Turns out I lost a lot of time in T3; at the end of T2, I was only 0.21 slower than Twissy, but proceeded to lose a tenth in Blanchimont and a full 0.23 in the Bus Stop chicane.

At least I know where to focus on improving for my next run.
I was considering creating a UK leaderboard highlighting anyone who was ineligible (much like the
2013 USA discussion thread), but on reflection it would probably be easier to just create a list of ineligible drivers and put it in the OP.
I know that Twissy, BanditKarter and Tidgney are definitely ineligible; Bandit and Tidgney were at Race Camp last year and Twissy holds an MSA National A licence. It looks like nascar_wheelman is J. O'Neill; possibly Jack O'Neill who was at Race Camp in 2012, though I can't be 100% sure. Also, I remember WillRacer31 saying he didn't have a driving licence but was planning to do a fast track driving course to hopefully get his licence in time.