2021 FIA Series Race Discussion

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I knew I was forgetting to tag someone! Sorry about that, it's not completely fresh in my memory anymore. :lol: I also like these cars but hate this track. If this race was using virtually any other car, I'd have skipped it without a 2nd thought. Before this race, the most laps I'd ever done on this track were for the Lewis Hamilton Challenge...

Lol. All good. I was kind of a nobody in this race anyways. The pace was just so fast I was second guessing every decision I made, but then when I look at my total time I was only 3 seconds faster than my total time in the first slot :confused:. In fact I'm still second guessing if I should have done a two stop, but my pace on the softs compared to the mediums didn't justify it.

The cockpit view is very good for this combo. If I ever do ride the Bull I will remember to use it!

I'm also a big fan of the various accents "freakin' awesome" and was there a Canadian accent in there as well?

Haha yeah there's a bunch including a good handful of Canadians
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Anybody not interested in driving the S-FR should give the 2019 Supra a shot.

I was able to post 1:03.2xx with S-FR but just shy in the Supra 1:03.4xx

I'm sure it'll be competitive, wouldn't bother with '20 Supra the gearing is a mess for Tsukuba compared to '19

Nice one, I'd been looking for an alternative to the SFR and was losing hope. I'll give the '19 Supra a go.

I just want something that will stand out on the grid and make things a bit more interesting. I was hoping the F150 would be an option but it's about as fast as it looks.
Nice one, I'd been looking for an alternative to the SFR and was losing hope. I'll give the '19 Supra a go.

I just want something that will stand out on the grid and make things a bit more interesting. I was hoping the F150 would be an option but it's about as fast as it looks.

I tested just about every N300 car I could think of and surprised the 19' Supra was almost neck and neck with the S-FR.

Majority of N300 cars are 1:04s but those two seemed great.

I'll run the F150 in top split just to get a good laugh.... also will be using GT40 and Mustang although they aren't capable of competing.
FIA Nations, Slot 2
DR B/ SR S Door #4

I only run Nations and daily's on my alt. My main doesn't touch either since I cracked into higher A ranking. So I let the good Dr come out and play.

I just had to race this silly car on this crazy track on these ridiculous tires. It seemed fun and a bit humorous. I qualified p3 and made it my goal to simply stay on track. By lap 3 I was in 1st as p1 and p2 just had to dip a tire and go make sand castles. By lap 12, I think I had half the field lapped. By the end, I had lapped all the way up to p6. No one could stay on the track. It was insane.

I two stopped it and won by 40 seconds. I know it was a B lobby, but I'm not that fast (qualy'd with a 1:13.094) and I didn't practice at all. So I was just praying I could handle the car in the slip. I could've won with steady1:17 lap times. Heck, the guy in 5th finished 5th with a 2 minute penalty! LOL. Didn't even bother with Mediums. Hahahahaha

Anyway, it was both fun and stressful to keep it on the black top for 23 laps. But, I manged somehow and put one in the win column!
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The S-FR is pretty much the only META I ever look forward to driving, so in spite of not expecting to do well enough to score points, I'll run this race just to drive Kirby.
I tested just about every N300 car I could think of and surprised the 19' Supra was almost neck and neck with the S-FR.

Majority of N300 cars are 1:04s but those two seemed great.

I'll run the F150 in top split just to get a good laugh.... also will be using GT40 and Mustang although they aren't capable of competing.
That grid start is going to kill the GT40. That first gear is like starting with the handbrake up and in reverse.
Once the locomotive gets going, it's always a fun car to drive. The sound is worth the 15 laps of falling behind.
That grid start is going to kill the GT40. That first gear is like starting with the handbrake up and in reverse.
Once the locomotive gets going, it's always a fun car to drive. The sound is worth the 15 laps of falling behind.

Indeed the start in that car is brutal I may get lapped before I cross start/finish to begin my first lap :lol: once it gets up to speed though it's a blast to drive. Most N300 lobbies end up kicking me when I use that car.

It's all in good fun though I'm not taking it seriously being my first Nations race of the season. Talked couple people into running trucks with me for a slot so that'll be fun F150 vs Tundra.

I pretty much came to the same conclusion when I tested all my N300 cars plus the S-FR. S-FR's stability will probably nick it for me.

