1974 Triumph Spitfire 1500 - Friday WIN frankygt-r! - Sun official winner wat3rm370n

United States
1974 Triumph Spitfire 1500 Championship
1 make, 1 event, 3 races, 3 tracks, 2 hours, 2 times/regions
COMPLETE - with plans for future races with the Spitfire!

Friday June 10th - 6:00 pm US EDT New York // 11:00 pm GMT+1 London // Sat. 8:00 am Sydney
COMPLETE - Friday's winner - frankygt-r / AOKiji85
Points, Results, & Photos posted HERE

Sunday June 12th - 10:30 am US EDT New York // 3:30 pm GMT+1 London // Mon 12:30 am Sydney
COMPLETE - Sunday's winner - watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
Prize winner - elginge / RDAardvark
Mention for - IMZIZ for winning the 2 of 3 races!!!
Points, Results, & Photos posted HERE


This car is a prize car, so most people probably have one lying about with nowhere to drive it. So here's an opportunity.

Host: watermelonpunch / PSN: wat3rm370n

Organized in the Vintage Car Race Club
You need not be a member to participate in this event.
But this informal club is open for new members. All members are welcomed to and encouraged, to use the Vintage Car Race Club social group to join in on or organize & host races involving any classic cars in any format, any level.

Restriction: 1974 Triumph Spitfire 1500 / 108hp / 810kg / sports soft tires
had to make a correction on the weight

Tuning: NO turbo / NO aero
all other parts allowed, as long as it's within the restriction.
There's 2 fine set-ups here within the ballpark that might be helpful:
If you have a set-up you're happy with & want to share, please do!
Note: This car is widely reported to be noticeably different in handling in online racing, so you should do all testing, tuning, and practice online, such as your lounge (or a friend's lounge).

Settings: Grip: real, penalties weak, damage off, boost off

Aids No SRF, all other aids your choice.

Format: Duration of event, including warm-ups, about 2 hours
3 races on 3 different tracks, approx. 20 minutes a piece. approx. 20 minute warm-up/free-run/qualifying before the 1st race, approx. 10 minutes warm-up/free-run/qualifying before race 2 & 3.
Grid order, fastest first.

Race 1: (3 laps) Circuit del la Sarthe (no chicanes)
Race 2: (10 laps) Rome
Race 3. (8 laps) Cote D'Azure

1st: 25, 2nd: 22, 3rd: 20, 4th: 17, 5th: 15, 6th: 13, 7th: 11, 8th: 10, 9th: 9, 10th: 8, 11th: 7, 12th: 6, 13th: 5, 14th: 4, 15th: 3, 16th: 2

(1 point if the car is parked or in the pit to give up instead of driving to the end. Zero for pre-finish exits.)

Winner will be decided based on point accumulation of all races, and official results will be posted.

Prize for Championship winners: TBD - but it will be an antique car
(depending maybe on what I can find or afford :D )
(In the extremely unlikely situation that the host is the championship winner, the car will be gifted to the 2nd place. This probably won't be an issue! lol)

Rules: You will be expected to know, understand, and follow the GTP OLR Rules
The host (that's me) enjoys watching replays loads, so it will be noticed if anyone is doing anything they ought not to be.
Drive cleanly, and take care to avoid accidents. That said, accidents may happen, so exercise courtesy if you cause one. Report any trouble or incidents to the host (me) privately, and the reports will be treated in confidence, checked for nature & validity, and additional time penalty or disqualification may result, depending on the situation, at the host's discretion, using the advice of a non-participating spectator.

Post in this thread to sign up! :D
Please list the following:
GTP Name / PSN Name / car colour /
And whether you will be attending the Region A or Region E event (or both).

Pre-event practices may be held by anyone, at any time,
and advertised in this thread.

Posting lap times on the tracks encouraged!

