2006-07 NBA Season(Finals - A Four Game Sweep)

  • Thread starter a6m5
When team is shooting the lights out, they are not lucky. They are feeling it. They are hot. If you play basketball, you'd know what being in the zone is like. You are unconscious. You just jack it up, nothing but the bottom of the net.

I have played basketball, and in an organized league too. Being on-fire and what the Warriors did was not the same. Did you not read what I wrote? They had so many impossible 3's that it was luck. Offbalance with one hand, 50ft+, and etc. There is a difference trust me.

My personal theory on it is that your shooting mechanics just becomes perfect due to the flow of the game, also the condition of your body. But does that mean you can't beat a team that's hot? No. I can't picture Dallas doing it, but this is where you have to become the total villain. You bump them, you talk trash. Instigate a fight, no open layups(which means knock Davis to the floor everytime he gets to the hoop). But again, I don't think Dallas Mavs have that in them. That's what it takes. Couple of my favorite players of all time, MJ & Pippen, now, they were couple of the dirtiest players you ever saw. 👍

1. Some of our players did talk trash, but there wasn't any physical response...as in hard NBA fouls. And for the life of me I can't figure out why none of our point guards drove straight at Baron Davis and his bad hamstring. He was literally HOLDING it while in a defensive stance.

2. MJ and Pippen weren't dirty, they just talked smack and backed it up. A dirty player is more along the lines of Laimbeer, Raja Bell, Karl Malone, Stephen Jackson, and so on.

I just have to shake my head at this........ JCE. I want you to wear a sign on your back, "Basketball fan in training" for rest of the NBA Playoffs.


What the **** is that supposed to mean?

Uptempo teams struggle in the playoffs. I want you to remember that. Really hard.

Now, I didn't start watching NBA until the late 80's or so. So let us start clean in 1990. How many uptempo, run-and-gun teams have won the NBA Finals? Exactly, ZERO. Good teams will always slow down and kill the uptempo opponent with their DEFENSE. When my Blazers used to be good, we'd have success against Kobe & Shaq. We'd thrive on more exciting style offense, but that was doing the regular season. As soon as the Playoffs begun, Lakers defense never allowed us to run. They always made other teams play their pace.

Dallas Mavs could've been the first uptempo team in a decade or two to actually win the title, but that never happend. Phoenix this year, I think they have a great chance at the title. But that have absolutely ZERO to do with the tempo of their play. They simply have loaded roster with some awesome firepower. As you probably know, I'm rooting for San Anton, but their roster is thin. Unless guys like Parker, Ginobili, maybe even Barry get real, real, hot, I think they'll have tough time beating them. Spurs are much better team than the Lakers though, it should be a good series.

Blah blah blah blah, again you didn't read what I typed. I said the good teams use EVERY style of play. So, again read what I typed. The Bulls, Lakers, Pistons, Rockets, and Celtics all have various styles they can do--which include defense and uptempo. I'm not stupid you know, I know what the I'm talking about. I'm taking that entire post of yours personally.

Oh, yeah, I never said the Warriors would be NBA champions. The fact of the matter is that they won. By a lot. By too much to be considered dumb luck.

You're right they did win, I'm not disputing that. Infact as I predicted days ago they would. The Mavs had a mental and physical breakdown that falls almost squarely on the coach. But, still, if you can't admit that the Warriors were at least partially lucky in at least some situations then you didn't watch the same series as I did.

As upset as I am with Dallas, I am more upset with the Dallas Morning News.

In all 3 articles of the Mavs, every one brought up when Dallas blew a 13-point lead to Miami last year. Oh, nice job Mr. D. Moore, and Jean-Taylor for forgetting to mention that at least someone in the 2006 Finals actually WON a game in the Playoffs this year as the Bulls swept the defending champs.

No offense Gian, the articles just have me red-hot with their two-face reporters. They will most certainly get an e-mail from me later today.

Either, I'm still going to root for both Texas teams still in, and Phoenix.

