2006-07 NBA Season(Finals - A Four Game Sweep)

  • Thread starter a6m5
Well if Dirk or Howard GOT THE GOD DAMNED BALL as much as the other people *cough* it might be different. People weren't even looking for them. This is my problem with the All-Star game--unless you are a media superstar you won't get the ball or any type of attention.

It is NOT about minutes--its about other players trying to get the other players involved. An All-Star game that is nothing but a bunch of solo acts isn't interesting nor entertaining. You have everyone and their grandmother passing the ball to Kobe or LeBron--but god forbid these egotistical maniacs look for other players. I wanted to see Butler, Howard, and Okur get some good minutes and some attention. It was their first All-Star game, why not reward them? Its almost not even worth watching anymore.
Well if Dirk or Howard GOT THE GOD DAMNED BALL as much as the other people *cough* it might be different. People weren't even looking for them. This is my problem with the All-Star game--unless you are a media superstar you won't get the ball or any type of attention.

It is NOT about minutes--its about other players trying to get the other players involved. An All-Star game that is nothing but a bunch of solo acts isn't interesting nor entertaining. You have everyone and their grandmother passing the ball to Kobe or LeBron--but god forbid these egotistical maniacs look for other players. I wanted to see Butler, Howard, and Okur get some good minutes and some attention. It was their first All-Star game, why not reward them? Its almost not even worth watching anymore.

I don't know about Howard, but i saw Dirk throw up plenty of shots. And i didn't mean that Shaq should get more minutes, i wanted him to only have like 10. He's old. :sly:

Come on, you can't tell me his between the legs dribbling wasn't funny though. :D
I WAS quite entertained when Shaq did his crossover thing at center court. As much as I hate him as a person and as a player that was definately funny when he was taking the ball up the court and acting like a point guard. :)
Ugh. You guys are still talkin' All-Stars. :guilty: :D

I was at the Utah-Blazers game today........ Blazers win! Nevermind that Utah was missing two of their best players. Go Blazers! :P:tup:

Oh, and there was a first for me at this game. During timeout, camera showed the fans here and there on that jumbotron thing...... it cuts to couple of cuties in Blazers jerseys, you can hear us guys getting bit excited...... then both girls takes their jerseys off, and I could swear they had nothing underneath, except for "Go Blazers" stuff painted on their chests!

I've never seen that camera cutaway so fast. :lol:

Edit: Oh, I get it. It was Fat Tuesday today. I didn't get that until just now.

Well done, ladies!
Well, looks like tonight, both teams will lose a person. Miami will lose Wade to an injury, while Dallas trades off Johnson to I think, Atlanta.
My prediction...yes that's right its the return of my wildly unpopular always-wrong prediction--special edition!

Miami 88
Dallas 110

Dirk with 33/12
Howard with 22/9
Terry with 20/7(ast)6(reb)
Shaq with 21/11
Wade with 0/0/0/0/0/0/0 because that cocky SOB is still crying about hurting his shoulder, BOOOHOOO grow up you little punk

Miami couldn't beat Boston right now much less the best team in the NBA.
Well, I thought the crying was a bit weird, but I mean, the guy did dislocate his shoulder.

I did think the wheelchair was a little too dramatic though.
Well, I thought the crying was a bit weird, but I mean, the guy did dislocate his shoulder.

I did think the wheelchair was a little too dramatic though.

I'm sorry but he's a p*ssy. I've been stabbed by an icepick, shot with a .22 cal 2" above my left knee, broke my right femur in half, broken both wrists, been in 2 severe car accidents, broken my right ankle in two places, broken too many of my digits to recall the exact amount, stepped on 2 nails (not at the same time), and a host of other injuries and I NEVER CRIED. And half of those injuries happend before the age of 16. And the wheelchair is WAY over the top. HEY DEWHINE...errrr Dewayne you hurt your bloody SHOULDER not your LEGS/FEET. You can still walk![/rant]

Oh, and I need to add the fact that I've had arthritis since I was 8 and I'm allergic to aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. What that means is I can't take any pain medication or I start breaking out and my air passage starts to swell up--then if I'm not in the emergency room within an hour I suffocate and die. And what does that really mean? It means I have to "TOUGH" it out when I get hurt or have a migrane headache.
So, you're a tough, hard to beat Texan like many Texans are. Still, I'm on the fence about the crying.

I've never had anything really broken, nor have I ever dislocated my shoulder. Being so, I can't say I've never cried from injuries, but I also can't say I'd see myself crying or not about dislocating my shoulder since it's never happened to me.

The only thing that bothers me about the injury is what Miami Forums will say when he comes back such as if they win, they'll bring up, "We won! And with Wade playing on an injured shoulder" or "We lost. But Wade was playing with a bad shoulder." The same crap some did with his ankle, just now with his shoulder.
JCE: You've been shot before!? :lol: And did Wade really cry? Reminds me of the time Shaq cried in the Magic uniform, after Hakeem's team swept them out of the NBA Finals a while back.

