2021 FIA Series Race Discussion

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In with @05XR8 . Door 7.

Qualy went ok. Couldn’t catch any slip so went it alone. Q8 with 05xr8 directly behind me.

From my position, the race was absolutely brilliant. I’ll post a more detailed review with video later, but the short version is, drove pretty well and stayed out of trouble. Entered the last lap in p3 behind an NSX and an M4 with a WRX behind me. The M4 ran out of fuel just after the docks , I took P2. The WRX had saved enough fuel to go flat out on the last lap and I was touch and go to get to the line while fuel saving. Out of the last turn I was 0.5s ahead with 1% fuel. Crossed the line 0% fuel, 0.4 seconds ahead in P2.

159 pts, one and done.
Just out of interest talking about the HUD/MFDs, does anyone actually use the Track Map? Completely pointless for me, never used it once and even worse, its the default display so have to scroll to the radar every time.
Good for keeping tabs on where people are in qualifying if you're on an outlap. Also when I'm practicing it has less movement than the radar so it's less distracting in my peripheral vision.
I like that. To add to that why don't we have the option to have the rear view mirror on all camera views.

At higher DR, A+, I'm guessing, you can run quite easily without your radar, cause in theory, people are running very similar lines and not overtaking in places that don't work. For the rest of us, it means constantly flicking back between radar and fuel mapping to make sure someone hasn't attempted a divebomb or overtake through a section that only has 1 real line.

Yeah rear view on all camera views (or at least selectable) is a no-brainer really. Also option to remove the massive player names list on the left of the screen, which always blocks the apex of left hand turns. But you know PD, they still treat players like we don't know any better...

It's the same thing at higher DR. I've seen fast dumb drivers, equally as slow smart drivers. The difference at higher splits is, they are smart enough to save their divebomb until the last lap and they know to do it subtly to minimise their penalties :rolleyes:


Plenty of dummies in my race tonight at Tokyo. People were trying to overtake every corner like their lives depended on it. I'm in the Alfa, the slowest car by miles and I was running 17-19th the whole race, and I jumped to 11th after the pits because while everyone was busy fighting, I was saving fuel like mad :lol: Couldn't hold 2 cars and finished 13th in the end. Not much else I can do here. At least my SR stayed intact, same can't be said for half the people in my room :P
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Potential to finish maybe even P1 with how much fuel I saved....

.... that's IF this didn't happen.
I know that, I'm constantly complaining about the BoP disadvantage that the Gr.4 Lancer has compared with many of the other cars in the class.

Tonight however, not so much.

Driving a seriously under-powered car (compared with those in tonight grouping with me) played into my strategy as fuel saving wasn't really a factor for me.

I was able to drive the car at 95% all race long (short shifting just before the red line). That combined with picking my spots when I attacked, saw me rise a massive 13 places by the end of the race.

Only thing I'm upset by is losing my consecutive clean race streak after narrowly cutting the third part of the toll gate switchback.

I should've known something was up when only 16 of us made it to the lobby in the first place. :grumpy:
What a dreadful combo, I mean who dares to say he's enjoying this fuel-saving joke of a "race" ? :lol:

I should've bought a T-GT just for that one, I'm sure playing with the fuel map is hella fun ! :yuck:
Well. That was a disaster, off the pace, got smacked in to the barriers twice. But ultimately down to a lack of pace on my part.

@Tigerhawk87 I think we were in the same lobby.

Lost about 900 DR. Not sure I'll bother going again at this rate, probably lose a couple thousand DR if I persist.

EDIT: Went again.. shouldn't have. Down 2100 DR. Can't blame the car. Reckon I'm just terrible round here at the moment.
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Well. That was a disaster, off the pace, got smacked in to the barriers twice. But ultimately down to a lack of pace on my part.

@Tigerhawk87 I think we were in the same lobby.

Lost about 900 DR. Not sure I'll bother going again at this rate, probably lose a couple thousand DR if I persist.

