Where is the old man yells at clouds picture when you need it. You and your personal feelings on it alone aren't really a reason why it should of been dropped, I don't understand what is supposedly non-traditional about this one that hasn't been seen in others. The Commodore has always been a boring family mid size sedan. And the last couple iterations took their bodies from Opel anyways and have been doing such in certain ways since the 90s. This like cars in the U.S. under GM have been doing the same thing with Opel, and to be honest this is probably one of the better looking Commadore for the base line market.
I get the feeling you see the name and instantly think of the high end of the car rather than what the simple people tend to buy and have bought for decades to allow a high end version to exist.
I'd say any car in Australia that isn't a small size truck, CUV or compacts is at risk of flailing in the market. Holden isn't a special case, and if it was it surely wasn't because of this car. Also pretty sure GM owns the Epsilon platform and Opel will be using PSA platforms, if you know something more on that then let me know.
I have to point out some things with regards to your first paragraph.
Me and my personal feelings are in line with what a clear majority of people I've spoken to, have read about & heard when giving their opinion on the matter.
It's not a popular car by Commodore standards & the sales numbers don't lie.
As far as not understanding what is a traditional Commodore, it fails that mark on several points.
It's a FF layout (with the option of AWD on some models) as opposed to all models previously being FR. If someone wants a FR, they have to look elsewhere.
Same applies if they want a V8. That's always been an option for the last 40 years of Commodores & a Holden option for the last 50 years.
While some would say it's boring & I would agree on some of the base spec levels in Commodore history, it hasn't been seen as a mid-size sector vehicle since the release of the VN in 1988.
Although the platform was Opel based from 1978 - 2005, the body design hasn't resembled anything remotely Opel since 1997. In fact, from the release of the VE in 2006, the car was exclusively designed & developed in Australia.
Looks? Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder so what one thinks is beautiful, another might choose to disagree. It's a 'No Sale' from me.
I've owned two Commodores & my family has owned another two. My Brother still owns his.
Neither of those has been top of the range but I did have a Brock replica & if I was buying another, it would be a high end Sports variety. After being burnt with horrible unreliability by my last, I'm happy to stick with my Mazda.
I agree with your opinion of the market in that small hatchback compacts, crew-cab utes & SUVs are the rule these days. It's another case of the sales numbers defining where people spend their money. You're right. Nothing special about Holden there.
Finally, the last I heard GM didn't own the Epsilon platform.
If there's been an update on that situation, I'm not surprised I've missed it. My interest in the car is almost at 0% outside of its involvement in Supercars.