Oh hey a6m5, your team traded Juan Dixon for Fred Jones: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2775131
I know. I've been watching the trades, as the Blazers were rumored to move a player or two. Juan was a good guy and player for us. I hope it works out well for him in Toronto.

Freddy, now I love the guy. He grew up here, went to college here. I was hoping he would slip in the draft, his year, just so the Blazers could get him. Better late than never! :D He's supposed to be a really nice guy, too. He also was involved in that big rumble between the Pacers and the Pistons fans. Of course, all he did was hold people back, even as one drunk was throwing punches at him. What a guy(personally, I'd broken the drunks' skull).
Dallas off to a great start. 7-2 w/ 8:45 1st QTR to go. Shaq's first foul though, I thought was a bit questionable.

And I see a TON of #41 MVP shirts. D*mn, maybe I should I have gone.

Quick question, why do some players wear what looks like a plastic face-mask?

:lol: I just saw Wade's Navigator commercial, and I can't believe how obvious it isn't him riding the bike away. Why would that need a stunt double?
Quick question, why do some players wear what looks like a plastic face-mask?
Most of the time, to protect their injury during the heeling/recovering period.

Doesn't Rip Hamilton wear his all year round though? He probably got tired of getting hit in the face all the time or something.
Most of the time, to protect their injury during the heeling/recovering period.

Doesn't Rip Hamilton wear his all year round though? He probably got tired of getting hit in the face all the time or something.

Yeah, I just found that out last night during the game. Buckner had it due to a small injury during practice the day before.

I was really disappointed in our rookies though. They let the Heat come back enough to make a difference.
Rookies vs Veterans = Veterans making a run

All in all if Dirk and the crew would of stayed in we would of won by over 40 easily.

If you listen carefully you can still hear Wade crying.

And yes I was close on Dirks line and I was right in assuming a massacre.

*edit 2*
Is it just me or is Dirk starting to rack up the assists? Has Avery had him work more on his passing?
Wade was in a wheelchair because the athletic trainer couldn't get a stint, and wanted to keep the arm propped up so as not to put any weight on it. So, he asked for a wheelchair and had Wade sit down in it.

I'm sorry but he's a p*ssy. I've been stabbed by an icepick, shot with a .22 cal 2" above my left knee, broke my right femur in half, broken both wrists, been in 2 severe car accidents, broken my right ankle in two places, broken too many of my digits to recall the exact amount, stepped on 2 nails (not at the same time), and a host of other injuries and I NEVER CRIED. And half of those injuries happend before the age of 16. And the wheelchair is WAY over the top. HEY DEWHINE...errrr Dewayne you hurt your bloody SHOULDER not your LEGS/FEET. You can still walk![/rant]

Just because life sucks and you do some dumb stuff doesn't mean i can't cry when my arm, which let's say was already battered a few games before, pops out of its socket.
Wade was in a wheelchair because the athletic trainer couldn't get a stint, and wanted to keep the arm propped up so as not to put any weight on it. So, he asked for a wheelchair and had Wade sit down in it.

Just because life sucks and you do some dumb stuff doesn't mean i can't cry when my arm, which let's say was already battered a few games before, pops out of its socket.

Hmmm, right, ASSUME it was my fault for those injuries? Or are you expressing your point about yourself? Because just so you know, other than stepping on those nails 99% of the rest of those injuries weren't my fault. No need to defend Wade here, he cried about something that isn't as painful as a whole host of other ailments.

I really wish Memphis would win a game or two at some point.

I also wish Memphis would win some games. I'm not being sarcastic either. 👍 And the great thing is in a 7 game series Memphis would beat Miami. And that's such a lovely thought.
Man, it's gonna be tough tomorrow. Denver is a strong team and if I hear right, AI with CA will be playing together which will make them tough to cover.
Where's your Mavericks avatar? TRAITOR!

But seriously, I don't think it will be as hard as you think. I think it will be a great game but in the end no one in the NBA can guard Dirk. Dirk seems to be a man on a mission.
On Wade's shoulder: One guy I talk to claims it is extremely painful, and it shouldn't surprise anyone if a grown man cries due to an dislocated shoulder.

It's probably case by case. A Point Guard who used to play for the Blazers, I think his name was Randolph Childress. He used to dislocate it all the time. One time, he got his arm stuck in his seat, while on bench(that was pretty much the position he played) and yep, he dislocated his shoulder. To him, it probably wasn't much of pain anymore.

I really wish Memphis would win a game or two at some point.
As long as this win doesn't take place tonight. ;)
Hmmm, right, ASSUME it was my fault for those injuries? Or are you expressing your point about yourself? Because just so you know, other than stepping on those nails 99% of the rest of those injuries weren't my fault. No need to defend Wade here, he cried about something that isn't as painful as a whole host of other ailments.

