2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
Do you believe Trump when he finishes a sentence with "...like never before" or "...in history" ? Because...you shouldn't.
Oh like when Biden says the border is secure and he has all his lackys say the same thing. Or the he created 15,000 jobs? Wow or was that supposed to be 150 million jobs that weren't there before the pandemic? Also I love the slur that people that support Trump are trolls and that all of you guys are the defender of democracy lol. The question is are you better off now or were you better off for years ago? And I would say the absolute majority of the country are worse off now than they were during President Trump. I guess you're better off if you're an illegal alien
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I am and its beyond my understanding why its matter at all. You guys had real BLM riots same year, yet bunch of rednecks somewhat peacefully protesting in Capitol is coup.
Most BLM riots were peaceful.
Approximately 94% of all pro-BLM demonstrations have been peaceful, with 6% involving reports of violence, clashes with police, vandalism, looting, or other destructive activity.

Peacefully protesting the Capitol by ignoring police orders, rushing police barricades, oh, and someone getting killed for ignoring a lawful order. I think you should've just stopped at, "It's beyond my understanding".
I didn't watch, but based on your reaction I predict a new wave of trump trolls in the opinions section.
They're here. :lol:
Biden isn't doing anything to stop it. He claims to, but he's actively funding and sending weapons to the military carrying out the destruction.

This month:


I'm still wondering what the lies were that Trump said?
PS, most of you people on here need to be medicated.
Says man drunk on Trump's kool aid. :lol:

I guess you're better off if you're in a legal alien

How hilariously fitting. :lol:

I love the poorly educated
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At any point, if it becomes clear that Biden cannot win the GE, I agree with others that he should step aside.

Oh like when Biden says the border is secure and he has all his lackys say the same thing. Or the heat created 15,000 jobs? Wow or was that supposed to be 150 million jobs that weren't there before the pandemic? Also I love the slur that people that support Trump are trolls and that all of you guys are the defender of democracy lol. The question is are you better off now or were you better off for years ago? And I would say the absolute majority of the country are worse off now than they were during President Trump.

Oh I'm way better off right now than 4 years ago. You mean when we were first getting vaccines for the pandemic and january 6th was happening? Way better off. Not close.
??? These two seem at odds with each other do they not? Blame democrats for Trump because Biden had a bad debate showing later on?
Blame Trump voters for Trump.

I only argue that if one is going to blame third party voters for a Biden loss, they should accept responsibility for their own decisions and the resulting consequences. Choosing a bad candidate and then blaming the voters for not supporting him enough is not a sign of introspection.

I know the potential consequences of my vote and I stand by it.

I think those who chose Biden in the primary are responsible for Biden's actions as president, in asmuch as they could be predicted, but not for a Trump victory. But I do think it was a strategic mistake.
Honestly if Biden cannot beat Trump, he's a hopeless candidate. But part of the reason that he's struggling to beat trump is that authoritarians rally despite flaws (many, many flaws that go directly against their core values), and everyone else simply doesn't. They pick one issue, like Israel, or being old, and die on it.

Have a little humility with the Israel issue. We don't know literally everything about the power dynamics in that region. I do understand and share your frustration with the US handling of Israel. But at least it's not a total strikeout with Biden. He's at least on the right side of Russia. Biden has backed off support of Israel in part because of vocal opposition like yourself. But it's predicated on the idea that he can still earn their support.
With all due respect, I was willing to rally around the party in spite of nearly aby flaw imaginable. I was expecting Biden to be deeply disappointing and I was still willing to vote for him.

The middle east is complicated and I don't have the solutions. There are, however, some thruths I think are clear from the evidence:

Israel is killing civilians and has no intention of stopping.

The Biden administration is directly funding and supporting the killing of civilians with American weapons. When Netanyahu complained that the US had slowed its weapon transfers, the US denied it and claimed to have no idea what he was talking about. That is not pressuring Israel.

This is not an "our systems of healthcare, incarceration, education, etc. are harmful to the population and must be changed" issue. This is a "we are aiding a military in killing civilians" issue.