Golden State fans should enjoy. Because we ALL know their luck is dead. Golden State may have 'believed' they can beat the Mavs, but there isn't a chance in hell they'll beat McGrady or Kirilenko and Boozer.

Okur is the man, and Utah will win the current series and sweep the Warriors series. Hell, Houston will also sweep the Warriors. To the Warrios, their fans, and most importantly Don Nelson they already won "their" championship. Oh, and Utah would be a great matchup for San Antonio. That would be a great series.

Come on now Texans. Dallas got completely worked. You can't call it luck. You can't win a 7 game series by luck. I completely agree with a6m5, what you call luck I call getting into "the zone". Golden State out played Dallas, that's all there is to it. And you already know how I stand on the "blame the "coach" deal. How do you expect to win a game when the supposed MVP puts up 8 points on 2-13 shooting? Star players win games in the NBA, and Baron Davis was the best player in this series. Nowitzki was awful, I really hope he doesn't win MVP.

1. Again, I'm not Texan, or American either. I'm German, so don't insult me by calling me an American or a Texan.

2. You are blind. To quote my statement above in this very same post: Being on-fire and what the Warriors did was not the same. Did you not read what I wrote? They had so many impossible 3's that it was luck. Offbalance with one hand, 50ft+, and etc. There is a difference trust me.

3. It is the coaches sole job to control what the players do. Granted there is an amount of will the players have to exhibit--and Dirk along with everyone except Howard and Harris--didn't do. The whole team had a bad series minus those two aformentioned players. I still blame the coach for the performance of the team, because it is the coaches...are you ready...RESPONSIBILITY to direct and instruct the players on what to do.

3. Let me get one thing straight for you and the other people that are Dirk haters. Are you ready? The MVP award for the regular season is exactly that, A REGULAR SEASON MOST VALIUABLE PLAYER...DO I NEED TO REPEAT MYSELF? Dirk WAS the MVP in the REGULAR SEASON. He however, is not the MVP for any playoff series I've seen except the San Antonio series last year...maybe. Again, Dirk most likely won the MVP--and he deserves it for the REGULAR SEASON. Has it sunk in yet?

I also believe Golden State can beat Utah or Houston, because I don't think this team cares who they're playing. They're clearly not intimidated by playing any team, and they just knocked off the "best team" in the league right? So why wouldn't they "believe" that they can beat Utah or Houston?

Laughable. The Warriors did what they were supposed to do, shoot 3's and be athletic around the basket. The Mavs did nothing to stop them and did nothing about their own playstyle. The Mavs beat the Mavs just as much as the Warriors did. And there is no way the Warriors will win the next series...if any games. The only game they could possibly win is the 4th game when they are already down 0-3.

McLaren raises a good point anyway, the NBA fans from Texas don't really have anything to worry about. You still have 2 teams left to cheer for.

I love the generalization you make. It's almost like you think you know what you are talking about.

Raptors game tonight. I have a feeling they will lose :(

I don't. Toronto could sneak in another game if they play with some urgency and intensity. They have good young athletic players, and as you saw with the Warriors they can win some games just on pure athleticism alone.
No offense Gian, the articles just have me red-hot with their two-face reporters. They will most certainly get an e-mail from me later today.
I don't care for most sportswriters. I did read a cool article on the MSN News thingy though. This writer just completely bashed Avery, Dirk, even on Jason Terry for a little bit(well deserved). But at the end of the article, he also blamed the sportswriters, including himself, for not foreseeing this coming. At least he's honest. :D
Golden State fans should enjoy. Because we ALL know their luck is dead. Golden State may have 'believed' they can beat the Mavs, but there isn't a chance in hell they'll beat McGrady or Kirilenko and Boozer.
Like "luck", "believed" is also disrespectful to the Warriors, I feel. "Believe" is a word used in motivational speeches. When you are playing in a game, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. If you don't have what it takes, you are going to lose that game, whether you believe it or not.