I also wish Memphis would win some games. I'm not being sarcastic either. 👍 And the great thing is in a 7 game series Memphis would beat Miami. And that's such a lovely thought.

Yeah, i guess it's easy to poke fun at Wade because he attacks the basket and is an exciting player - when all Dirk will ever do is shoot from the perimeter and dunk maybe twice a game. It was especially exciting seeing him do it in the all-star game, after fizzling out in the second round of the three-point shootout.

You beat the Heat by 12 then think Memphis can win a 7 game series against them? Great logic. The only problem i see is that losing to Dallas by 12 equates to beating Memphis by 20. It's science, look it up.
Put your 3rd string players versus ours and lets talk about that 12-point win again. If we left all of our starters in there (minus Howard) it would of been easily a 40 point win. If you seriously believe in that 12 point win as somekind of measuring stick then you really need to re-evaluate your team.

Miami = 26-28

That places them exactly as of right now in 8th place in the west. Hell you are only 8th place in your own conference. They won't even make the playoffs--if they do its 8th seed for them and an early exit versus Detriot or Washington.

And on that Dirk isn't an exciting player bull****, if you watched that game you apparently weren't listening to the annoucers. They were almost speechless watching Dirk do his thing. He can't be guarded--period. How many and-one's did he get? It's science, look it up.
Where's your Mavericks avatar? TRAITOR!

But seriously, I don't think it will be as hard as you think. I think it will be a great game but in the end no one in the NBA can guard Dirk. Dirk seems to be a man on a mission.
It'll be back. ;)

I agree. Dirk's fadeaway of his left foot is just too hard to stop. It's like the announcers say, he's just too hard to cover. He kicks back, shoots off on 1 foot while shooting behind his head.

Yeah, i guess it's easy to poke fun at Wade because he attacks the basket and is an exciting player - when all Dirk will ever do is shoot from the perimeter and dunk maybe twice a game. It was especially exciting seeing him do it in the all-star game, after fizzling out in the second round of the three-point shootout.
So, he fizzled out. Big deal. He won last year. Dirk shooting is not the big deal. What's considered amazing is the fact of how he shoots. The way he shoots makes him hard to cover. Besides, man, at least his dunks are going in the first time, and can actually knock down his free-throws unlike Miami's big "star".

You beat the Heat by 12 then think Memphis can win a 7 game series against them? Great logic. The only problem i see is that losing to Dallas by 12 equates to beating Memphis by 20. It's science, look it up.

You came back because of our rookies and 3rd string guys. Had we had Howard, Stackhouse, Terry, Harris, & Dampier (just those 5), our lead would have stayed. Besides, at least you guys didn't get beat by 20 for the 10th time.

Right now though, it seems Pat Riley is going to have turn Shaq into Wade, and I mean by being the star player of the team. But Shaq can't be as good as Wade. He just seems to big to be driver Wade is, and his so-called 3-pointer is one I have yet to see (thought I don't see Wade knocking down 3s very often either).

And I think JCE is right. Now that Miami is on a line, every team you go against is going to play like mad to keep you out of the Playoffs, and it won't be because, 'Hey, let's finish 'em while we can', it's more of a, "Don't let the defending champs back in."
Its halftime and Dirk already has 6 assists. Could tonight be his first triple double? :) I think Denver is going to be a tough first round opponent for somebody in the Western Conference...as is Utah. Tonight is turning out to be an entertaining game unlike the previous one. *cough*

First play of the 3rd quarter = 1 more assist for Dirk.
How about them Rockets? lol.

Without Yao Ming and they are 35-20. Impressive eh?

Seems like there is quite a bit of Mavericks fan here... Their on a roll huh?

I'm saying it right now. The winner of the NBA finals will be one of the Texas team. Either Mavericks, Spurs, or Rockets (being the dark horse).

I think in the playoffs - the Suns won't be as effective. They play little defense and in the playoffs I think its more about the best all around team. We'll see.

Dirk has been a monster lately.
I think in the playoffs - the Suns won't be as effective. They play little defense and in the playoffs I think its more about the best all around team. We'll see.
I've always maintained that as well...... until this years Suns came along. I declared a decade ago that Jason Kidd's team will never win a championship, even when he came close with couple of teams there. Good team will always manipulate the pace of the game, killing any "run&gun" attempt.

Having said that, if Phoenix is healthy come Playoff time, they have just as good chance as anybody at winning the Championship. I hated Kidd(what am I saying? I still do!), but he was good. Nash is better. Nash's teammates are unbelievably good, too.

I still push for the Spurs, but they are in trouble. I'm surprised they didn't attempt an trade for a big, right before the trade deadline. They need help. Spurs used to win with handful of star players and solid role players, but now teams like Dallas, Phoenix, overloaded with talented players on their rosters are taking over. I hope the Big 3 in San Antonio get hot by spring time!