2010 F1 Belgian Grand Prix

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Well... if you'd made a crack about Max Mosley and a prostitute in an SS uniform, I wouldn't react, because there's evidence of such....

It was quite clearly a joke. I suggest you either grow a sense of humor or quit tripping over every little thing I say and then using it as something to use against me in order to try and get me in trouble like a 7 year old tattle taler...LAME :rolleyes:

Have fun. Sorry if we're not too accomodating of outrageous claims...

How many times do I have to tell you, it was a joke...

I know you like to get your panties in a bunch over nothing (ESPECIALLY when I say it), but give me a break, PLEASE.

I take it you're taking up an F1 career? :D....

How do you figure? I said being involved more in racing (not F1 necessarily) then sitting around and observing and commentating from my pedestal like a lot you people who think you know everything about racing, yet don't have much first hand experience or judgement.

Just noting that there's precedent where a driver wasn't penalized for it... and nobody else seems unduly bothered. But I quite agree... if you're obviously over the line, that's got to be a penalty. When you get paid ridiculous sums of money to drive a racing car, you ought to know, at least, how to park it between the lines. :lol:

I completely agree. I think this shows the incompetence of the FIA thus making my joke about Charlie Whiting rather justified :lol: If he did nothing wrong then of course that joke of sarcasm wouldn't have been necessary one bit...but that wasn't the case.

With that said, the start box markings are there for a reason (well I guess not, according to Charlie) and if you're out of this boundry (especially by a blatantly obvious amount like Massa) you should be penalized...otherwise where is the invisible line drawn???

IMO when people do things wrong (especially their job) they should be called out on it and others should be allowed to make fun of them...otherwise things never get corrected in the future because no one calls them out on their obvious faults. Which is the case in terms of the FIA.

I just might. :lol: Had to wade through three days of posts (trying to ignore them) where timeattack kept saying that somebody else said something (quite insistently) when they didn't. Kinda hard to tell when he's being serious.

You're talking out of your ass (sorry, but you are. And sorry if you can't handle my bluntness). What does my argument from 3 days ago regarding Niki Lauda's comments and the fact that people want to ignore the word "collusive" because they claim he is a German speaking man who doesn't know what he saying, have to do with determining whether or not I'm serious?

I don't post here often but I always look through the threads, and I for one won't miss his sarcasm and smiley filled posts

Good to hear, Mr. uptight. Coming from you that means a lot :) :sly: (are my smileys & sarcasm eating at you?) :lol:
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For what its worth, I think bringing the AUP for the particular comment was clutching at straws. It was clearly a joke. That said, timeattack, you seem very uptight perhaps just relax a bit. I don't see any need to stop posting in this area of the forum.
For what its worth, I think bringing the AUP for the particular comment was clutching at straws. It was clearly a joke. That said, timeattack, you seem very uptight perhaps just relax a bit. I don't see any need to stop posting in this area of the forum.

Steve, that's because I have people like Niky doing whatever they can to get me in trouble and to go against my grain, so to speak. I'll admit atm their uptightness and sensitivity is starting to wear off on me unfortunately and it doesn't help when I must constantly defend what I say or defend a blatantly obvious joke that I make...which they rather jump on and pretend they are offended by, rather than by just laughing it off as it was intended for.

TBH, at this point I don't have much interest in posting in this forum (this section in particular) as a lot of the personality types around here just can't seem to take a joke and are overly sensitive and serious (if I say a joke, use a smiley face, etc) :rolleyes:

As far as I'm concerned I have better things to do with my time, and from now on I will just let them be, because this place obviously doesn't work for me :ill: Not to mention at the end of the day, what in the hell am I accomplishiing by spending time posting on here :dunce:
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Damn, that was savage! :lol:

Edit: Redbull need to give Vettel a set of wings so he to can fly like that in order to overtake (since doesn't know how to pull it off any other way) :lol:
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I hear that, if you get to 50,000 posts you win the internets.

:lol: Well in that case...


Lmao :lol: :lol: Nice find.
Vettel couldn't have picked a worse time to T-bone another driver... especially when the steaks were so high.
Wow at the last couple of pages, it was clearly a joke. Anyway, the white line designates that the driver has to position their car behind that line. In the same way a long jumper/triple jumper get's penalised for crossing the white line, a driver should get penalised for crossing their starting grid line. That line should be the absolute limit. Drivers should aim to stop their cars before the line to avoid it.

You can quite clearly see from the image, that he's almost sat on the white line, so it's not just the car, part of his body is over the line.

