2017 NASCAR Discussion threadNASCAR 

  • Thread starter MustangRyan
yes i know lol but he can't push the big boys around

Logano avoids any kind of confrontation. Even his dad has been suspended from the garage for trying to have his son fight his own battles. If you think Logano is one of those big boys that's funny as hell.

If anyone here ever had the opportunity to race with Logano I'm willing to bet you'd want to punch his lights out.
I heard some great insight today from real professionals including but not limited to - 1. A Pivot - When you drive into the corner beyond what your car is capable of and know it won't stick but it's ok because the guy you are mad at is on the outside and worse case you can use him as cushion so you don't hit the wall. 2. Kyle Busch thinks he's big because he won a lot of minor league races and can't hack it in Cup. 3. I don't understand racing. 4. Kyle had no reason to be mad.
The reason the 22 couldn't handle the corner is because Kyle had to push him down 2 lanes to keep from rear-ending the 2 car. Had Logano not blocked, the 18 wouldn't have had to move him down two lanes at the entry to the corner. Had he not had his entry angle vastly altered, he probably wouldn't have slid up into the 18. At this point, I half expect that Logano slid it up into the side of the 18 on purpose.
I agree with this other than the part where you said that Logano blocked. To me at least he just held his line while the 18 got the bad luck of the draw by having the 2 car in his lane.
I agree with this other than the part where you said that Logano blocked. To me at least he just held his line while the 18 got the bad luck of the draw by having the 2 car in his lane.
I know it's the last lap, and you're not supposed to give an inch. I get that. But, the part that gets me is that he's essentially playing a game of chicken with Kyle and the rear bumper of his teammate, who is fading fast. If the car backing up in the outside lane is any car other than his teammate, I can understand the move. But, with that being his teammate, I think it's poor form to dare your opponent to run into his rear or your door.
I don't get all the hate for Logano, it's the last lap and to me that just looked like two guys going at it for hard racing. I can guess Logano didn't want to give Busch too much room or else he would've been 🤬 going into the corner, Busch pushing him down through the turn didn't help his case anyways.

I get that Kyle has the right to be upset but it's barely the third race of the season.

Although to be fair, Logano did this four years ago with Hamlin at Auto Club, but again, that was just hard racing and neither driver giving an inch. Logano just responded to the Hamlin thing pretty unprofessionally though. At least today he would've fought had his crew not intervened so quickly.
So, one of the "Bootlip Brothers" is at it again. :rolleyes: He's lucky his crew intervened because my man Kyle would have beat his ass in a one on one. Instead, Joey's crew comes to his rescue and beats up on one lone man....what a disgrace those Penske drivers, and crews, are. :mad: Joey was driving over his head, as usual, and used Kyle as a cushion to keep from wrecking. Kyle had every right to be upset. Not sure I would have ventured into the #22 camp alone to voice my displeasure :lol:, but Kyle is Kyle and I applaud him for sticking up for himself and what he felt was right. Like I've said before, I've known Roger from way back when he used to own MIS, and I can't believe he sticks by these two knuckleheaded drivers. Sure, they are good drivers, but in my opinion, they are more of an embarrassment than they are good. They seem to be always be involved in some sort of drama of their own making. I can't stand the both of them. As a fan of the "Blue Duece" and Rusty Wallace, I was devastated when Brad took over the car. He has disgraced the #2 and everything it stood for when Rusty drove it. I will never look at the #2 car the same again, as long as Brad is driving it anyway.

Everyone keeps saying Logano blocked, But how is what he did any different than when leaders use a slow lapped car as a pick to stick someone behind ?
I've seen every driver do that.

After that though Kyle body slams the side of Logano which messed up his corner entry which caused him to slide up into Kyle.
Just saw a video of the fight (and the incident that spurred it). Not surprised at Logano being Logano, but I'm surprised he had the nerve to do what he did WITH HIS TEAMMATE (who from what I heard was actually blowing up). That's pretty messed up using your teammate, who isn't in a safe situation at all with a mechanical problem in the middle of the track, to try and slow someone else down.
It's one thing to use a lapped car as a pick. It's another thing to run somebidy behind one that is traveling considerably slower than the rest of the cars on track. If you aren't willing to handle being bodyslamed in order to avoid a bigger wreck, than that's too bad for you.

The resulting incident, could have either been Logano getting upset, or more likely, a bad entry into the corner. At the end of the day, I still hate the two current Penske drivers.

It's exactly like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Played a joke on everyone until there was an actul problem, and nobody believed him. In this case, Logano's made so many people upset with "hard racing" that this time, even if it wasn't intentional, everybody won't believe it.

He'll get straightened out evetually; hopefully sooner rather than later, for everybody's temperment, and Rodger's wallet's sake.
It's one thing to use a lapped car as a pick. It's another thing to run somebidy behind one that is traveling considerably slower than the rest of the cars on track. If you aren't willing to handle being bodyslamed in order to avoid a bigger wreck, than that's too bad for you.

How much slower was he traveling ? You make it seem like Brad was going 50 MPH.
While even with his problems at the end he seemed way faster than most lapped cars and he even managed to cross the line dead even with Logano who never slowed down even after contact with Kyle.

In this case, Logano's made so many people upset with "hard racing" that this time, even if it wasn't intentional, everybody won't believe it.

So, Even if it wasn't his fault you'd assume it is ? Certainly no arguing with that logic.
Dude, we're in the GTP NASCAR thread. If you want logic, you've come to the wrong place...

Truex caught Keselowski quickly, and knee jerk reactions would tell me that if I was in Logano's seat and saw the #18 spinning infront/beside me, "Lift off, I might hit him."

We'll never know what the exact thought process was; we're both armchair racers. I'm not a Logano fan; I tried putting it in a grey area as best I could, even if it was a bit anti-Logano.

The incident is over now. (Well...maybe not for Kyle...) There's no sense arguing over it. We'll just wait until next week and see what happens.
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I would say, a Logano's interior cam in that moment could define if this was either a casualty, or on purpose, he seems loose outside, but Busch touched him with no reason...
Looking at the video again, it certainly seemed like Logano had total control of the car at corner entry. He drove it in a long way before "getting loose" and sliding it up into Kyle's car. In multiple viewings, it looks more intentional than when I first saw it happen in the live broadcast.
Looking at the video again, it certainly seemed like Logano had total control of the car at corner entry. He drove it in a long way before "getting loose" and sliding it up into Kyle's car. In multiple viewings, it looks more intentional than when I first saw it happen in the live broadcast.

After watching the replay a couple times, it just looked like hard racing on the last lap between Kyle & Joey. IMO
It's a matter of perception and reputation. Would Kyle have gone after a Newman, Larson or Blaney the same way? Possibly but he definitely did not give Logano the benefit of the doubt. At this juncture, which driver would?
Wanted to hear more from the #18 and #22 teams before, during, and after the fight. Totally missed a golden opportunity.

Unless I missed it, it definitely looks like Logano intentionally tried to run Busch into Keselowski :odd: