2023-24 Formula 1 Off-Track Thread

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
Would have been much more fitting for the team to run it's final few years, before VAG turn it into a cooperate entry, as Peter Sauber Racing or something. Tip of the hat and tribute to the man who made it.

Much better than the aneurism they've gone for.
Stake F1 Team Kick Sauber
I was wondering why you hadn't provided the article link until I realised this wasn't a quoted headline where Stake completely removed the Sauber name from the team.
It's still Sauber but what an awful, terrible name. A name so bad it gives every F1 fan eyes and ear cancer every single time.
I reckon it’ll just universally be known as Sauber, it’s not as if anyone calls Aston Martin ‘Aramco Cognizant AM Racing’ is it but that’s the official name. The chassis will be called Sauber I think so the team will be called Sauber, but as official team names go, this one’s a stinker for sure.
Guess beeing poor is like that in F1 so online casino gambling isn't an issue connected to your name. I just don't get it why Audi is fine beeing connected to something like this shady. Would be interesting what Stake is paying but it wasn't possible to just have these millions from VW or Audi bank, etc. to avoid this naming? Now "Stake F1 Kick Sauber which is Audi in the background" for every F1 related coverage in media for the next 1 or 2 years?
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This is what I think of every time I see "Kick". This was a Mountain Dew copy cat drink we had here in the US.

I'm guessing promising partial naming rights to the team was the main way of securing sponsorship, which is why the name now looks like a wish.com listing for knockoff merchandise fished out of a Shenzhen dumpster.
It's more the potential for disruption to the season and other motorsports that I'm concerned about - planning an overseas trip to a race is hard enough without scheduling uncertainties thrown into the mix.

That said, one or two Middle East GPs dropping off the calendar would be fine with me.
That said, one or two Middle East GPs dropping off the calendar would be fine with me.
Sounds fine except Sods Law states that we'll lose one and it'll be Bahrain - the only one of the four tracks that is interesting and produces great racing. They were the first in the Middle East, I have no real issues with Bahrain staying on the calendar even if it ends up as the token ME circuit but it would suck if the only one with history was the one we lost.
Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come up with a solution that adds even more stress and cost to the teams' logistics while still ending up a complete shambles on race weekend.
Apparently they'll be named Kick F1 Team where gambling sponsorship isn't allowed.
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F1 cars are too big.

It’s weird to think that WEC would probably be better around Monaco just because of the size.
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