On Golden State's chace against Utah or Houston, I touch on that below:

I also believe Golden State can beat Utah or Houston, because I don't think this team cares who they're playing. They're clearly not intimidated by playing any team, and they just knocked off the "best team" in the league right? So why wouldn't they "believe" that they can beat Utah or Houston?
I also feel the same. If Golden State can make Dallas look that bad, they can literally beat anybody. There is one huge factor going against Golden State here though, their injuries. If they were healthy, they could pretty much runover Houston or Jazz, just due to the momentum. But injury to Baron Davis can easily turn that team into a first round knockout that everyone expected them to be.
Raptors game tonight. I have a feeling they will lose :(
Me, too. Come on, Raps! Game 7 is at home!

I have played basketball, and in an organized league too. Being on-fire and what the Warriors did was not the same. Did you not read what I wrote? They had so many impossible 3's that it was luck. Offbalance with one hand, 50ft+, and etc. There is a difference trust me.
How many of these shots were off balance-one hander? How many were behind the halfcourt line? :lol: Did those handful of shots win the game for them? How about the other 3's? What was so impossible about them? Shooter WAY behind the 3-point line? Off balance? While he was being fouled? Double, triple coverage?

Good luck, bad luck, they happen in every game. But to say that Golden State won due to luck in a game that final score was 111-86 is just nuts. Like Omnis said, if the game was decided by a point, then you'd have a case with your argument.
1. Some of our players did talk trash, but there wasn't any physical response...as in hard NBA fouls. And for the life of me I can't figure out why none of our point guards drove straight at Baron Davis and his bad hamstring. He was literally HOLDING it while in a defensive stance.
I couldn't have agreed more on that. Playoffs isn't some goodwill exibition game.

2. MJ and Pippen weren't dirty, they just talked smack and backed it up. A dirty player is more along the lines of Laimbeer, Raja Bell, Karl Malone, Stephen Jackson, and so on.
You are joking, right? Pippen used to be my second all time favorite player(now, he's third). Let me tell you why. He got me interested in NBA defense. He just talked smack and backed it up? Maybe in the Gatorade commercial. :lol: Way they poked, hit, grabbed, and got inside your head with trash talk, those skills were just as great as their basic basketball skills. Trust me, if you ever played against them as a NBA player, considering how passionate of a guy you are, you'd have taken a swing at them. They were so good(bad!). :D
What the **** is that supposed to mean?
I was calling you a noob. Did you notice ":D" right below? Lighten up. I thought we were familiar with each other a little bit better, but I was wrong.
Blah blah blah blah, again you didn't read what I typed. I said the good teams use EVERY style of play. So, again read what I typed. The Bulls, Lakers, Pistons, Rockets, and Celtics all have various styles they can do--which include defense and uptempo.
Nice try at the sleight of hand, but this is what you said in response to myself backing up San Antonio:
2. I don't know what you are smoking but real NBA basketball is played at a higher pace. 95% of the years the NBA has been played has been more uptempo faster basketball.
Yes, later in that post, you did mention that you liked teams that had several styles of play.
I'm not stupid you know, I know what the I'm talking about. I'm taking that entire post of yours personally.
Way you've been talking to me, I think it's safe to say that I made your S-List. Not the Super List, the other one.

Take a chill pill, JCE. We are talking about basketball. It's only a game.
dallas lost. it's over for them. you guys can stop arguing now.
Yeah, but now the discussion is about how they lost. :lol:

If I remember correctly, you liked the Longhorns. Are you rooting for any of the teams in the Playoffs?
Good game tonight in New Jersey, very close the whole way through. If Calderon just lobs that last pass towards the rim instead of throwing it straight, who knows what could've been for the Raptors, haha. But they're a young team with lots of promising talent, I'm sure they'll be back next year.
Good game tonight in New Jersey, very close the whole way through. If Calderon just lobs that last pass towards the rim instead of throwing it straight, who knows what could've been for the Raptors, haha. But they're a young team with lots of promising talent, I'm sure they'll be back next year.
That was a heartbreaker, but to be honest, I didn't think the Game 6 would've been so close. I wish the Raptors a lot of success, next season.

