Door 10th
Q8 (terrible time)
Forgot I had to release breaks for start... Was in 2nd gear already. Terrible. Started on mediums and over first 10 laps I was flawsless on them and pushed them till 14 laps since I had clear air in front. Pitted 14 for softs and the race began... On 18 I was fighting 1st in last corner andddd he slid out, I lost control of front and spun into middle of desert, rebooted to middle of track and lost like 20secs... Somehow he managed to stay on the track, more 10secs I have to grind away... 2 laps later, on the back of 1st place again and I lept pushing like crazy.. Was on my best lap ever (a 113 for sure) and on last corner I cut a bit too deep, lifted off, started flying into the pitd anddd hit divider.

I lost like 20sec again starting from 0kph... If I got into pit it wouldnt have been as bad I think Anyways, P5 and on last two laps put it all on the line and towards last lap I made mistake on chicane, P6 started catching me on radar, I go inside to defend last spoon and he barely hits my bavk as I move to defend and goes to the dirty. Yep, he was pissed and rivhtly so. And then I kept going, got overtook in the last corner, was P4 at this point and then the P2 crashed on last cirner as well! P3 and P1 didnt use mediums so he vot sent to the shadow real and P3 and P4 moved to P1 and P2.
feels a bit cheated out of it because if it wasn't the crash when overtaking P1 in the middle of the race (I was on medium and him softs!) I would have easily won. My best lap was 1:14:050 and I was averaging 14:500 on softs, 16:000 on mediums... Best lap aside from me was 1:15:800!!!! I had so much more pace and that bad luck cost me the race.
In retrospect, I was so much faster than P1 in that situation that I should have not risked it there, lifted off earlier and wait for better oportunity (I was eating 2.5s gap to P1 PER LAP!).
Greedy loses today.
(Also, what happens if I race more? Last result only? Or best of all "attempts" in a given day?)