Event A - FRIDAY June 10th 2011
COMPLETE - Winner: frankygt-r / AOKiji85

Points, Results, & Photos posted HERE

Friday June 10th
6:00 pm US EDT New York // 11:00 pm London // Sat. 8:00 am Sydney
Duration: about 2 hours

1.) watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia (light green)
2.) elginge / RDAardvark / red
3.) GTracer38 / GTracer38 /
4.) turbogeit / turbogeit /
5.) jackargent / jackargent / delft blue
6.) frankygt-r / aokiji85 / black

Event E - SUNDAY June 12th 2011
COMPLETE - Winner: watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n[/SIZE]
Points, Results, & Photos posted HERE

Sunday June 12th
10:30 am US EDT/New York // 3:30 pm London // Mon 12:30 am Sydney
Duration: about 2 hours

1.) watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / salvia (light green)
2.) CC570 / CC570 /
3.) IMZIZ / IMZIZ / red
4.) TenEightyOne / TenEightyOne /
5.) si_berian_tiger / si_berian_tiger / British Racing Green
6.) elginge / RDAardvark / red
7.) Jujubean / Jujubean14 / robin's egg blue
8.) Thaddaeus / thaddontes /
9.) akmuq / GTP_akmuq /
10.) OwensRacing / OwensRacing / Le Mans Green/Samba Green
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Count me in, please -

IMZIZ/ IMZIZ / Red (let me know if you need the official name)

I'll be there for the Region E (Sunday Event).


If anyone's interested or able, I'll be doing practice and testing sessions in my lounge between 3:15 and 4:00 PM (Eastern time, US) on every weekday this week except for Tuesday. Feel free to send me a Friend Request and jump in if you're in the mood.

I'll also be practicing at least 2 or 3 evenings from about 7:30 until 8:30 PM Eastern.

I don't mind talking about setups or time or anything during these sessions (though I'll admit I'm not expecting to be a front runner in the final race). I'm just here for the fun of it.
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I'll likely join you IMZIZ at least at some point at your listed plans for practice times. I expect to be bringing up the rear myself. ;)
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Hi everyone, I´d like to join, but I need to be absolutely sure about the time-difference thing. 11pm London...is that GMT+1 - considering daylight saving ?
Hi everyone, I´d like to join, but I need to be absolutely sure about the time-difference thing. 11pm London...is that GMT+1 - considering daylight saving ?

Yes I believe someone said that's what it is - British summertime - GMT+1
When I translated the time, I did what I do when participating in European events - I simply went to an online clock and looked to see what the time difference was currently! :D
Basically, if you start with New York, it's +5 hours in the future in London, and then +9 more (difference from London) for Sydney Australia.
I'm pretty sure if a region is going to be using summer time, they've changed it by now, and won't change it back within the next week. If I'm wrong, please let me know!
Thanks, yes 11pm London translates to 12pm or midnight here in Copenhagen, which unfortunately makes the race too late for me. And sundays wont work for me either. Bad luck.

Yes I believe someone said that's what it is - British summertime - GMT+1
When I translated the time, I did what I do when participating in European events - I simply went to an online clock and looked to see what the time difference was currently! :D
Basically, if you start with New York, it's +5 hours in the future in London, and then +9 more (difference from London) for Sydney Australia.
I'm pretty sure if a region is going to be using summer time, they've changed it by now, and won't change it back within the next week. If I'm wrong, please let me know!
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Hi. Count me in, hopefully for both races.

elginge/RDAardvark, red (can't remember what flavour!)

Hopefully have a bit of a practice tonight after fun racers?
I'm looking forward to this! I know WMP's put a lot of work into it so it should be pretty good :D
I would like to do this race, but I'm out of town this weekend so it's a no go for me. I can see a pack of 10 or 15 Spitfires screaming down the Mulsanne straight swapping spots, drafting like crazy. Ok "screaming" is a bit of a leap but you know what I mean!...lol. I think it'll be great fun. If it goes off well, how about hosting one on a weeknight Punch?
I am definitely going to try to make the Sunday event. I already have one of these little cars tuned up for another online group, but I missed that event. :ouch:
I think we are already friends IMZIZ, from the Average Adults group, so I will probably join you for some practice one of these days.

