13 Year Old doesn't become a Dad.

he is lucky she hasnt realised she would get more benefits as a single parent, then again that would require actual thought process. i do wonder how long before he gets bored of acting 'dad'.
another ridiculous extreme...my parents dont even let my sister and her fiance alone in a room, and theyr both over 20!!

Uh... they are both adults they can just leave and have sex. The parents can't do anything about it.

Anyways about this kid... I really think they should of had an abortion...
I don't even think I was shooting troopers at 12.

I think the fact that the parents' first thoughts were to ring The Sun says a lot.
In fairness, they need the money, and it's hardly going to make the Times!
If you are not ready to support a child, you need to "Wrap it before you attack it".
At 13, you barely know the outcomes of sexual relations, and "love" is not even a fully formed concept, as it relates to being a Husband and father.
If there were ever a case for proper parental supervision...
If there were ever a case for proper parental supervision...

Sadly the type of parental advice they're getting is probably all wrong, look at her family:
Mother, unemployed father, 15 year-old daughter with baby, 5 sons, all living in a rented (but no doubt heavily government subsidised) council house on government benefit handouts.

Easy way to get more handouts? Have another kid in the house. 👎
It's very, very wrong and the government is far too soft to do anything about it, but as long as they keep giving free cash out like this, the lazier folks in the world are just going to keep taking it since it's far, far easier than doing any work. :grumpy:
my parents dont even let my sister and her fiance alone in a room, and theyr both over 20!!

I can understand the sentiment.

It's the one that goes: "Not in my house, you don't!"

If you can afford your own place (meaning: you pay the rent or pay for the motel room out of your own pocket), by all means, go ahead. Otherwise, wait till you've got money to deal with the consequences.

For those of us who could actually afford to get a college education or whose parents bought it for us, fiscal freedom is getting further and further in the future. Give it ten years and the age of graduation for the average college graduate will be thirty... :dopey:

It's not shocking that the kid has had sex. The only shock is how young he actually looks. 13? Sex? Pfft... 8 is the new 13. :lol:
I didn't even consider sex with a girl until I was 15, then it became the only thing I could think about. :crazy:

That kids probably going to realize that he has screwed up his life at around about 18 I think.
I really do think they should've had an abortion. Now this kid, once he grows up, will realise that his parents are screwed up. This'll probably lead to something much, much worse. I feel sorry for the kid that was born.
I really do think they should've had an abortion. Now this kid, once he grows up, will realise that his parents are screwed up. This'll probably lead to something much, much worse. I feel sorry for the kid that was born.

No way. The kid will probably turn out OK. It's obvious he'll have to live with his grandparents, because his parents are way too young for the responsibility.

But, just because they're too young for the responsibility doesn't mean they should have an abortion. So long the child will be loved and cared for, I'm all for the birth.

This could have been me, since I started having sex at age 12, too. But at least I knew what a rubber was and used one. Not all the time, I admit, but lucky I never got a girl pregnant.

My son is 12, and we've had 'the talk' numerous times and I wont let him make the same mistakes I did. Just ain't ready to be an 'opa.'
I really do think they should've had an abortion. Now this kid, once he grows up, will realise that his parents are screwed up. This'll probably lead to something much, much worse. I feel sorry for the kid that was born.

I think you're upset cause you've just passed 12 and haven't achieved a child yet.
Hardly a big deal, I lost my virginity at 12. And that's not just bragging, because when I left that girl at 13 years of age I never got that far with another girl for almost 2 years.

Here's the difference. You didn't have a child. He did. Big deal there when a 13 year old is now a father.

I had (and have) a fairly good understanding about the struggles I'd have to go through if i wanted to be a parent, and knowing that at this age, relationships change faster than those of celebrities, I haven't considering having a girlfriend, let alone losing my virginity. and before you ask, if I wanted to, I could probably do both. A kid at his age, or even anywhere before 20 is far too young/immature to have a child. I know for a fact that when I was thirteen, and more specifically before summer, I could not deal with any of these things. I feel sorry for this kid, and I'd hate to see the struggles he'll have to deal with.
We've had (slightly more graphic) discussions of this elsewhere, and a few points don't line up for us.