Was indeed. I put myself into the wall a few times and will be going again
Started 9th in the first attempt and got cut off from the pack at the front

Started 5th in the second attempt and hit the wall at the last corner on the first lap, ended up 14th or something once I served it, had to pit on lap 6 to try and claw back some places. Furious at myself for throwing away such a good chance here
One and done, it was definitely interesting.

put in a decent first quali lap which was good enough for 5th, got caught up with someone in the docks on my second lap which compromised me a little, and then tagged the wall on the last corner n the tunnel. Didn't have time to hokey-cokey another lap (in, out, in, out, shake it all about!)

Almost everyone on the starting grid was gunning their engines during the intro, which suggested not many were aware of the strategy! first 4 laps were carnage, no dirty drivers that I saw but a lack of race craft for sure (which I guess is to be expected as a low B), I managed to get a penalty every lap for the first 4 laps from contact, nothing major but annoying 1 seconds, and people were just desperate to get past anywhere! I was 17th by the end of lap 4, 2nd by the end of lap 7 :D

Heading into the pits first place runs out of fuel on the pit entry so I had to push them into the car park! Came out around 12th, had a weird thing where people would barge past on the right hander leading into the tunnel about 3 laps in a row so I got some lovely slipstream, meaning that when the second stops had shaken out I was 5th with 3rd and 4th about a second ahead and enough fuel to fully gun it for the final 2 laps. Unfortunately I was so used to fuel saving that I made a few minor mistakes which meant they got away, so finished 5th with about 6% fuel left.
52 points, which is a new high for me :cheers:


Good luck all! :gtpflag:

edit - @Pigems I couldn't resist the decal when I saw it!
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Qualified P10 even after a shocking lap and for the most of the race was just fuel saving. Was in a 5 way battle for P5 at the end and going into the docks I decided to go for the inside, unfortunately I was slightly too deep and caused a small incident so I decided not to fight the Mazda I hit going into the hairpin (though I probably should've dropped back further) and in the end it was P6. A decent result but the last lap left a slightly sour taste
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A race of what’s ifs and if only’s!!

So close to my first ever FIA pole. Thought I’d done it but no, with 3 seconds to go, got pipped. Very happy with second though.


lap 1, going through the docks, leader took it really slow and I had to try and avoid hitting him. I then got hit from behind and pushed into the leader pushing him right off. Felt bad but couldn’t help it. So I was then leading. Myself and a VW broke the slip and had a small gap. On lap 3 the VW put me into the wall at T1 which I wasn’t happy about and the chasing cars caught up. Formed a draft buddy with an M4 and was in 3rd when pitting lap 8. Was in 7th when exiting pits. Saved enough fuel to go all out for last 2.5 laps.

2 laps to go, up into 6th with 2 cars right in front who were fuel saving, coming through docks, my PlayStation decided to randomly exit me to the PS menu screen!!!! Thought id been disconnected at first. Got back into game where auto drive had taken over. Completely lost draft of 2 cars in front :mad: Chased them down, passed one on last lap before the pits then on very last corner hit the wall so lost place again finishing 6th. Oh well, would have taken 6th before the race so not too disappointed but I had 4th in the bag.
View attachment 1013825

A race of what’s ifs and if only’s!!

So close to my first ever FIA pole. Thought I’d done it but no, with 3 seconds to go, got pipped. Very happy with second though.

View attachment 1013826

lap 1, going through the docks, leader took it really slow and I had to try and avoid hitting him. I then got hit from behind and pushed into the leader pushing him right off. Felt bad but couldn’t help it. So I was then leading. Myself and a VW broke the slip and had a small gap. On lap 3 the VW put me into the wall at T1 which I wasn’t happy about and the chasing cars caught up. Formed a draft buddy with an M4 and was in 3rd when pitting lap 8. Was in 7th when exiting pits. Saved enough fuel to go all out for last 2.5 laps.