My PSN is jujubean14, and I will be in a robin's egg blue spitfire.

Sorry you can't make it ID_racing & Johnnypenso! But I was hoping to have this single event just to kind of gauge some interest on this car (and lower powered antiques in general as well). It's a bit more popular than I'd even hoped it would be. :D So I was sort of seeing this as more of a test run. So hopefully things will work out in future with scheduling! :) I know the person who shares my PS3 is disappointed he can't participate in this (at the same time as me)... so there will be a next time!

Definitely I'm up for practice whenever some of us can get together.

I'm looking forward to this! I know WMP's put a lot of work into it so it should be pretty good :D

It IS a lot of work to try & test things out. And mainly the timing math involved. LOL.
I'm new at this. And I don't actually know a whole lot about real life cars. So I appreciate all the input & tips I can get. :)

BTW Jujubean: That's a very sweet colour for this car. :D It really works for it.
(I have to admit, one of the things I like most about this car is the way it looks. haha.)

Also... I'm liking ALL the antique cars in the game. And while there seems to be races offered for say muscle cars or the sports cars, there's not a lot you can find to race the lower power cars.
Some people have expressed interest in a 2 class race together with different traffic speeds. I really like that idea.
I'm actually surprised someone hasn't had a race w/ say the old & new beetle, or the old & new fiat 500. There's lots of funny ways to put these old cars on the tracks.

I am currently in the process of looking at how to get a higher power, and a lower power car in the same race at the same PP - but obviously at different speeds. And maybe have it be 2 cars that would've been going at the same time historically.
But anyway... if you're interested in that sort of thing, join the Vintage car race club... and don't be afraid to pipe up. I can't do it alone! :D
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Sorry you can't make it ID_racing & Johnnypenso! But I was hoping to have this single event just to kind of gauge some interest on this car (and lower powered antiques in general as well). It's a bit more popular than I'd even hoped it would be. :D So I was sort of seeing this as more of a test run. So hopefully things will work out in future with scheduling! :) I know the person who shares my PS3 is disappointed he can't participate in this (at the same time as me)... so there will be a next time!

Definitely I'm up for practice whenever some of us can get together.

It IS a lot of work to try & test things out. And mainly the timing math involved. LOL.
I'm new at this. And I don't actually know a whole lot about real life cars. So I appreciate all the input & tips I can get. :)

BTW Jujubean: That's a very sweet colour for this car. :D It really works for it.
(I have to admit, one of the things I like most about this car is the way it looks. haha.)

Also... I'm liking ALL the antique cars in the game. And while there seems to be races offered for say muscle cars or the sports cars, there's not a lot you can find to race the lower power cars.
Some people have expressed interest in a 2 class race together with different traffic speeds. I really like that idea.
I'm actually surprised someone hasn't had a race w/ say the old & new beetle, or the old & new fiat 500. There's lots of funny ways to put these old cars on the tracks.

I am currently in the process of looking at how to get a higher power, and a lower power car in the same race at the same PP - but obviously at different speeds. And maybe have it be 2 cars that would've been going at the same time historically.
But anyway... if you're interested in that sort of thing, join the Vintage car race club... and don't be afraid to pipe up. I can't do it alone! :D

I joined the vintage car club today. :sly:
As far as having two different cars at different speeds in the same race, you could just rely on the honor system/ kick people who refuse to use the right cars.

I totally agree with you on several points WMP:

The spitfire is a great looking car,
racing the oldies (not necessarily race/performance/muscle cars) is a lot of fun.