Alfie has, according to the papers, "not gone through puberty yet". Certainly his voice hasn't broken and he's absolutely tiny. So it raises a couple of questions - certainly he could have had sex with this... err... "girl". Most males meet the qualifying standards for this pretty much at birth. But whether he could have fathered a baby?

Not to get too graphic, but I seriously doubt that, at his size and developmental status, he could have produced "the required substances" in sufficient amount, containing a sufficient amount of healthy, mature sperm. I know that, in theory, it only takes one, but there's a very good reason we make 3 million at once... The only counter to this is that Alfie's father has produced 10 children - but this isn't really an indicator of anything aside from the average distance between the ankles of local women.

So we have quite a collection of really, really long odds - including the mother being at the exact right point on her cycle.

I don't think it's especially likely - though not improbable - that Alfie is the father. In fact I suspect he's a very convenient scapegoat to cover up some familial abuse. Instead of blithely accepting it, his family need to demand a paternity test STAT.
I'd say there was a case for charging the girl with statutory rape - why do I get the feeling that if a 15 year old boy had fathered a child with a 12 year old girl (again, stretching the bounds of what's physically possible), then the guy's feet wouldn't have touched the ground...

In a case like this, I would have thought a paternity test was the most sensible option, and wouldn't be at all surprised if it did reveal something that we are not being told about. As for the idea that the boy is being scapegoated to cover up abuse, it is possible, but I'm not sure that going to the papers is a clever way of achieving that goal - but then again, after the Shannon Matthews incident, one cannot rule out anything, even if it is monumentally stupid and self-defeating.

Ho-hum. I think we should all vote Tory and fix Broken Britain before this country is awash with 30-something grandads... now, where's me pipe and slippers?
I'd say there was a case for charging the girl with statutory rape - why do I get the feeling that if a 15 year old boy had fathered a child with a 12 year old girl (again, stretching the bounds of what's physically possible), then the guy's feet wouldn't have touched the ground...

That's because, amazingly, the law governing statutory rape on grounds of age isn't applicable to female offenders. And no, I'm not kidding.
Here's the difference. You didn't have a child. He did. Big deal there when a 13 year old is now a father.

Not in the grand scheme of things, when there are tons of early teen and even pre-teen parents out there. It's like a thread about a stabbing in London or a rape in San Francisco. Yeah, it's horrible, but it's hardly unique.
All the laws about rape and sexual harrassment are screwed up mainly because aren't as old and refined as laws about, say, murder.

that and the definition of rape could be a little more ambiguous than murder.

Is it actually legal for that girl to have sex with that kiddie where you guys are?
As I posted earlier, it seems that if the person doing the "having sex with" is female, there are no applicable abuse laws (except familial and position of responsibility, which are not gender-specific). So the lad could have been 6 months old and it wouldn't have been illegal.

Stupid, but true.
Looks like they will get their 15 minutes of fame. When I told my friend about this, she told me about some 12 year old couple or my boss told me about the youngest couple is 9 years old.
That's because, amazingly, the law governing statutory rape on grounds of age isn't applicable to female offenders. And no, I'm not kidding.

Indeed, which has also allowed the loophole that's resulted in them both being named, when normally they'd remain anonymous. If this were treated as an actual sex case (or indeed, a case involving children) then neither would be old enough to be named.

That said, given that the story hit The Sun first, I don't think anonymity was a priority.

Oh, and just to let it out into the open:


That's why it happened. They're chavs. From a chav family. It's what chavs do, and the government and schools make a massive deal out of it happening each time they get younger, thinking that the whole country is going to pot. It isn't, there just happens to be a sub-section of society with no concept of anything worthy whatsoever who procreate so quickly that even when they come a cropper through their own stupidity, they already have offspring to carry on their dubious gene pool.
Oh don't be such a snob... if it weren't for pioneers like them, procreation would be left to old duffers like me. Up the chavs, that's what I say!

It is truly shocking, however, that the girl can get away with rape simply because she is a "gatekeeper" and not a "keymaster", but who you gonna call?