2 laps to go, up into 6th with 2 cars right in front who were fuel saving, coming through docks, my PlayStation decided to randomly exit me to the PS menu screen!!!! Thought id been disconnected at first. Got back into game where auto drive had taken over. Completely lost draft of 2 cars in front :mad: Chased them down, passed one on last lap before the pits then on very last corner hit the wall so lost place again finishing 6th. Oh well, would have taken 6th before the race so not too disappointed but I had 4th in the bag.

This is unacceptable. You need to go again. I saw what pace you drive, I have you on the leaderboard. You need to go again. 6th will still be there.
I did pretty well in first slot and I'm leaving it at that. I'm up across the board and it's not a track I particularly enjoy so that'll be that.

Qualified P2 with a 04.416, 0.120s off P1 and despite being shouldered aside on lap 1 by an Atenza going flat out and having a few tussles with them in the first three laps I found myself running P3 with 5s up the road to P1. On lap 6 the Atenza dove into the pits and I maintained a steady 5s gap to the leader who pitted among almost everyone else on lap 8 whereas I went to lap 9.

Prior to everyone pitting on lap 8 I had 5s up to the leader and 1-1.5s down to P3, when I came out of the pits on lap 9 I was only 3s behind the leader and I had a whopping 7s down to P3 so now it was mostly a case of driving as fast and cleanly as I could.

It was a steady back and forth between me and P1, shifting between 2.5s and 5s gap until I crossed the line 4s behind them with a total time of 32:19, my fastest yet by 12 seconds.

139 points (previous best 127).
SR maintained at 99.
DR gained 2853, putting me into A for the first time ever.

Thank you very much, Tokyo.:cheers:
This is unacceptable. You need to go again. I saw what pace you drive, I have you on the leaderboard. You need to go again. 6th will still be there.

I did pretty well in first slot and I'm leaving it at that. I'm up across the board and it's not a track I particularly enjoy so that'll be that.

Qualified P2 with a 04.416, 0.120s off P1 and despite being shouldered aside on lap 1 by an Atenza going flat out and having a few tussles with them in the first three laps I found myself running P3 with 5s up the road to P1. On lap 6 the Atenza dove into the pits and I maintained a steady 5s gap to the leader who pitted among almost everyone else on lap 8 whereas I went to lap 9.

Prior to everyone pitting on lap 8 I had 5s up to the leader and 1-1.5s down to P3, when I came out of the pits on lap 9 I was only 3s behind the leader and I had a whopping 7s down to P3 so now it was mostly a case of driving as fast and cleanly as I could.

It was a steady back and forth between me and P1, shifting between 2.5s and 5s gap until I crossed the line 4s behind them with a total time of 32:19, my fastest yet by 12 seconds.

139 points (previous best 127).
SR maintained at 99.
DR gained 2853, putting me into A for the first time ever.

Thank you very much, Tokyo.:cheers:

@xxPinkyKissxx THATS why you need to go again. He was just a bit above you in the leaderboard. You have a very good chance, I really think you do!
Qualified 8th again, 1.5s off pole, who managed to go nearly 0.7s quicker than anyone else with a 2:04.3xx. Whatever hopes I had for this race were dashed by a penalty after I rear-ended an Aston right after he served a penalty. I managed to drag it home in 10th for 100pts, and apart from a brief blast out of the garage hairpin for the ascent up the on-ramp, I spent half of the final lap in Fuel Map 6 eking out the last 3% in my tank, regretting my choice to only top up the Slophy to 88% on L8. I think my fuel dropped to "0.0 laps" about 100m after the last corner.
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Opted to go one last time. Good enough for P7. 132 or so points.

Not enough to register as one of my scores, but at least got the account back up to 37K DR, Net result of todays endeavours is -1000DR and that's about it. :banghead:

On a side note. Watching a YouTube stream, was surprised to see another YouTuber say in the chat "GT planet forums can be toxic". I for one am glad I found this place. Learned a fair bit from you guys.

Might be my final venture in to FIA for this season.