The title battle is looking interesting now, it could end up as a two horse race between Hamilton and Webber (And imo, they've impressed the most out of the top drivers this season - except maybe Kubica who isn't in a title-challenging car)

It'll all come down to who can keep their cool under pressure. We know that both Brits and Australians aren't the best for dealing with pressure (Generally, both nations seem to cope quite badly with it).

Lewis Hamilton has nerves of solid steel. But Mark Webber has nerves of flexible Carbon Fibre. It could be an interesting fight :)
Vettel couldn't have picked a worse time to T-bone another driver... especially when the steaks were so high.

Well it certainly wasn't a well done manouver. :lol:
I do like a bad joke.

It'll all come down to who can keep their cool under pressure. We know that both Brits and Australians aren't the best for dealing with pressure (Generally, both nations seem to cope quite badly with it).

1. What has nationality got to do with it?
2. Surely Hamilton (and Button I should add too) understands and can deal with pressure now he has already been world champion.
1. What has nationality got to do with it?
2. Surely Hamilton (and Button I should add too) understands and can deal with pressure now he has already been world champion.

I'm not just referring to racing drivers :)
Where someone is born doesn't alter their ability to face pressure.

That's completely false. Although I wouldn't generalize entire nations and their ability to deal with pressure like Seismica did.
I would say how someone is brought up and their life experiences reflect their ability to face pressure. Considering Hamilton has faced the experience of a championship assault twice before and won once, I think he can deal with the pressure.
Webber is more likely to lose it under pressure simply because he hasn't run at the front of F1 before and lead the championship, but that is nothing to do with him being an Aussie.

I'd love to see proof that place of birth affects anything to do with the psychology of the human mind at all.
I would say how someone is brought up and their life experiences relfect their ability to face pressure....I'd love to see proof that place of birth affects anything to do with the psychology of the human mind at all.[/QUOTE

Yes, but you're not taking into account that in some places/cities (a violent ghetto for example where violence and hostility is all around you) their experiences most likely help them deal with pressure in a hostile situation much better than say a upper class citizen who lives in a very wealthy city who has never witnessed any violence in his life, and would piss his pants if you even looked at him the wrong way :lol:

This is just an example...there are many others as well.
Those would be "life experiences". If they are born in that scenario in South America or Africa, it doesn't alter the person. The country where someone is born does not alter the person. Their upbringing and experiences do, sure you could draw some stereotypes for someone in a specific scenario which occurs in certain countries, but these are nothing to do with the nationality and everything to do with the scenario.

In any case, I don't recall anyone citing Hamilton, Button or Webber's upbringing just their nationality. Which is completely illogical.
It was quite clearly a joke. I suggest you either grow a sense of humor or quit tripping over every little thing I say and then using it as something to use against me in order to try and get me in trouble like a 7 year old tattle taler...LAME :rolleyes:

Oh dear lord... immaturity... on the internets! Wow!

How many times do I have to tell you, it was a joke...

Bludgeon too soft... use a bigger stick.

I know you like to get your panties in a bunch over nothing (ESPECIALLY when I say it), but give me a break, PLEASE.

Now I'm wearing panties! I'm hurt! I'm a little girl!

How do you figure? I said being involved more in racing (not F1 necessarily) then sitting around and observing and commentating from my pedestal like a lot you people who think you know everything about racing, yet don't have much first hand experience or judgement.

It was a joke, wasn't it? It came with a little smiley icon!

I completely agree. I think this shows the incompetence of the FIA thus making my joke about Charlie Whiting rather justified :lol: If he did nothing wrong then of course that joke of sarcasm wouldn't have been necessary one bit...but that wasn't the case.

We still have no proof of whether or not he was imbibing spirits in the booth. Wasn't much of a joke.

With that said, the start box markings are there for a reason (well I guess not, according to Charlie)

Haven't heard anything from him... though I'd like to.

and if you're out of this boundry (especially by a blatantly obvious amount like Massa) you should be penalized...otherwise where is the invisible line drawn???

On that, I agree.

IMO when people do things wrong (especially their job) they should be called out on it and others should be allowed to make fun of them...otherwise things never get corrected in the future because no one calls them out on their obvious faults. Which is the case in terms of the FIA.

The FIA ain't people. It's a seven-headed monster. I think the blame may be in the way the rules are written and how it's left to the disgression of the stewards on the ground.

You're talking out of your ass (sorry, but you are. And sorry if you can't handle my bluntness). What does my argument from 3 days ago regarding Niki Lauda's comments and the fact that people want to ignore the word "collusive" because they claim he is a German speaking man who doesn't know what he saying, have to do with determining whether or not I'm serious?