To me, that is not complex. If you vote for Biden, you are directly supporting that activity, whether or not you feel bad about it.

You voted how you did in the primary, other people voted how they did. Biden was the result. The question is not what should we have done then but what to do now.

This is not a choice I take lightly. I am constantly reconsidering what the right action is here. Ultimately, I have so little expectation that we will ever improve if we accept the status quo, that I think the only way to move forward is to convince the DNC that their strategy is not working. I would like for them to realize this without Trump winning, but I don't know if that's possible. They certainly didn't seem to change course after Hilary lost.

For the record, if I didn't live in a safe blue state, I probably would have voted for Hilary in 2016, despite her many, many flaws. And it wouldn't have mattered because she was a bad candidate. I noticed in the primaries that her biggest advantage over Bernie was in southern, deeply red states. Hard to believe that didn't transfer to support in the general. I was hoping to see if things panned out similarly this time but there wasn't really a serious primary campaign to follow, sadly.
Says man drunk on Trump's kool aid. :lol:
Please take your booster.

Again, the 8-10 of you on this page/channel are absolutely unhinged. Seriously, you need help. I've never come across a group that just has such hate and dishonesty for another view. I never wanted to come back to this place. But, all you guys do is lie blatantly, regurgitate dishonest and misrepresented statements, and perpetuate media lies.
With that enjoy your echo chamber. TDS is real, and you all have it.
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Oh like when Biden says the border is secure and he has all his lackys say the same thing. Or the he created 15,000 jobs? Wow or was that supposed to be 150 million jobs that weren't there before the pandemic? Also I love the slur that people that support Trump are trolls and that all of you guys are the defender of democracy lol. The question is are you better off now or were you better off for years ago? And I would say the absolute majority of the country are worse off now than they were during President Trump. I guess you're better off if you're in a illegal alien
I mean...I'm objectively way better off now than I was under Trump...though I'm not sure either one had much to do with it. Last I checked, I'm a white dude born in the USA with family stretching back to the 1700s. I could be illegal? Not sure. I'm definitely not IN an illegal alien though, I do know that much.
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To me, that is not complex. If you vote for Biden, you are directly supporting that activity, whether or not you feel bad about it.

I think primarily your complaint is about a package that was a concession to help Ukraine. If I have to choose between Israel falling and Ukraine standing, I choose Ukraine standing. They're fighting the more important battle.

This is what politicians do, they make deals to get their top priority.

For the record, if I didn't live in a safe blue state, I probably would have voted for Hilary in 2016, despite her many, many flaws. And it wouldn't have mattered because she was a bad candidate. I noticed in the primaries that her biggest advantage over Bernie was in southern, deeply red states. Hard to believe that didn't transfer to support in the general. I was hoping to see if things panned out similarly this time but there wasn't really a serious primary campaign to follow, sadly.

I didn't vote for Hillary (not Trump either), but I didn't understand what Trump was at the time. I did by 2020.
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Oh yeah in America is not a democracy.
It isn't only if you failed your middle school civics course. America is a Constitutional federal democratic republic in which we elect leaders who represent us. We are not a direct democracy, but a representative democracy. Democracy comes in many flavours instead of just the one that some people tend to harp on. The only direct democracy I can think of is parts of Switzerland and I know Liechtenstein is sometime cited as one too.
5:37 AM CET

I didn't watch, but based on your reaction I predict a new wave of trump trolls in the opinions section.

13 hours later:

I always find it particularly amusing when Jan 6 is brought up. It's that shiny red object that's always pointed to. "He's a threat to democracy." "He tried to overthrow government." "That kind of political violence is unthinkable." The critical thing in this is both conservatives and liberals alike condemned the violence.

Donald Trump finished his speech that day away from the Capitol to "assemble peacefully and patriotically." Donald Trump even told everyone to go home. He didn't open up a rioter bail fund like Harris did during the months of rioting throughout the country. He didn't say it was "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" like many commentators did. He didn't ignore a blatant violent mob that was outside the White House and cheer when Secret Service moved him to the Bunker over security concerns.

