2014 Nurburgring 24 hourFinished 

  • Thread starter memto89
Is the plan for all teams to show up from their 'Team Account' PSN ID's? If so, it is essential that all Friends requests are sent and confirmed well before then.

All details are below:-

Will i get all the progress as well?

Yes.....just copy the Game Save from the 'Team Account' PS3 to a memory stick. Then on the 2nd PS3 log in/create the new PSN Team Account name, and also log into the PSN using those log in details (to get online).

Then copy the Game Save from the memory stick to the 2nd PS3. Now when you log into GT6 it should pick up in exactly the same place as the original game was before saving it.

For our team account, we used this process but actually put the gamesave in a shared 'DropBox' that Scott and I had access to. Scott loaded up the my gamesave of the new TMB account (I shared my log in with him), progressed the account with some races and license achievements, and then made a new gamesave and copied that back to the DropBox where I got it and copied HIS progressed version onto my PS3. Everything worked fine.
Can you please confirm that your team has passed the B licence and gained online lobby status

CCR - yes
P24 -
RR -

Next week I would like all starting drivers to attend a meeting in my lobby at 21:00 GMT Wednesday 19th February

This will be a dress rehearsal for the real start!!! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND!!!!

@Peelster1 If you could attend with a safety car that would be great

I'll be there
Can you please confirm that your team has passed the B licence and gained online lobby status

CCR - yes
P24 -
RR -
GORE - yes
Can you please confirm that your team has passed the B licence and gained online lobby status

CCR - yes
TMB - yes
P24 -
RR -
GORE - yes
In preparation for the Big Race, please could all STEWARDS helping out on the day of the race send PSN FR to all of the below teams 'Team Name' PSN accounts, and also send SKYPE contacts requests to every team as well.

We can't be doing this on the day of the race guys and gals, and the Stewarding process cannot function without this being done, so gotta get this stuff sorted now please

Stewards, please post here and confirm when both tasks are complete. Thanks

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Next week I would like all starting drivers to attend a meeting in my lobby at 21:00 GMT Wednesday 19th February

This will be a dress rehearsal for the real start!!! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND!!!!

@Peelster1 If you could attend with a safety car that would be great

So it's official that @redbullrider20 won't be pacing? He told me something along those lines. Honestly, I think it's harsh to take it from him just because his schedule doesn't allow him to stay and steward. Just let me know if I'll be doing the actual pace lap for the real start or if I'm mistaken about what redbull said.

I'll have those stewarding tests to you as soon as I can. I've been rather busy with Speedweek testing at the moment. I hope to get a chance to work on those tests today or tomorrow. I've actually been looking forward to taking them. It looks like a really good system. I actually keep it open in a tab in my Firefox browser which reopens all tabs I have open every time I launch the browser.

I also plan on working in the Skype part and PSN FR's when at the same time I sit down to do the stewarding. Thanks for the reminder on that, with all the Speedweeks testing I've been doing I forgot about the Skype bit for a moment.

Next week I would like all starting drivers to attend a meeting in my lobby at 21:00 GMT Wednesday 19th February

This will be a dress rehearsal for the real start!!! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND!!!!
I will be starting for ABL and can confirm I will be there 👍
So it's official that @redbullrider20 won't be pacing? He told me something along those lines. Honestly, I think it's harsh to take it from him just because his schedule doesn't allow him to stay and steward. Just let me know if I'll be doing the actual pace lap for the real start or if I'm mistaken about what redbull said.

It is not harsh at all, this is a 24hour race and having someone only run the pace lap then leave the lobby and offline means that there will be multiple messages popping up on the opening lap when drivers will be concentrating on getting there cars into the grove and in the positions they want... And that is unacceptable

I need someone who can not be a distraction by staying around after the pace lap and stewarding until the race settles down
It is not harsh at all, this is a 24hour race and having someone only run the pace lap then leave the lobby and offline means that there will be multiple messages popping up on the opening lap when drivers will be concentrating on getting there cars into the grove and in the positions they want... And that is unacceptable

I need someone who can not be a distraction by staying around after the pace lap and stewarding until the race settles down

Respectfully, I see a flaw in your argument. The leaving message would not be during the opening pace lap, but after the race start, and it would just be the one message, not multiple. However, I do see the problem with that message being immediately after the race start, which could potentially be even worse then it happening under the pace lap. Sometimes the messages are distracting at crucial moments, and other times drivers are so focused they don't notice them. I agree that it is best not to take that chance that one of the many drivers in the starting grid be distracted. Even if the rest of them don't notice the message, if one is distracted by it, that could (although on a slim chance) lead to a big wreck. It just seems like you pulled a "you can't stay so I'm taking your Safety Car privileges away," that's what I meant by harsh.

I support the logic in your reasoning, but I would like you to consider that if you have a steward pacing the opening lap, that's one less steward you'll have watching the first three minutes. According to the schedule, the safety car is not to leave the track until after three minutes following the race start. It seems like we could use as much help as we could get. Are you holding the Safety Car on track just in case there is that first lap big wreck which could cause a Full Course Caution? I remember you said earlier that there would be no Full Course Cautions, so I'm a little confused. If you're not holding the Safety Car for that purpose then I don't see a reason why it would need to wait for 3 minutes, as the sooner we get that extra steward back, the better.

