PP Clio instead of a 650PP :embarrassed::)
As someone else stated, the 355 Challenge is probably my favorite horse in the litter.

I think part of your gripe with Prologue is the driver view you're using. I use only the roofcam view because it connects me right to the car, and gives me a panoramic view the most like I see when I'm driving in real life. Because I'm bolted right to the car, when the FFB gets iffy, it doesn't matter to me because it's apparent to me what's going on with the car. Because I can see it clearly, I end up feeling it as well. Gran Turismo still communicates to me better than any racing game I've ever played. Although FC is a very close second. ;)

After playing a bunch of Ferrari Challenge last evening, I'm rethinking how well Forza complements Gran Turismo as another flavor of racing. I think I'm going to look for a FC community to join. And you Enthusia fiends? You need to look into this.
It's funny. Physics are not as close to GT5P and not even CLOSER to PC sim racing. Sim Racing Tonight did the review of it.. and it's far far behind PC.

Man, nobody cares what PC fanboys said.

Nobody is responsible that really big autosims are only on consoles nowadays. Compare to Forza 2 and GT5 every PC autosim feels like trash. Yes, they have decent physics (not better than Forza and GT), but the rest is plain horrible.
i bought FC for 35 bucks and it was well spent. its the best gt training tool for me. gt5p with all assist off is easier than FC with all assist on. p.s. you all ramble on too much
Man, nobody cares what PC fanboys said.

Nobody is responsible that really big autosims are only on consoles nowadays. Compare to Forza 2 and GT5 every PC autosim feels like trash. Yes, they have decent physics (not better than Forza and GT), but the rest is plain horrible.

i bought FC for 35 bucks and it was well spent. its the best gt training tool for me. gt5p with all assist off is easier than FC with all assist on. p.s. you all ramble on too much

For two new members I would suggest that you both think a little more before posting in future. Coming across as arrogant will not do you any favours at all.

otago - You do quite clearly care what was said as you replied to it, so not only is your statement inaccurate, but its also un-needed. Flaming carries penalties here at GT Planet and if you wish to carry on posting I strongly suggest you keep that in mind.

EERS4YEARS - In what way was that last point needed? I would strongly suggest that before you start to pass negative comments on other members you make sure your own posting is 100%. The AUP (which you agreed to follow when you joined) clearly states that proper grammar is to be used, and a lack of that in your own post should be addressed before you start commenting on others.


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I have bought the Ferrari Challenge based on the postings in this thread, and I must say that I'm really disappointed. The graphics is horrible, the physics is so far from anything I have driven in real life or in a sim. (Rfactor, LFS, Netkar Pro, GTR and derivatives, GT5P)
Even GT5P with all it's flaws is better in my opinion. And don't get me started on the FFB.
The strange thing is that I knew that it was different (not bad) from many other games on the PS3 but this was not expected. Well, the ones that likes this, have fun, but I'll be trading this game for something else.
Hard to comment because I don't understand what you found wrong with physics and FFB (both great IMHO). And I certainly don't consider graphics to be "horrible", but that is clearly subjective to our own way of viewing.

btw, if any GT5P racers that own a FC copy want to try the "FC edition of the Race of Champions" event, here's the thread to apply to it:

The physics are fine. What I can't get around are the 90s style driver views, and a cockpit view which seems even further back than Prologue's. Nothing works well for me. I can't tackle a turn the way I want to, and that's where real racing is happening. I'm dead last on Virginia. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And what's even more aggravating is the fact that I spend almost as much time off that track as on it. I hate the driver views, absolutely despise them, and I'm not any more keen on Supercar Challenge's improvements.

For those who grew up on PC sims, this should be a good game for you. For the rest, it deserves a shot. But for me, I'm resigned now to being shut out of some parts of the game because it just won't put me on the track like GT does. Looks like it's GT5 online solely for me, which certainly won't have me complaining.
You do quite clearly care what was said as you replied to it, so not only is your statement inaccurate, but its also un-needed. Flaming carries penalties here at GT Planet and if you wish to carry on posting I strongly suggest you keep that in mind.

Yeah dude, I state that guys who put GT5 Prologue and Forza 2 in arcade racers with Flatout are fanboys and any reviews or opinions from simworld central are not trustable at all.

That's why I consider links "what simworld said" as wasting of time.

And yes, I played every single PC autosim since 1995. I can tell you which formulas they use, how they reproduce tracks and so on. Just as remarks: Turn 10 did all this math and job better
For newcomers to this thread not wishing to plow through pages of comments, I would summarize my view like this:

In spite of the title of the thread I'm not really saying FC is superior to GT5P. IMO the three current PS3 sims: GT5P, F1CE & FC are all equally good games with different pros & cons. FC excels in these three areas:

1) Online functionality (private lobbies etc.)

2) Physics & (especially) FFB.

3) Content. Most importantly FC has an outstanding selection of tracks which gives it far more depth than GT5P.

Yes, GT5 will probably provide more online functionality & content than FC, but it still looks like GT5 is 9 months or more from release. In the meantime, FC offers a very worthwhile racing sim experience. However, expect to take a considerable amount of time to adjust to the different feel of the physics - your experience with GT4 or GT5P will NOT immediately translate into feeling comfortable with FC.
The physics are fine. What I can't get around are the 90s style driver views, and a cockpit view which seems even further back than Prologue's. Nothing works well for me. I can't tackle a turn the way I want to, and that's where real racing is happening. I'm dead last on Virginia. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And what's even more aggravating is the fact that I spend almost as much time off that track as on it. I hate the driver views, absolutely despise them, and I'm not any more keen on Supercar Challenge's improvements.

Does the name Tenacious D really mean anything?! ;)

Yes, Virginia Raceway is a very tricky track. I remember it took a few hours before I could successfully get round without running off the track at some point during a lap. It has a lot of little twists & turns, elevation changes & off camber corners, which combined with the weight transfer of FC's physics make it very easy to lose control of the car. However, once you are very familiar with the little quirks of the course, it is a very exciting track to race on - against a skilful opponent you need to push very hard, getting close to the edge, without actually losing control of the balance of the car. 👍

Take a look at the leaderboard times & you will see what is possible at VR with practice.
However, expect to take a considerable amount of time to adjust to the different feel of the physics - your experience with GT4 or GT5P will NOT immediately translate into feeling comfortable with FC.

I haven't played FC so I can't comment directly on it but,

How come I can jump directly from GT5P to iracing on PC (a undisputed sim) and back again and they feel so similar there is hardly any adjusting?