I would be up for a series or something if the time worked out for me. Thanks for the compliment on my car color.👍
Yeah Jujubean, I'd be more inclined to trust the honour system with old slower cars like this. Because I think the people interested in this type of sort of entertainment value racing (as opposed to a need for speed ;) ), are not the type of people who would find it tempting to cheat, or want to cheat.
But I know the possibility or potential for cheating is of continual concern for many... So my thinking was, if there's a way to do it, by getting 2 makes of cars that perform very different speeds at the same PP, there would be the comfort of knowing for sure.

Welcome to the club, and I look forward to your input! :D
Note: updated the weight restriction, which was wrong (this is what happens when someone who doesn't know about real cars messes with them & tries to organize a race w/ restrictions haha)
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@watermelonpunch - sorry I cant make it too! Time is an issue here, would love to race that little bugger!
Just a heads up. Imziz & I did a little test practicing yesterday on Le Mans (NO chicanes). And I can get my car up to 135mph by the time passing the 2nd chicane, under its own power. Still not sure of the drafting top speed - given if there's say 4 cars together trading positions, but it's definitely 140mph +, easy. (Sorry I don't know the km conversion, I'm an American. :dopey:)

1 mile = 1.609 km (approx.). That means that top speed will be over 225 km/h.
Thanks turbogeit, you're the tops.

my car... finally my remembering NOT to break & go into the chicanes ;)

Am I the only fool who sometimes forgets, and barrels through cones on the chicanes on the no chicanes track? haha

I'll be adding everyone on PSN who's signed up, so expect a friend request, if you haven't sent one to me already.

And please note the 810kg restriction.

Sorry again for the initial confusion there.
Thanks turbogeit.
And that antique mercedes on Le mans sounds fun. Anyone available for it ought to check it out.

I will be practicing Spitfire today. If I'm not in my lounge, it may be because I've joined in IMZIZ's lounge. If you join my lounge & I happen to be by myself driving another car on another track, (in prep for another race I'm in tomorrow), just wait a moment & give me a chance to switch.
(I also don't have a mic, & I don't always have the keyboard hooked up, so if I'm 'quiet' it's not because I'm unfriendly!)
I might join you today. I also need to practice for some rally races I am doing tonight (450pp tuner's club). Speaking of rally though, I was thinking about your Dilema, watermelon, about having similarly specced cars that performed differently. I imagine that if you had say, some cars at 400pp that were FR drivetrain racing on a dirt track with some that were 400pp with a 4WD, there would be a significant difference in lap times. I have been wanting to organize a lower specced rally for a while, and I think I might try to get things rolling after the spitfire race.
How did you get on today? Sorry I could only stay a short while. Did anyone manage to break the magic 2 minute mark?

We didn't break your Monte Carlo 2:02 best lap. ;)
I was consistently ahead of your time for the 1st sector, but then I'd lose more than a second in the next sector.
But we didn't try for very long before we moved to Le Mans to try a bit of drafting. I got it up to 142mph in the draft, but I wasn't in the draft very long.

I noticed you guys have a much flatter handling... I need a bit of roll if I want to get around the corners with some stability. When I tried upping the springs, I experienced understeer not tight turning! & if I tighten up the rear ARB & put the rear in the air to counteract that, all I really get is more instability & slippage. So I'm sticking with a bit of roll, even if the occasional loss of the rear slows me down, I'd rather have more control. (Sorry about the smoke though! I just need more work on my corners.)

I imagine that if you had say, some cars at 400pp that were FR drivetrain racing on a dirt track with some that were 400pp with a 4WD, there would be a significant difference in lap times. I have been wanting to organize a lower specced rally for a while, and I think I might try to get things rolling after the spitfire race.

I like those ideas.

And of course, doing all manner of tracks with low powered antiques (or just low power cars in general) sounds fun to me. Especially ovals. But also dirt tracks. So count me in!
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A rally with the Spit? Sounds nice. I organized some in the WSCC. Let me know if you need some help.
Put me down for Sunday please.:) In more likely to turn up. In fact Friday is pretty unlikely so I will send a friend request just before on Friday if there is room and I can make it.;)