Ouch. Bluntness. Oooh. Didn't expect to see that here. It's just that you make outrageous claims or off-kilter observations with such seriousness that it's hard to know when you're being serious or talking out of your own back end. Took a lot of willpower not to join that discussion. :D

Sorry for being so "uptight"... If you can't take the heat, don't make Holocaust jokes. Simple. (and we all know I reacted to the Whiting joke because I'm secretly a seven-year old alcoholic. But I don't wear panties.) So the AUP call was overdone (and was done in jest, as well), but c'mon, I'm still talking to you on the actual issue we were discussing... and I actually agree with you. Just noting that if the stewards haven't been picking up on starting box violations all season, they probably won't start now. But they should, since the title fight is close, and could be decided by inches.

Vettel couldn't have picked a worse time to T-bone another driver... especially when the steaks were so high.

Aaaaand... the punning is back. I knew something was missing from my life... :lol:
You're still arguing over this?

Jesus Christ.

Welcome to a trans-time-zone flamewar. Leave your senses at the exit and feel free to ignore these posts... :lol: ...seriously, sorry for prolonging all of that jibber-jabber. I'magonnashutupnow.
Ouch. Bluntness. Oooh. Didn't expect to see that here. It's just that you make outrageous claims or off-kilter observations with such seriousness that it's hard to know when you're being serious or talking out of your own back end. Took a lot of willpower not to join that discussion. :D:

Of course it is for you (Mr. Internet is serious business) who needs sarcasm tags to identify even the most blatant case of sarcasm (as we saw a few pages back in this thread as well) :rolleyes: You can't even tell when the most blatantly obvious joke is loaded with sarcasm or if it is a completely serious statement. Instead you're so delusioned you must notify me that my joke is in violation of the AUP when it wouldn't be a violation regardless if it were a joke or not (as even if I was serious to begin with, it wasn't a claim which I would be trying to spread around as fact, only an assumption on my part)

Tbh, when it come down to it, you're the only one talking out of your own back end with your utter nonsense. And btw, you brought this all upon yourself...I'm just unneccesarily having to defend myself as usual.

Sorry for being so "uptight"... If you can't take the heat, don't make Holocaust jokes. Simple.

You refer to your "uptightness" as being heat???...paalleeassee :rolleyes: And "Holocaust jokes", yea I'm sure in your delusioned mind any joke (I mean statement...since you're incapable of identifying a joke) I say is full of evilness :lol:

Btw I think you meant to say something more along the lines of this..."Don't crack any jokes on this forum because uptight folks like me (Mr. Interent is serious bussiness) might get our panties in a bunch and then find the need the clutch at straws to get you in trouble due to our insecurities..." lmao

(and we all know I reacted to the Whiting joke because I'm secretly a seven-year old alcoholic. But I don't wear panties.) So the AUP call was overdone (and was done in jest, as well)

I'm sure it was...simply because you have some deep hatred for me and the harmless jokes I make. Get over yourself you fool :lol:

Welcome to a trans-time-zone flamewar. Leave your senses at the exit and feel free to ignore these posts... :lol: ...seriously, sorry for prolonging all of that jibber-jabber. I'magonnashutupnow.

Yes, you should. Your delusional rambling and shenanigans (particularly torwards me) are getting rather nauseating at this point :yuck: You don't even have the decency to apologize for unneccesarily jumping on my joke as being in violation of the AUP (mainly because you having something against me)...instead you squirm your way out of it saying you called violation of AUP out of "jest", while finding the need to take unnecessary shots at my intellegince which don't have any valditiy to begin with...COWARD.

Have a nice day :)
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Yes, you should. Your delusional rambling and shenanigans (particularly torwards me) are getting rather nauseating at this point :yuck:

The irony is rich.

Done insulting me? Good. Can we get back to discussing the race?

Have a nice day, Niky :)

And thank you, I am having a rather nice day. The smileys in the previous post have erased all traces of anger and hostility from the air. I think I even see flowers blooming in the window... which is quite a feat, as I live three stories up.

Still, having a nice day.

Well I made my point and I'm hoping we can move on from here. I'll make a note of avoiding you in the future and I hope you can do the same with me :cheers:
Well I made my point and I'm hoping we can move on from here. I'll make a note of avoiding you in the future and I hope you can do the same with me :cheers:

Your point being I'm a delusional fool and shenaniganizer who wears panties and harbors a deep hatred of you? Yes, you've made that point.

Avoid me if you must. If you post something interesting that I simply cannot avoid responding to, I will respond in a manner that is completely non-serious in order not to arouse your panty-twisting fantasies. :D