1000 ticket - what did you get?

  • Thread starter Mopatop
Lucky me, just got the Chaparral 2J on the 3rd try!
Ya know i'd never seen a Chaparral in the UCD so i've been keeping some cash by for them and lo and behold BOTH of them appear in consecutive refreshes.

I'm glad the Bank Of Bob had some cash reserves 👍
4th/5th ticket (can't remember) yielded me a R92CP Race Car! Quite a surprise after the previous one (which was a Daihatsu Move)
I've completed all the endurance's in a-spec expect the nyr 24h and didn't receive a ticket. Does the 2000km have to be in 1 race or or something?.

You need 100 Races and 2000km in order to get a 1000Ticket
=> all Enduros (8 Races minus 24H-Nürb) plus 92 others
Well, since I am car collecting now, and only need about 50 more standards, when I open a 1000 ticket, I will open it until I find a car that I need. The best ones I have pulled have been: Chaparral 2D Race Car, Audi R8 '01 Race Car, and Ferrari 330P4.
They come at every 100th race.

I have 45 races until my next ticket and I'm hoping to get a Grey Mitsubishi GTO as I really love those cars...
Since getting a Ferrari 330P4, I guess all the luck ran out, next 3 were, Fiat 500 (old one) Toyota Yaris Euro, and a Silvia which atleast was the 02 that can be RM'd but still saved me about 30k credits yaaay.

Also finally got round to finishing Expert Series and after the GT Allstars won me the Amuse Carbon R (R34) I got my lvl17 ticket too... which gave me... yep you guessed it an Amuse Carbon R (R34). Awesome stuff.
After using the game save technique, I first got a Spyker C8 Laviolette. Nice car, but no. 2nd try, got a Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac. Cool hatch, but again, no. 3rd try- car rolls up.

Bentley Speed 8 Race Car.

I win.

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