2015 TUDOR United Sportscar Championship

  • Thread starter MonGnoM
Noticed the metal exhaust looking thing on the back of the Vette' got removed, guess it was a testing device of some sort.

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'd just like to voice an opinion I have. Championship title sponsors, or at least naming the championship after them, is moronic and erodes a championships own history.

That's all.
Should've kept American Le Man Series' name or something along those lines. :( It was cleancut and cool.
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I think the Viper will be strong. At the very least in the beginning. Most teams are figuring out their new cars. The Viper Exchange guys have been running it for a couple years now and won umerous races with it neutered. Now its in full gt3-spec I bet theyll get the bop stick though. Cant have that 8.4L snake destroying the rest of gtd ;)
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'd just like to voice an opinion I have. Championship title sponsors, or at least naming the championship after them, is moronic and erodes a championships own history.

That's all.

Not sure why they dropped the United Sportscar name. What was wrong with calling it the WeatherTech United Sportscar Championship?
Not sure why they dropped the United Sportscar name. What was wrong with calling it the WeatherTech United Sportscar Championship?
Yeah, actually, I would have liked the method ALMS used...for example:

American Le Mans Series, presented by Tequila Patron

So why not...

United Sportscar Championship, presented by WeatherTech

It'd keep the cleanness of a pure name but have the sponsor in it still. Plus we could just call it the USC or IUSC.
*Sigh* BMW, I am disappoint. A Turbo V8 with that same Anti-lag noise as the Ford GT AND the blowoff noise in that ring video. You had so much potential and yet I heard....nothing.


*Sigh* BMW, I am disappoint. A Turbo V8 with that same Anti-lag noise as the Ford GT AND the blowoff noise in that ring video. You had so much potential and yet I heard....nothing.


It was so quiet I almost thought it was a diesel engine for a moment....BMW WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
Hopefully we can see a P2 car compete for the win instead of self-destructing like they did last year. At least they will have a decent amount of entrants this year so that should help.

Speaking of self destructing, has anyone heard if Krohn is planning on doing the 24 again?
Joey dove Chip's DP this year. He was probably a frontrunner by default for a Ford GT seat because of that.