Bargnani should be interesting with bit more NBA experience under his belt, too.
Way you've been talking to me, I think it's safe to say that I made your S-List. Not the Super List, the other one.

Take a chill pill, JCE. We are talking about basketball. It's only a game.

You're not on my ****-list. Not by a longshot. Infact no one here is. Let's just agree to disagree.

Go Bulls

Good game tonight in New Jersey, very close the whole way through. If Calderon just lobs that last pass towards the rim instead of throwing it straight, who knows what could've been for the Raptors, haha. But they're a young team with lots of promising talent, I'm sure they'll be back next year.

I unfortunately missed the game due to having to goto a birthday party. It must of been a really good game to end within 1 point. I had hope that Toronto would show up, and they did.

That was a heartbreaker, but to be honest, I didn't think the Game 6 would've been so close. I wish the Raptors a lot of success, next season.

Bargnani should be interesting with bit more NBA experience under his belt, too.

Toronto is going to be very tough next season. This is experience that a young team like Toronoto needs. Next year should be a great playoff spectacle for the Eastern Conferenece.

So, next up. Houston or Utah?

You're not on my ****-list. Not by a longshot. Infact no one here is. Let's just agree to disagree.

Go Bulls
Fair enough, friend. I'm also rooting for the Bulls. Joey's should be used to that by now. :P:tup:

Toronto is going to be very tough next season. This is experience that a young team like Toronoto needs. Next year should be a great playoff spectacle for the Eastern Conferenece.
Little more experience, gel together a bit more, pick up another quality body in the very deep 2007 draft..... sounds good to me.

So, next up. Houston or Utah?

I want to say Utah, but it's at Houston, right? I'd say whoever shows up that day, 50/50 at this point. Of course, if the pattern continues, Houston wins.

I still can't stand the Jazz, so go Rockets!
I also feel the same. If Golden State can make Dallas look that bad, they can literally beat anybody. There is one huge factor going against Golden State here though, their injuries. If they were healthy, they could pretty much runover Houston or Jazz, just due to the momentum. But injury to Baron Davis can easily turn that team into a first round knockout that everyone expected them to be.

Won't happen. Why? Because Nellie can't syke out Houston or Utah. He also didn't coach their teams and know how to find their weaknesses. There's no way you can't tell me that Nellie being the Mavs previous coach, and knowing their weaknesses was not part of the reason they killed us.

Nellie can't syke Utah or Houston. He also can't take advantage of a weakness he doesn't know anything about.

And given Jackson and Davis' little tantrums, they won't find a Mav who will walk away. Oh no, they'll find a Boozer or a Howard in their face. The guys who play for Utah and Houston are a lot more aggressive, and in my predicament, will spark Baron's temper faster than the Mavs did.
You're right they did win, I'm not disputing that. Infact as I predicted days ago they would. The Mavs had a mental and physical breakdown that falls almost squarely on the coach. But, still, if you can't admit that the Warriors were at least partially lucky in at least some situations then you didn't watch the same series as I did.

I was talking about the game, not the series. :)
No, Golden State was lucky. You can't seriously expect a team to shoot lights out from 3pt range for 6 straight games in the playoffs...when that team hasn't even been anygood in the last 14 years?

Out coached? I may agree that Avery was terrible this series but Don Nelson--now I've seen him for along time here so don't think I don't know his coaching--had almost nothing to do with how they played. That has been and will be the way the Warriors are--push the ball and jack up 3's. Nelson just encouraged them--that's it. He did it here too.

Let me repeat what I said, I've NEVER SEEN in all my 20 years of watching NBA basketball seen a team that was THAT on fire from the perimeter. EVER. 30% of those 3's were from over 25ft away, a handfull were from more than 27ft away, a handful of them were offbalance with one arm, and even still 2 were from 50ft or more away (one didn't count but still). I'm not even going to include the ones they made when the Mavs committed a foul and they shot the ball when the ball was dead--they made most of those too. Phoenix would love to shoot that well and that unconcious from 3.

