2014 United Kingdom General Discussion

  • Thread starter numbnuts70
Had a go at this, I think compared to stock Clio time trial, similar difficulty for Gold will be getting 1:03.000 or lower.
Managed a 1:03.459 for 43rd place, 11th in the UK.

T1: 23.850
T2: 41.681

How am I losing 0.15 in Graham Hill Bend alone? That was one of my better attempts at that corner. :confused:
I managed a 1:03.980, and am chuffed at that. I have tried following the leaders lines, but I always have to restart from the gravel.
Been out and about today doing family stuff, before going back to work tomorrow 🤬

Going get on this bit later, once put 2020 Ferrari WEC Champ (the next Gimmi Bruni) to bed. Hate the Leaf, so not looking forward to this event.

i was like the 100th player to race the TT , if i was pushiing hard ength i was firts(for 5 seconds but still first) its so anoying
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wow, you all doing good. I been doing few laps, best so far, 1:05.057. Any suggestions on steering sensitivity for DS3? Want break under 1:05, got time to gain.
wow, you all doing good. I been doing few laps, best so far, 1:05.057. Any suggestions on steering sensitivity for DS3? Want break under 1:05, got time to gain.
yes , I am using a DS3 with anything off apart of the ABS(1) . My controller sensitivity is 3 . My best lap is 1:03.895
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yes , i using the DS3 with anything off apart of the ABS(1) . My controller sensitivity is 3 . My best lap is 1:03.895

Using the pad I also have everything off bar ABS at 1, found sensitivity at 2 better for my style of driving personally (and a bit less tyre sliding I felt) but my best is a 1:05.205 so I'm way off Shahar.

ASM must be off for a decent time in case there was any doubt for anyone.
I'm done for the day, put in some laps after the match finished and i'm down to a 1:03:683, pretty pleased with that after what felt like a million 03:8xx laps haha, need to thank @Tidgney as i've spent most of the time following his ghost :lol: Losing 2 tenths coming out of druids and another 2 tenths coming out the final corner, just can't seem to get the power down as quick as the top guys.

With DS3 i've had everything off except ABS on 1, and changed the sensitivity too 2, still too much sliding for my liking but i haven't had time to play about with other sensitivities yet.

Tomorrow is another day :sly: :gtpflag:

Edit: not that ill probably be close enough to challenge the people that make it but is it the top 28 or 14 that make it to nationals? http://www.gran-turismo.com/gb/academy/2014/
Hey guys. Hello to all. Been meaning to join here for ages but just never got round to it.

Is Ireland not included this year? =/ I know Ireland is not included in the list of countries but I guess I'm hoping against hope that it's implicitly included as part of the UK (even though there is of course a very important distinction).
It's the top 14 that make it through from the online qualifier. The other 14 will be from live events.

The top 14 of the forth challange though right? Effectively these first 3 challenges have no relevance? Also, i'm new to this so in the past do the next challenges change track or is it normally the same track?

Just wondering how much time to spend in the Leaf practising :)
Quick reminder. As this is the UK discussion thread it is not unreasonable to assume we're all obligate Anglophones. This means that, though they apply to everyone, you should consider that you have less leeway regarding GTPlanet's first two rules than our non-Anglophonic members.

Please keep your standards up.

On an unconnected note:
The top 14 of the forth challange though right? Effectively these first 3 challenges have no relevance? Also, i'm new to this so in the past do the next challenges change track or is it normally the same track?

Just wondering how much time to spend in the Leaf practising :)
Imagine that, of all the eligible members, you are joint 14th when the final time trial ends - tied with other members right down to the thousandth. How would you be separated from them?

Would it be based on who set the time first - like in F1 qualifying? Would they look at times from previous rounds and separate you by what you thought was an irrelevant Leaf challenge?

I don't have an answer to that question, but it won't harm you particularly if you persevere with this challenge to get the best time you can over the next couple of weeks (interspersed with your usual GT6 activities and practising for later rounds) until the next challenge is unlocked.

Bear in mind that amongst the qualities they're looking for, dedication, perseverance and willingness to learn rate quite highly. I doubt it'll figure in the judges' deliberations that you posted on GTPlanet questioning the value of trying really hard to get the Leaf round Brands Hatch Indy, but you'll want to get into the mindset of putting all your effort in even if you think it's pointless well before Race Camp.

Which is another of the very long list of reasons I won't win :lol:
I see, that all makes sense!

I just thought I'd ask given I'm away this week anyway now so I won't be able to attempt a quicker time sadly.
Hey guys. Hello to all. Been meaning to join here for ages but just never got round to it.

Is Ireland not included this year? =/ I know Ireland is not included in the list of countries but I guess I'm hoping against hope that it's implicitly included as part of the UK (even though there is of course a very important distinction).

Don't think it was in last year either, was it guys?
Don't think it was in last year either, was it guys?
Hi Wardez,

I see you deleted my thread. Sorry if I broke the rules or something. I thought it warranted a separate thread and thought it would be good for anyone searching for stuff about this.

Anyway, got in touch with someone at Sony Ireland (I was a national finalist in 2010 and had some contact information) and they confirmed that Ireland is indeed not in this year. They said they'll try and see about getting back in next year though I guess there's no guarantee.
I'm done for the day, put in some laps after the match finished and i'm down to a 1:03:683, pretty pleased with that after what felt like a million 03:8xx laps haha, need to thank @Tidgney as i've spent most of the time following his ghost :lol: Losing 2 tenths coming out of druids and another 2 tenths coming out the final corner, just can't seem to get the power down as quick as the top guys.

Nice time with the pad, keep it up. I can imagine on a pad it's a little different in car control with the lift off oversteer in the fact you will have to predict it happening before it happens, but you then have the advantage of left to right steering at a six pence :)! Just the disadvantage of not being able to brake and accelerate at the same time!

Don't think it was in last year either, was it guys?

Nope Ireland hasn't been counted since Des went to the finals in 2012! Which is unfortunate I think there's 1 or 2 Irish guys that could quite easily make it into the top 14!