There's a handful that'll work in lower splits tbh like the R32 Skyline that thing really moves and with grid start it'll probably walk everyone.

The Supra I feel like is the next best thing compared to S-FR only difference is couple tenths, for me so far. However, Supra will absolutely walk the S-FR and has that ability to pass cleanly when you want and nobody in little eco box is going around your outside if you position yourself correctly. You'll make it really hard on those cars if you can qualify well since they won't be able to pass very much even with a run leading out of corner.
Indeed the start in that car is brutal I may get lapped before I cross start/finish to begin my first lap :lol: once it gets up to speed though it's a blast to drive. Most N300 lobbies end up kicking me when I use that car.

It's all in good fun though I'm not taking it seriously being my first Nations race of the season. Talked couple people into running trucks with me for a slot so that'll be fun F150 vs Tundra.

There's a handful that'll work in lower splits tbh like the R32 Skyline that thing really moves and with grid start it'll probably walk everyone.

The Supra I feel like is the next best thing compared to S-FR only difference is couple tenths, for me so far. However, Supra will absolutely walk the S-FR and has that ability to pass cleanly when you want and nobody in little eco box is going around your outside if you position yourself correctly. You'll make it really hard on those cars if you can qualify well since they won't be able to pass very much even with a run leading out of corner.
R32 is a good choice for the start as well. Handles nicely. The Atenza XD has so much torque, it spins the tyres from the grid start. If I could run all three spots, I'd try it.
Though, for my one slot, I've narrowed my choices to the 365GTB4, Crown, Fugu Z and 993, the XD is scratching at the door. I'm going for the look of the car in my replay, over results. ;)
From past FIA events, if you're looking for competitive N300 SFR alternatives, it basically boils down to a few cars:
- KTM Xbow - light and also has good downforce. A bit twitchy though and the shifting is a bit slow.
- GR Supra/BMW M4 - good torque and decent handling, though a lot heavier so tyres will wear more.
- F50/GT40 - the best for top speed tracks, which Tsukuba isn't. Avoid.

All other cars are a step down from those unfortunately. Even the 4WD cars aren't likely to have a better launch because the SFR already has minimal wheelspin on SH tyres.

Of course, if you're a man of culture there is only one choice ;)
Please don't go down that road. There are plenty of people driving clean on controllers and plenty of dirty drivers on wheel. A proper penalty system to separate is far better than separation by control input.

Maybe there are some but the wanchors that I have to deal with are erratic and all over the place. I really don't know why anyone would want to use a driving simulator wihout a driving rig. To me, that is just stupid.

I went there a long time ago , pops.
Maybe there are some but the wanchors that I have to deal with are erratic and all over the place. I really don't know why anyone would want to use a driving simulator wihout a driving rig. To me, that is just stupid.

I went there a long time ago , pops.
Sad truth time -

I know guys kicking back on a ds4 barely paying attention that make you look 80s privateer F1 team kind of slow.
Maybe there are some but the wanchors that I have to deal with are erratic and all over the place. I really don't know why anyone would want to use a driving simulator wihout a driving rig. To me, that is just stupid.

I went there a long time ago , pops.
I am stupid then. But the road I meant wasn't the road where you buy a wheel. It was the road where you think all bad driving is because stupid people on controllers wreck the game.
Maybe there are some but the wanchors that I have to deal with are erratic and all over the place. I really don't know why anyone would want to use a driving simulator wihout a driving rig. To me, that is just stupid.

I went there a long time ago , pops.

This again? You and @Junkman55 would get along really well.

I judge people on how they drive, not by their chosen input device and what they're sat on. That's just me though, you do what's right for you.
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None of what I said was elitist, would actually stop you from matching with anyone else or cause you to not fill a lobby of equal skill players

As a matter of fact, you are the only one I have seen advocating this without appearing elitistic and looking down on controller users...

I noticed some DS4 gamers are sensitive regarding the subject of wheel usage and would rather ignore the fact there are separate inputs being used in the game.

...wich is the very reason we would rather not have this "them Vs us"discussion again and...