I give credit for the Warriors for one thing and one thing only, for sticking to their gameplan and shooting 3's regardless of the game's flow or outcome. THAT is there only strength. Utah or Houston will wipe the floor with them in 5 games--or maybe even 4 games.

Your team **** the bed. Stop being a homer and get over it.
Oooh wow the iron is red hot in here. Tempers flaring and I sure hope I'm not in the path of any train when I say GO SPURS! Win it all! Again. Boring or not to watch I love them win or lose.
Yeah, but now the discussion is about how they lost. :lol:

If I remember correctly, you liked the Longhorns. Are you rooting for any of the teams in the Playoffs?

Well I was going for Dallas. I was thinking about rooting for Golden State now just out of spite. I really doubt I'm going to keep up with the playoffs now. The only reason I've been kind of keeping up with basketball now is because Dallas has been playing well. I'm more of a football fan.
Won't happen. Why? Because Nellie can't syke out Houston or Utah. He also didn't coach their teams and know how to find their weaknesses. There's no way you can't tell me that Nellie being the Mavs previous coach, and knowing their weaknesses was not part of the reason they killed us.

Nellie can't syke Utah or Houston. He also can't take advantage of a weakness he doesn't know anything about.

And given Jackson and Davis' little tantrums, they won't find a Mav who will walk away. Oh no, they'll find a Boozer or a Howard in their face. The guys who play for Utah and Houston are a lot more aggressive, and in my predicament, will spark Baron's temper faster than the Mavs did.
You mean "psych", right? Maybe my English that's messed up, I don't know(I'm Japanese). On one hand, I want to say that you can't psych a team for the whole series, then again, it sure looked like the Mavs mind(coaching and players) were pretty messed up in the series against the Heat last year, too.

Blazers last game of the season was against the Warriors, which I attended. They are athletic and taking guys like Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson into account, they can get hot. There is no doubt that Coach Nelson having previously coached the team helped him a little bit. Most definitely, at least in case of Dirk. But by focusing on something that minimal, I think you are being too quick to dismiss what the Warriors did. And exactly how many Mavs players are still left on the roster from the Nelson days anyway? All I can remember off the top of my head is Dirk and Dampier.

Also keep in mind that Don Nelson is regarded as one of the greatest coaches in the history of the game. He's won plenty of games and series without having coached the opposing teams, or their players.

It should be an interesting second round series for the Warriors. I don't know much about the Rockets, but I'll give you that Jazz are much more aggressive than the Mavs. As long as Jerry Sloan's coaching them, I say. :sly: At least he used to encourage "physical contact". As for the series though, again, I think it'll depend on the Warriors injury situation. With a key injury or two, Warriors are just a first round team.
Well I was going for Dallas. I was thinking about rooting for Golden State now just out of spite. I really doubt I'm going to keep up with the playoffs now. The only reason I've been kind of keeping up with basketball now is because Dallas has been playing well. I'm more of a football fan.
Another (probably)heartbroken Mavs fan. Sorry about the outcome, man. I hope Cuban and his GM can make some necessary changes. I wouldn't fire Avery, but IMO, he so badly needs somebody who can advise him a situation like the Warriors series and the Heat series from last year. I mean, how many fans followed and watched the series going, "what are the Mavs doing!?" I think Avery needs an high profile assistant coach that demands respect and attention from Avery.

Edit: Oh, and Go Spurs! :D
I don't think the Pistons will win it all, I think they will lose in the finals like they typically do.
I don't think the Pistons will win it all, I think they will lose in the finals like they typically do.
Yeah, I can see them reaching the Finals, but can't see them beating the Spurs or the Suns either.
My money's on the Spurs, I say they win it in 6 games. While I am rooting for the Pistons I still need to be realistic and realize they tend to get tired and they choke during the finals. But hey who knows, at the beginning of the playoffs my money was on the Mavs but ya that didn't go as planned.
Well, my Rockets are officially done. I'm more than saddened to see my team go down like this. Really no reason for me to watch the Playoffs any further. It's probably the same feelings most of my fellow Houstonians feel as the Rockets fell short in tonight's game. The long road to November is on for my boys.

