Well, firstly amazing Dr Aug,

and congratulations for what i thought would be very very difficult for you guys in g8 and g7.5.
I had a good start and headed off at the head of G3 , i had UA342 not far behind and knew if it rained he was faster, but i was ok and managed to gradually pull away into a clear gap in 2nd place.
It was a while after that the gap increased a lot, so i was very excited.
Then the leader AP19 who started in G1 went awol and i was promoted to the lead, with a good gap back to second.
It started raining at 20 minutes, and even as the spray started, the wet track indicator was at 0% but the grip seemed ok, although the indicator should have been showing a lot more i thought.
I have not experienced the track indicator not working before, so even as the track became very wet, and was very slippy, it still indicated 0% and i was a little confused.
Then suddenly the indicator sprung to life and raced upwards to 90% then to 100%.
Then at the turn before the pity entry i just went straight on and on and on and ok, the indicator 0% something very odd here.
So into the pits for heavy wets, and annoyingly the wrongs side of the bollard so a drive through and now very very slippery still on RH i crawled around and went inside the bollard into the pit and went to HW.
From then i had dropped a long way back, and i have to say, i have done many many wet laps practice, but this did feel a lot more slippy.
As the race unfolded and people spun and recovered i was going up and down the order, sometimes 3rd then a few laps later 5th and it was all much fun, although seeing Aug getting near to the front early on did make me think winning was not now an option with all my messups.
It seemed most gradually built up a bit of confidence and lapping ok, then a spin would put make them go slow again for a while while they built up confidence again, so there were many times i passed drivers when they were on their slow phase, then i would have a big moment and slow down again, while they where on there confidence phase and they would repass me, this happened many times over the 40 minutes the track was at 100%.
At around 70 minutes i just noticed that Niss was going quite a bit faster than me, and just happened to glance at the wet track indicator and noticed it was falling although still raining.
So i speeded up and several pitted for RH but i thought i would stay out on HW for another lap until it was dry offine,
at 72 minutes it was dry and stopped raining and everyone was in for RH, but 2 minutes after the track dried and the rain stopped it started raining again and i was just about to pit but stayed out on HW, but the rain was light for 7 minutes and the track stayed dry so i came in for RH, just messing p the entry again to take my second drive through, very annoying.
It looked like Aug had a good fight with AU342 and Delta for many laps from what i could see.
Again for me it was just so much fun.
I really felt that i could win this race lol, i had a lead of around 25 seconds after 15 minutes if i recall correctly,
i was not making any mistakes, and all my practice just seemed to be working, just running consistent laps at high23s and low 24s.
I knew most of the guys were faster than me but at RBR there are several turns that can bite and loose you a lot of time.
When the rain came, my downfall was relying on the wet indicator even though my eyes could see the track was mush wetter.
But anyway, all through i had some great little fights, and the last 15 minutes as the track dried
then the rain came back again threw it all into confusion again.