Maybe there are some but the wanchors that I have to deal with are erratic and all over the place. I really don't know why anyone would want to use a driving simulator wihout a driving rig. To me, that is just stupid

...this very much proves my point. Let me just say that if wheel users and controller players where separated, It might make things better for me, because it would remove a lot of fast players from my equation on DR but it would mean that you wheel users would have great difficulties finding a full lobby unless PD was to join the region's, then you would have lobbies full of wheel users and a lot of lag, because you would have South Africans and Japanese and New Zeeland players in the same lobbies.
I don't think it would give you less erratic and unpredictable races. Far from it.

Now If you wish to discuss this further with me feel free to continue in one of the threads already beating this dead horse, tag me if you want my input. Or send me a PM and we can talk without cluttering the FIA thread.
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Not to get personal, but I've seen loads of good smooth controller drivers and many erratic wheel players. I've been accused of using a wheel and I know I'm not the smoothest controller player. Basically it's about skill not input device and I want to play with people at my level not just controller players. Now if we could get matchmaking to put (insert nationality that is pissing you off the most presently) on a different server....well we can see that this isn't the way to go now can't we?

Anyhoo on to more important maters, I suck with the SFR and tried the Xbow first (basically everyone was using the SF so I just took the first car on the list at selection. Tried the SFR after and running half a second slower. See there's an M4 in the top 10 now so maybe other cars will appear????
I've thought this before though, is the car in the top 10 the best or do people look at the top 10 and pick the "best" car which in effect makes it the best car because the best players are all copying each other?

Anyway going to try a couple more later then decide, but not using the SFR because it's definitely not the best for me
From past FIA events, if you're looking for competitive N300 SFR alternatives, it basically boils down to a few cars:
- KTM Xbow - light and also has good downforce. A bit twitchy though and the shifting is a bit slow.
- GR Supra/BMW M4 - good torque and decent handling, though a lot heavier so tyres will wear more.
- F50/GT40 - the best for top speed tracks, which Tsukuba isn't. Avoid.

All other cars are a step down from those unfortunately. Even the 4WD cars aren't likely to have a better launch because the SFR already has minimal wheelspin on SH tyres.

Of course, if you're a man of culture there is only one choice ;)

I haven’t done any tyre wear races with N300 but my FP is suggesting that the Roadster TC, Fugu, GTO and F50 are viable options in pace. They’re not as quick as the S-FR but they’re on the next rung for me.
Not to get personal, but I've seen loads of good smooth controller drivers and many erratic wheel players. I've been accused of using a wheel and I know I'm not the smoothest controller player. Basically it's about skill not input device and I want to play with people at my level not just controller players. Now if we could get matchmaking to put (insert nationality that is pissing you off the most presently) on a different server....well we can see that this isn't the way to go now can't we?

Anyhoo on to more important maters, I suck with the SFR and tried the Xbow first (basically everyone was using the SF so I just took the first car on the list at selection. Tried the SFR after and running half a second slower. See there's an M4 in the top 10 now so maybe other cars will appear????
I've thought this before though, is the car in the top 10 the best or do people look at the top 10 and pick the "best" car which in effect makes it the best car because the best players are all copying each other?

Anyway going to try a couple more later then decide, but not using the SFR because it's definitely not the best for me
The top 10 are the best car for qualifying (for the best players) it's not necessarily the best car in race and certainly not the best car for qualifying for all players. The margins at top 10 are so small that you need to be very good to extract that from the META car.
For most players it would be much wiser to pick the car they know and love the best
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Maybe there are some but the wanchors that I have to deal with are erratic and all over the place. I really don't know why anyone would want to use a driving simulator wihout a driving rig. To me, that is just stupid.

I went there a long time ago , pops.

Well, I don't think there should be a double standard. In the same way I'm entitled to my opinion. You are entitled to yours.

Perhaps, if you're struggling with the erratic drivers. Try get your DR up, to the point where the majority of your opponents are either using rigs or are more efficient with controllers.

But I highly doubt you'd want to be in those higher lobbies, folks are pretty quick.
One of these days, someone needs to pop the question and ask why a Racing Concept is in a Normal Car Class. Full-grid lobbies lined up with the meta car and nothing else thanks to the forever-weird classification system of GT Sport... :lol:

Good luck to anyone else brave enough to not use the SFR Racing Concept. I'd use one of the two pickup trucks, but... :D