2014 GTP 24 HEURES DU MANS [13:00 UTC 12 JULY]

  • Thread starter AJ
They're in different classes (technically), you will have to ask @AJ if this is intentional. I agree it is the most out of place if they are meant to be equal, but even so it isn't an insurmountable difference to close with set-up changes.
Ah, right:tup:
F1 GTR 3:49.6 182mph
GT-R GT500 3:48.4 180mph
HSV GT500 3:48.3 180mph
Supra GT500 3:49.9 183mph

*As mentioned I used a uniform set-up, while this more of less suited most cars, the R18 was a little too oversteery, so there is probably a decent amount of time to be gained through set-up work.

Jonnyb1990. Nice job on the quick testing/comparison 👍. I came up with similar results for the 4 LM GT-P cars.

BUT, i was able to get the McLaren F1 up to 189 on the straight with limited Aero (it had the highest top speed easily). You might want to recheck that number if your tests/stats are being used for anything official. (Edit: my error, disregard this sentence)

I came up with lap times from 3:47.0-3:50.0 in the cars as well, so they are closer to each other than they have been to date IMO. It just took a while to get there I guess. (I did not compare tyre wear, nor fuel consumption)

Thanks for everyone's efforts.
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^ I should add, for the sake of ease I used the same set-up, including transmission, in the GT-P cars as I did the LMPs so the top speeds aren't as high as they could have been. I imagine the difference between cars is still an accurate reflection, though I will be doing some more testing tonight so I'll give them a try with a more appropriate ratio.
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2/7 Event Update

Just a few items;

1 - entry now stands at 13 cars, new teams will be accepted for LM P1-L, LM GT-P, or LM GT-S.

2 - 4 Hours Red Bull Ring will now be held on Saturday 5th June 1400-1800 UTC (your time here), If you haven't attended a practice race I strongly recommend coming along, if you have attended a practice race, I still strongly recommend coming along due to the new BoP.

3 - Network Teams, please start thinking about your Stint Timetable, it will be 1st come 1st served for time slots.
Wont make the practice because of work, got to work that weekend to get the race weekend off.
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OK, a couple of things.

Firstly my fourth team member will be Dowlin39, also from Ireland.

Secondly, we have been running tests in all the cars in our class, and feel that the BoP is OK.

Third, and very important. Since running the Sunday Cup on GT6 we have often experienced players not being able to see each other on the track, or in the lobby. To fix this, all racers must have UpNP enabled on their routers, and PS3. To find out if its on you must look at network connections on PS3 and see if UpNP is available. If it isnt, it must be enabled on your router. Then check the PS3 and make sure it is also enabled in network settings. Doing this will fix this issue.
3/7 Event Update

1 - Revised BoP for LM GT-S;


Notable changes to the BMW. Whilst it was producing comparable lap times, it was doing so though the corners rather than on the straights where it was well down on VMax. In race conditions this would have made life difficult, its now has a closer lap profile to the other cars.

2 - Qualifying

- Qualifying will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday.
- Session times will be decided based on requests from Team Managers.
- A minimum of 2 drivers will need to qualify for teams of 4, but may use more.
- Teams of 3,2, or 1 only need to qualify with 1 driver, but may use more.
- Drivers in the same team do not need to qualify on the same session or day.
- Drivers will qualify one at a time.

- For teams of 4 drivers, each driver will be allowed one run of 2 consecutive flying laps, in dry, night conditions.
- For teams of 3 drivers, each driver will be allowed one run of 3 consecutive flying laps, in dry, night conditions.
- For teams of 2 drivers, each driver will be allowed one run of 5 consecutive flying laps, in dry, night conditions.
- For teams of 1 drivers, each driver will be allowed two runs of 5 consecutive flying laps, in dry, night conditions.

- The average of a team's 3 best lap times will determine its qualifying time.
- The grid will be ordered by class, then qualifying time.
- There will be a rolling start, full details will be confirmed in a future Event Update.

[EDIT - clarification of Qualifying procedure]​
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Why has it changed again? So close to the event as well, I don't understand why this close to the event the bop changes so many times, alot of the teams have put in a lot of work setting up cars, but twice now we've had to go change it all around. Hopefully it'll stay this way now, if things keep changing people won't bother their backside turning up.
Agreed. This change to the bop will affect all the work we have put in so far. My drivers have been on track every night this week so that we can put together a spreadsgeet for the driver changes. This new bop will mean that we will have to re do this work next week, as we have commitments over the weekend. With qualifying happening next week as well, we will struggle to do this.
Why has it changed again? So close to the event as well, I don't understand why this close to the event the bop changes so many times, alot of the teams have put in a lot of work setting up cars, but twice now we've had to go change it all around. Hopefully it'll stay this way now, if things keep changing people won't bother their backside turning up.
Agreed. This change to the bop will affect all the work we have put in so far. My drivers have been on track every night this week so that we can put together a spreadsgeet for the driver changes. This new bop will mean that we will have to re do this work next week, as we have commitments over the weekend. With qualifying happening next week as well, we will struggle to do this.
Do you want a close race?
Well.... Le Mans is more about consistency than speed. I have a feeling that most people will be spread out after an hour or two. One mistake could mean damage, and depending on the severity, it could add a lot of time to a lap, and that doesn't even factor in the pit time. I have a feeling that the order will be determined by crashes, not lap times.
4/7 Event Update

BoP was originally announced 12 days ago, and was heavy trailed since the announcement of the event.

After the practice races it was clear that there needed to be a larger gap between relative class performance, the differences were more in the corners than on the straights, so changes were made.

It took a lot of time, but it was rushed to get it out ASAP so everyone would have as much time as possible to test.

The New BoP actually produced much closer times than the previous. Having gone over each class again in finer detail some tweaks in LM GT-S and LM P1-L have been made that bring the cars even closer together.

@weescotman @GTP_ADE - you car has lost 0.22% power and gained 2.22% weight, I would be shocked if this had a significant impact upon your current setup.

I have attached the full history of Event Updates relating to BoP.

Revised BoP for LM P1-L;

From the OP
06 JUL - balance of performance locked
5/6 Event Updates
- VMax was getting a bit silly though, so if we do keep it BHP may get a small reduction (c10%) to help with stability etc.
06/06 Event Updates

1 - GT+ Balancing

Due to the event setup, we cannot automatically enforce any Balance of Performance (BoP) to the cars in LM GT+ or LM GT.

However, once all the entries are in Teams may be asked to make voluntary BoP adjustments, for the good of the event.

Based upon the calibre and reputation of our invitees, I do not foresee this being an issue.
08/06 Event Updates

3 - Balance of Performance

One of the aims of this event is to attract a diverse grid, with teams choosing cars their identify with or like, rather than which one is quickest out of the box.

In order to ensure a fair race, cars performance will be balanced (BoP).

BoP comprises of various adjustments made to a car’s limits in order to limit or enhance its raw performance, so that it can compete with other cars that may originate vastly different concepts, in this case; Power (BHP) and Weight (kg).

Balancing racing cars for short sprint races may simply mean making them all achieve the same lap time, but with endurance racing there are many other factors, such as; fuel consumption, tyre wear, and track type.

Extensive testing of many eligible cars and all of those that have been chosen so far has been conducted, this includes a fair amount of math, race simulation, and extrapolation.

I don’t want to mess people around with this, so I plan to publish the BoP Tables once, and once only. In order to achieve this, and get it right first time so Teams have as much time as posable to test, we need those team that have not decided on cars to do so ASAP.