Anyhow, does that mean I am to pace the opening lap for the actual race? I would assume so, but you never directly stated anything regarding this and I usually find it best to not assume.
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Can you please confirm that your team has passed the B licence and gained online lobby status

CCR - yes
TMB - yes
P24 -
RR -
GORE - yes
ABL -yes
Just fixing it
Can you please confirm that your team has passed the B licence and gained online lobby status

CCR - yes
TMB - yes
P24 -
RR -
GORE - yes
FRT - Yes and got the car with all the tyres
ABL -yes
In preparation for the Big Race, please could all STEWARDS helping out on the day of the race send PSN FR to all of the below teams 'Team Name' PSN accounts, and also send SKYPE contacts requests to every team as well.

We can't be doing this on the day of the race guys and gals, and the Stewarding process cannot function without this being done, so gotta get this stuff sorted now please

Stewards, please post here and confirm when both tasks are complete. Thanks

No problem. Will do tonight for every team except TMB. Just because.
No problem. Will do tonight for every team except TMB. Just because.
Hey tati, just saw that awesome kickstarter project you got as your avatar. I hope you're planning to get that in the news section on GTP feels like a thing they'd be in to. :) (I might have backed the project a little bit.. sounds awesome)
Oh Tati. I need to wear a corset because my sides are splitting........
Haha! I'm always here to give a good laugh. I'll add you guys, I promise.
Hey tati, just saw that awesome kickstarter project you got as your avatar. I hope you're planning to get that in the news section on GTP feels like a thing they'd be in to. :) (I might have backed the project a little bit.. sounds awesome)
Aw man Phouchg, thank you so much! I really appreciate you sending your support! Any support we can get would be great. I am going to a meeting in a few minutes about that project. We might be in talks for full sponsorship of the car, in which case I would be canceling the Kickstarter project and nobody will be charged a thing! Here's hoping!
Are you holding the Safety Car on track just in case there is that first lap big wreck which could cause a Full Course Caution? I remember you said earlier that there would be no Full Course Cautions, so I'm a little confused. If you're not holding the Safety Car for that purpose then I don't see a reason why it would need to wait for 3 minutes, as the sooner we get that extra steward back, the better.
2014 Nurburgring 24 hour

Teams Brief

As you know, at this moment in time we are gearing up for the full race starting on the 22nd of February.

1. Teams

2. Skype

3. PSN

4. Stewarding

5. Time table

6. Rules


Teams have been the main focus of the build up to the big race and with 9 teams signed up this has been a great outcome.


Teams should all have a Skype account made by now and should have added all other teams to that account, this is so everyone is in connection to each other. All teams have a responsibility to monitor Skype at all times as stewarding and team messages might be missed causing more issues to your team. Please make sure all stewards are added to your Skype account as well (list released once final stewarding panel is decided).


As you will know, in order to keep distractions to a minimum we have set up specific team PSN names for each team which means only stewards and teams will be online on that account thus reducing online/offline messages. Teams will need to keep PSN messages turned on so the stewards can contact them via PSN message if they cannot do so on Skype.


Stewarding will be live and as professional as possible, but please remember that this is the first year we have set anything like this up and training has been difficult due to the lack of personnel. CORE has sent out training packs to stewards and will be keeping a close eye on stewarding.

Rules for stewarding

If the stewards pull up your team you will have 4 minutes to either argue your case or confirm that you will take the penalty. If the stewards are adamant about the penalty then that is the final word and you are not allowed to argue the case any further. If you continue to argue the case or become abusive towards another member or a steward then you will receive a [+120 sec] for misconduct, and can lead to disqualification from the event if it continues further.

Time table

There is a tight schedule in place that all teams must stick to in order for the event to flow smoothly. Please make a note of the times.

All build up events will be run in one of the streaming lobbies along with MDT’s show.

13:45 Menace Drift Team show

13:50 N24 Lobby will be opened by host and checks will begin to check everyone is in connection.

14:05 10 Min advert run for GTP, GT6, CORE.

14:10 Teams must have finished pitting in and returning to grid to start the race.

14:15 Teams will be in lobby and drivers brief will be given over headset

14:45 Start of transmission

14:45 Cars set off on warm up lap. 65 mph safety car speed

15:00 Cars are released and ready to race.

15:00 Pace car will withdraw from track once all cars have gone past the pace car

15:00 End of race once leader crosses the line at 15:00 GMT


Due to the nature of this event, rather than post-race stewarding, penalties will be provided in real time by an independent team of stewards. If a penalty is deemed necessary, a steward will directly contact the offending team manager via Skype. The car will stop and hold in the designated area at the first moment available; for each successive lap that a penalty is not served, 30 seconds will be added to the time. As the penalty is being served, the steward will inform the team of 10 seconds to go and then go via Skype. Due to the nature of these penalties, all rulings are final and cannot be appealed; however, teams are encouraged to inform the stewards of potential infractions that may otherwise go overlooked.


