When team is shooting the lights out, they are not lucky. They are feeling it. They are hot. If you play basketball, you'd know what being in the zone is like. You are unconscious. You just jack it up, nothing but the bottom of the net.
My personal theory on it is that your shooting mechanics just becomes perfect due to the flow of the game, also the condition of your body. But does that mean you can't beat a team that's hot? No. I can't picture Dallas doing it, but this is where you have to become the total villain. You bump them, you talk trash. Instigate a fight, no open layups(which means knock Davis to the floor everytime he gets to the hoop). But again, I don't think Dallas Mavs have that in them. That's what it takes. Couple of my favorite players of all time, MJ & Pippen, now, they were couple of the dirtiest players you ever saw. 👍
1. Baron Davis is a hot-headed player. He talks trash, he whines to the refs on every play, and he is a sore loser. If you haven't noticed that these playoffs then I'm sorry. Our local broadcast showed him and the other Warriors players being hot-headed, mouthy sore winners AND losers. I truely dislike that team--and it isn't Nelson's fault.
I can understand that. I love Baron's game. He truly is a great player. I don't know much about his personality though.
2. I don't know what you are smoking but real NBA basketball is played at a higher pace. 95% of the years the NBA has been played has been more uptempo faster basketball. There were a couple of years in the late 90's where Stern added some new rules that favored defenses until coaches figured out a way to overcome them. I'm not saying Phoenix or Warrior fast fast fast hurry jack it up basketball is what I like--because quite the contrary. I liked the style of play that the Mavs had in the REGULAR SEASON. A team that can do any style. The old Pistons, Bulls, Celtics, and even the Lakers all had several styles of play. Now teams are too one-dimensional. Defense defense defense...or fast break fast break fast break jack it up jack it up jack it up type styles.
The SPURS have more of the defense first, half court second, and a VERY distant "hey lets push the ball" mentality. They COULD do it, they choose not to for the majority of the time. I do not like, slow half court grind it out games*--they make me sleepy.
*-see Eastern Conference teams
I just have to shake my head at this........ JCE. I want you to wear a sign on your back, "Basketball fan in training" for rest of the NBA Playoffs.
Uptempo teams struggle in the playoffs. I want you to remember that. Really hard.
Now, I didn't start watching NBA until the late 80's or so. So let us start clean in 1990. How many uptempo, run-and-gun teams have won the NBA Finals? Exactly, ZERO. Good teams will always slow down and kill the uptempo opponent with their DEFENSE. When my Blazers used to be good, we'd have success against Kobe & Shaq. We'd thrive on more exciting style offense, but that was doing the regular season. As soon as the Playoffs begun, Lakers defense never allowed us to run. They always made other teams play their pace.
Dallas Mavs could've been the first uptempo team in a decade or two to actually win the title, but that never happend. Phoenix this year, I think they have a great chance at the title. But that have absolutely ZERO to do with the tempo of their play. They simply have loaded roster with some awesome firepower. As you probably know, I'm rooting for San Anton, but their roster is thin. Unless guys like Parker, Ginobili, maybe even Barry get real, real, hot, I think they'll have tough time beating them. Spurs are much better team than the Lakers though, it should be a good series.