......and other countries don't? I don't think its entirely fair to comment on our support of our driver seeing as you don't have your own commentary feed for us to complain about. I understand other people have had to endure our commentary rather than having their own and so they have gotten sick of hearing about our drivers but be honest, would you still think the same if it was for your own countries drivers/teams?
Of course you would and I don't like how you are saying that its "the british tend to do this". I find this rather offensive like we are the only ones guilty of being patriotic! I personally find my country to be pathetically un-patriotic with our rediculous strides to being politically correct all the time. When people finally do start being patriotic in sports and now we are being shot down for being overly patriotic?
I find it sad that my country regularly does away with its traditions and past just to accomodate those who feel like they are a minority and are being treated in some kind of racist sense, especially when one of our so called best traits is that we are multi-cultured. Surely expressing your support for your country is something that anyone who is raised there can join in? I don't see why people feel it is a racial thing, it is certainly not, it is a community thing.
But yes, I find it somewhat offensive to suggest we have some kind of problem with being too patriotic when it comes to our sporting heroes. Like Spain doesn't bother talking about Fernando Alonso....ya know