Accident: A situation that results in contact in which the instigating driver loses control of their vehicle in a manner that makes avoiding the proceeding contact beyond reasonable expectation.

Racing incident: A situation where contact occurs through the action (or inaction) of at least one of the drivers involved, while maintaining clear control of their vehicle, and no significant damage or delay occurs to those not responsible.

Avoidable contact [+60]: A situation where a vehicle is damaged or delayed through the controlled actions, intentional or otherwise, of another driver, in which responsibility for the situation occurring can be clearly


If a collision is deemed as Avoidable contact, penalties will be given to the parties responsible even if they allow the other cars to re-pass after.

Other Penalties:

Pit Lines [+10]: The pit entry and exit are defined as the area between the outside edge of the circuit and the inside edge of the pit line. If any part of a driver’s car crosses the line it will result in a penalty. There will be a statement in the Driver’s Briefing that identifies which lines are being regulated.

Corner Cutting [+30]: As a generalisation, track limits are defined by the outside edge of the white line on the circuit, however they also include the red and white curbing on apexes and exits; exceptions to this rule will be included in the driver’s briefing. A car must keep two wheels within the track limits at all times. If all four wheels are no longer within the track limits on three incidences within three laps, a penalty will be incurred.

Driving Standards [+120]: If a driver is displaying poor control of their vehicle or deemed to behave in a reckless manner they will receive a driving standards warning. If one driver collects three warnings over the course of a season a penalty will be given. Note; damage is not a defence to this rule.

Blocking [+30]: If a driver fails to provide racing room (the width of the passing car) to a car that has committed to a passing move, or otherwise forces them from the track during an overtake, a penalty will be given to the responsible party even if they allow the other driver to pass afterwards.

Rejoin Blocking [+60]: If a car is moving significantly slower than racing speed, for example, rejoining the track (from either the pit lane or from an accident), or suffering from damage and deliberately moves to prevent another car from passing, they will receive a penalty.

Blue Flags [+60]: In the event of a car being lapped the slower car must find a safe place to allow the faster car through. When the faster car is close enough to overtake, the slower car will pull to the right hand side of the track and lift off, allowing the faster car past.

Team Misconduct [+30]: If a team or driver behaves in a way that countermands or hinders the stewards efforts; including but not limited to, refusal to serve penalties, harassment, use of the PSN text box/voice chat during the race, the stewards can appoint a misconduct penalty. Please not multiple infractions can be administered simultaneously if the stewards deem fit.

Starting grid:

Starting drivers will be required to go through the pits before the start of the pace lap. This will work by the last person on the grid reversing to the entry of the pits. Once that driver has turned into the pits the second to last driver will then start to reverse. Once the driver leaves the pits they will turn around and drive to the start line where they will form up in single file and wait for the grid to clear. Once clear they will head down one by one past their grid slot, turn around, and form up in grid order. Any wheel spins, J Turns or handbrake turns will be classed as dangerous driving and your team will receive a penalty.

Behind the safety car:

The safety car will lead the cars out at 14:45 GMT. The pace will be 65 mph for a full lap of the track, cars will drive in single file with plenty of distance between the cars in front and behind. Once the field has reached the Döttinger the cars will form up in double file and it will be the responsibility of the pole sitting car to lead the group at reduced pace to the start finish line. The pole-sitting car is aiming to be at the start finish line for 15:00 GMT. If the pole sitter hits the start line before the 15:00 start time, then the race will go green the moment the leading car touches the start line.


In the event of a disconnect, the field will continue to race to the until the leader completes his current lap. At this point it is assumed the race has been red flagged and cars will form in order at Turn 1. The order and laps completed by each car (including the last lap completed by the disconnected car) are noted and all drivers will leave the track.

The field will wait a maximum of 15 minutes for the disconnected team to return, if they have not done so in this time they will be made to wait until the next disconnect incident. The field will now reform behind the safety car in the order they last crossed the line, with the disconnected car at the back of the field. The start procedure will then be repeated and the race will be resumed with the laps completed being combined once the event has finished.


It is likely that during the race, a faster driver will be looking to move through the field again and may be a lap down on the car in front. If this is the case then the team must ask the slower car in front for safe passage via Skype. If the team wishes to fight for it then the team a lap ahead has every right to do so. But, it is advised that teams stay in communication with each other to avoid incident.

Penalty box:

The penalty box is where any car that has received a verdict from the stewards will park for the allocated time given. All teams will be able to see who is going into the penalty box and therefore advise their driver if the car in front will be slowing down to take the stop. If an accident is caused due to cars pulling into the box it will be assumed that the driver behind is at fault due to not being informed. It is critical that all teams keep their drivers informed of what is happening. It is also advised that cars pulling into the penalty box do not crawl in, as that will be classed as dangerous driving.

Restart Procedure

If the event happens that a team disconnects and the race is red flagged then the VLN rules of starting will apply lead out by the pace car.

Here is a demonstration video so everyone has a visual reference

It may be worth printing this out so that all teams have a reference article on the day.​










Please once you have read through everything and understood it like this post so it is clear to me that everyone knows what they are doing. If you do not then please ask.
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