Something I usually tell my friends is that this would be a waste of a season if they didn't make the Second Round. You get 50+ wins even as T-Mac and Yao were banged up. You play with heart even in losses... more than enough to go very far in May and into June. I'm still proud of my Houston Rockets. This was a great series. Anyhow, add Houston to the list of Texas teams knocked out of the 2007 playoffs. Good luck to Utah the rest of the way.

As a seperate discussion, all the playoff games I've seen were not on TNT, but FSN Houston. This is one of the few times in which staying native is better than watching a nationwide broadcast. The broadcasting tandem of Bill Worrell, Clyde "The Glide" Drexler, and Matt Bullard is always entertaining to me. I think the TNT boys would have been not real exciting or entertaining to listen to since I have some "theory" that Houston teams can't seem to win nationally-televised games. Anyhow, my question: Do you think it's better watching playoff games on national television or on local networks (granted they are on a regional network)? One last time- better luck next year, Rockets.
I prefer the local broadcast. You know these guys, and when they are actually replaced, it takes time to get used to the new guys. At least for me.

On the Rockets, I don't think the T-Mac/Yao combo is enough. Not if you want to go after the Championship. And I've never been big on Juwan Howard. Oh, I just gotta a great idea. Yao and Juwan for *KG. Now, that is scary.

*Do note that I consider KG to be the solution for 99% of problems in the world, including NBA related. :P

But hey who knows, at the beginning of the playoffs my money was on the Mavs but ya that didn't go as planned.
I hear ya. Two teams that I thought even had a chance of beating the Mavs were the Suns and Spurs.
You mean "psych", right? Maybe my English that's messed up, I don't know(I'm Japanese). On one hand, I want to say that you can't psych a team for the whole series, then again, it sure looked like the Mavs mind(coaching and players) were pretty messed up in the series against the Heat last year, too.
My spelling was way off.

Also keep in mind that Don Nelson is regarded as one of the greatest coaches in the history of the game. He's won plenty of games and series without having coached the opposing teams, or their players.
Of course he is. He has over 1,000 wins under his belt.

It should be an interesting second round series for the Warriors. I don't know much about the Rockets, but I'll give you that Jazz are much more aggressive than the Mavs. As long as Jerry Sloan's coaching them, I say. :sly: At least he used to encourage "physical contact". As for the series though, again, I think it'll depend on the Warriors injury situation. With a key injury or two, Warriors are just a first round team.
Well, since they're going against the Jazz, I say they're done by Game 5 or 6. Boozer was on fire tonight, and I didn't see to much Kiri.

Another (probably)heartbroken Mavs fan. Sorry about the outcome, man. I hope Cuban and his GM can make some necessary changes. I wouldn't fire Avery, but IMO, he so badly needs somebody who can advise him a situation like the Warriors series and the Heat series from last year. I mean, how many fans followed and watched the series going, "what are the Mavs doing!?" I think Avery needs an high profile assistant coach that demands respect and attention from Avery.
Well, right now, it's expected Croshere will leave the Mavs. He's a good 3-pointer, but didn't show enough to stay. Everyone is hoping Stackhouse stays though. Our DFW Paper also called Dampier a poser because he played little time. Uh, did they forget Dampier did have a big shoulder injury? That, or his right arm has gigantic buldge on it that isn't normal.

Wow, the Bulls sucked tonight.

Tell me about it! I left at Halftime and they were ok. I come back, and BAM!, they're way down. But I'm sure that'll change. I have noticed that in Easten teams, they all are a little more accruate in the paint than some of our Western teams. In the West, they seem to be aggressive, as if they're under large pressure.
However, after watching the Pistons and Bulls, I noticed they looked extremely calm.
Man, poor Nash. Hope he returns.
That was unfortunate for the Suns. That collision could have cost the Suns' homecourt advantage. San Antonio looked good, but with Nash in there, it looked like the game could have gone either way to me.

Go Spurs!​

OK, I'll stop now. :sly: