VLN Round 3 Results.
58% Lap 36
Stewards report room 1
Note: Pace lap speed was a little on the high side, it is better to aim for a single speed that can be sustained throughout rather then accelerating and braking hard because of the bunching it causes.
Lap 1 - Play117 - jonnyb1990 - Accident
Verdict: NFA
Lap 5 - LordZ1978 - Pit Out Line
Verdict +10s
Lap 6 - Glen-Alz-81 - Pit Out Line
Verdict: +10s
Lap 9 - xNikodemusx - Pit Out Line
Verdict: +10s
Lap 12 - LordZ1978 - Pit Out Line
Verdict: +10s
Lap 13 - Glen-Alz-81 - Pit Out Line
Verdict: +10s
Lap 15 - LordZ1978 - Parking on Track
Verdict: Warning - We appreciate you were looking to run out the clock, however if you wish to do so, please go to the pitlane and park on the pause menu not on the circuit where you could be a distraction to other drivers.
Lap 17 - Glen-Alz-81 - LordZ1978 - Accident
Verdict: NFA
1. THAR Nin-Chin - 22L - 3h12:29.924 (Interval)
2. CCR jonnyb1990 - 22L - 3h14:20.693 (+110.769)
3. GORE xNikodemusx - 22L - (+10) 3h16:22.356 (+232.432)
4. ABL P1K3Y_M1K3Y - 22L - 3h19:20.387 (+410.463)
5. TOR Play117 - 22L - 3h21:05.541 (+515.617)
6. RR Glen-Alz-81 - 18L - 2h39:40.868
7. REST LordZ1978 - 16L - (+20) 3h15:59.103
8. P24 GTPL_Plotnik - 13L - 2h08:29.128
9. TMB Pluxtheduck - 5L - 41:46.347
Stewards report room 2
GTP_LancerEvo7 - Lap 5 - Pit out line
Verdict: 10 secs
GTP_LancerEvo7 - Lap 21 - Pit out line
Verdict: 10 secs
Adrianhettich - Lap 9 - Rejoin Blocking
Verdict: 60 secs
Coming back on to the track backwards at one of the fastest points of the track was never going to be a good idea, and it resulted in Lavandel spinning into the wall trying to get round your stationary car in the middle of the track.
Romisagon - Lap 11 - Driving standards
Verdict: warning
Although you had a crash seconds before, the dangerous part was pulling back onto the track. Please make sure that you stay near the barrier once your crash is finished to make sure this does not happen again.
memto89 GTPL_Lucas - Lap 13 - Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA
Adrianhettich – Lap 16 – Pit out line
Verdict: 10 secs
GTP_LancerEvo7 - Lap 17 - Pit out line
Verdict: 10 secs
memto89 GTPL_Lucas - Lap 19 - Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA
memto89 - Lap 19 - Pit out line
Verdict: 10 secs
memto89 - Lap 20 - Pit out line
Verdict: 10 secs
Romisagon I am aware that you are driving with a controller and we appreciate that it is more difficult to drive with one. But I had more than 6 reports of you getting in the way while being lapped, this is something that needs to be sorted for the N24 or it will have very serious consequences. When being lapped move over the the right of the track (like you were doing) but lift off and let the car through so you are not fighting cars who are laps ahead of you.
1. CCR memto89 Lap 21 3:01:51.283 [+20]
2. P24 GTL_Lucas Lap 21 3:02:04.179
3. RR GTP_LancerEvo7 Lap 21 3:04:50.277 [+20]
4. GORE the_proffs Lap 21 3:05:26.240
5. ABL Adrianhettich Lap 21 3:09:21.085 [+60]
6. TOR Lavandel Lap 21 3:11:08.438
7. REST Romisagon Lap 15 3:01:34.013
8. THAR DukeAdam Lap 12 1:45:11.715
9. TBM i-was-ere Lap 7 1:01:03.153
Stewards report room 3
Gadget - Lap 6 - Pit Out Line
Verdict: 10 secs
Stalliano - Lap 7 - Pit Out Line
Verdict: 10 secs
1. P24 Oldboy 20L 2:58:43.360
2. TMB Gadget 20L 2:59:21.977 (+38.617) (+10)
3. ABL Giggty Goo 20L 3:01:22.000 (+2:08.794)
4. CCR Chozza 11L
5. FRT Cobani 6L 57:45.542
6. TOR the burre 6L 57:48.211
7. GORE Stalliano 6L 1:01:50.485 (+10)
8. REST eDirtyTati 5L 43:39.831
9. THAR GTP_Racecar 0L
ABL - Lap 63 - 9:29:51.472
P24 - Lap 54 - 8:09:16.667
CCR Lap 53 – 7:29:25.356
GORE – Lap 49 - 7:23:39.081
TOR – Lap 49 - 7:30:02.190
THAR - Lap 34 - 4:57:41.639
RR – Lap 39 - 5:44:31.145
REST – Lap 36 - 7:01:12.947
Lap 36 58%
TMB – Lap 32 - 4:42:10.477
FRT – Lap 6 - 57:45.542
PRO - ABL - 10
PRO - P24 - 8
PRO - CCR - 6
PRO - GORE – 5
PRO - TOR – 4
RR – 3
REST – 2
THAR - 10