Data from the 6 Hours of Silverstone & 6 Heures de Spa-Francochamps may also be considered, with the caveat that the tracks have different characteristics, and that BoP should never penalise driver skill.
9/6 Event Updates

1 - Balance of Performance (BoP)

I expect there to be a global reduction in max BHP of around 10%, which will be confirmed with the publication of the BoP table.
18/6 Event Update

5 - Balance of Performance

BoP will be announced on Sunday. Any new entries after this time will only be able to chose pre BoPed cars from a shortlist.
22/6 Event Update

4 - Balance of Performance

- Target lap times for the 3 classes of; 3:30, 3:40, & 3:50 were used.

- In addition to lap time other factors were considered; fuel consumption and therefore stint length, tyre wear, and drivability.

- BoP is not final, if Team Managers have concerns, they will be addressed.
30/6 - Balance of Performance Update

Having listened to feedback, and based upon my own experiences at Silverstone and Spa over the weekend, it has become obvious that the current BoP is not working.

Higher class cars are having to take risks lapping lower ones, by either diving late on the brakes into corners, or not being able to take opportunities to go through, this is holding up both parties.

With any contact leading to a trip to the pits with ‘Heavy Damage’ on, this is also creating a lot of tension and frustration.

I’ve taken time today to completely redo the BoP with the aim of making the GT cars slower in a straight line, and relatively quicker in corners, as well as creating more of a lap time gap between the 4 classes.

As always I welcome your feedback.
3/7 Event Update

1 - Revised BoP for LM GT-S;

Notable changes to the BMW. Whilst it was producing comparable lap times, it was doing so though the corners rather than on the straights where it was well down on VMax. In race conditions this would have made life difficult, its now has a closer lap profile to the other cars.
Sorry but its Independence Day in the US today/weekend so there may not be much interest from the US side this weekend.
Looks like there isn't an official room for today.

Room #: closed
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Gah. I took that to mean you were racing somewhere else.

If you want to start one up go ahead, I'm just coming back online after our power went out momentarily.
Race Week Update #1

Welcome to Race Week everyone. Hope you are getting excited, but there is still a lot of work to do before the green flag and our trip twice round the clock.

a - Entry List updated
Entry will stay open for the next 24 hours, after that it will be closed.

b - Driver Stint Timetable updated
This need filling in ASAP. N.B. no driver changes from multiple teams within a 10 minute window.

c - Garage Allocation
This is the order people will be asked to join the lobby (16-1), not the starting grid.
Local teams have the 1st garages, then network teams.

d - Practice Qualifying Timetable
Please continue to request your qualifying slots.
Drivers will have the track to themselves when qualifying.
A time limit has been added to each driver in which they must complete their laps.
Drivers MAY complete the lap they are on when the time limit is reached.
Damage will be set to Heavy Damage.
Laps do not have to be consecutive, i.e. you may pit to fix damage.

e - Starting Procedure
This will be announced on Wednesday 9th July.
Starting drivers may need to be online up to 2 hours before the start of the race.

f - Lobby Settings
Final setting now published

g - Event Updates
The full list of where to find the Event Updates is now in the OP.

h - 4 Hours Red Bull Ring Speilberg
During this event we had the first increase in Track Saturation (TS) during the build up & the first natural increase that I have witnessed.
It cased some problems, mainly I believe due to people pushing too hard on the wrong tyres. Braking distances are much longer, very important to remember when following another car.
I don't think it was un-raceable, just very challenging.

i - Stint Photos
I have not seen testing or example stint photos from;

#4 TEAM S.N.A.I.L.

Please make sure you are certain about the process, the bottom of the OP shows a perfect example.
If you are in any doubt, send me a PM.
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As a fanatical World Cup viewer I must say that the timing of this race won't do my chances of being awake for the final any good, it's finishing a few hours before the final starts @ 3:30am here :(

Having watched every game so far except Russia v Korea and half of Columbia v Greece I shall perservere though :sly:

AJ, I have PM'd you my qual request 👍
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Would anyone else like to run their Qualifying laps this evening?
@AJ I remember this was discussed a while ago, but I don't recall a decision being taken; what are the rules on track limits?