The only reason liberals point to January 6th is because it was the clear instance of civil unrest and violence from the right. And need i mention the violence from Hamas-niks celebrating terrorists that have infested the Democrats, or mention the calls for violence against Supreme Court Justices when things didn't go your way. Violence and riots are the language of the deranged left. And it's never condemned or punished.

The real threat to democracy is the embrace of fascistic weaponizations of the various levers of government. You won't say it's a threat to democracy when the FBI and CIA are weaponized to spy on American citizens. You won't say it's a threat to democracy to weaponize the judicial system to indict, convict, and imprison American citizens for fabricated crimes. You won't say it's a threat to democracy when the IRS is weaponized against conservative groups at the behest of Obama (and was successfully sued because of it). You love tyranny and fascism until it comes for you. The Left only desires power. They don't have principles. They don't value people's rights. They see them as an impediment to their crusade for power. It's why you try to silence dissent. It's why you ignore Constitutional Rights to push forward. It's why you cheer when when the Right is attacked, even violently. It's why you long for political opponents to be killed. It's why you're panicking right now because after years of lies, the truth is coming out that Joe is an incompetent boob with the mind of a bowl of mashed potatoes, and it was all done following the Democrat playbook. It isn't hard to see Biden wasn't running the show, it was all the democrats pulling the strings in this Weekend at Bernie's ******** of a presidency. The Republicans may not be the solution to all your problems, but the Democrats clearly are the cause of them.
I'm still wondering what the lies were that Trump said? Maybe a few inaccuracies. But Biden blatantly lied and brought up stories that were fact-checked as incorrect. and ,the media even has said as much. Such as, the laptop hoax, Charlottesville hoax, the Hunter never made money, suckers and losers hoax, and many others. Oh yeah in America is not a democracy.
PS, most of you people on here need to be medicated.
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It isn't only if you failed your middle school civics course. America is a Constitutional federal democratic republic in which we elect leaders who represent us. We are not a direct democracy, but a representative democracy. Democracy comes in many flavours instead of just the one that some people tend to harp on. The only direct democracy I can think of is parts of Switzerland and I know Liechtenstein is sometime cited as one too.
Yeah, we're not a democracy we're a republic.
To me, that is not complex. If you vote for Biden, you are directly supporting that activity, whether or not you feel bad about it.
I think it is a bit more complex than that just by virtue of the voting system. We can't vote on Israel directly and we can't vote on it separately from everything else. I can see where your objection to Biden is coming from but I honestly think in the learn term it would better to preserve a stable and just (or less unjest) government if the goal is to prevent conflict, genocide, and right violations.

That trajectory of the election is terrible. The only solution I see is government reform. To do that we need a functioning government.
Take something that actively prevents me from getting sick? That's not the retort you think it is.

Must be that horse dewormer you Trumpers huffed like meth.
Clearly to them the re-emergence of diseases previously deemed eradicated in the United States is a coincidence.
Most BLM riots were peaceful.

Peacefully protesting the Capitol by ignoring police orders, rushing police barricades, oh, and someone getting killed for ignoring a lawful order. I think you should've just stopped at, "It's beyond my understanding".

They're here. :lol:


This month:



Says man drunk on Trump's kool aid. :lol:

How hilariously fitting. :lol:
Voice to chat it's been edited try again
Most BLM riots were peaceful.
Not saying otherwise.
Peacefully protesting the Capitol by ignoring police orders, rushing police barricades, oh, and someone getting killed for ignoring a lawful order.
Somewhat peacefull. Its normal thing in exUSSR to protest this way against authoritarian governments(Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, etc). On the other hand those 6% of violent BLM "protests" looks like real riots to me. Different optics.
Clearly to them the re-emergence of diseases previously deemed eradicated in the United States is a coincidence.
Diseases that weren't a problem in America before, are now a problem because of an open border. Thanks Biden
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This month:


The neutral stance on Israel is to not provide weapons or funding.

Proposing a peace plan, and then continuing to provide weapons and funding when Israel rejects it, is not a serious attempt to stop the genocide.

Parachuting aid in, while providing weapons to the country blocking most of the existing aid (and whose soldiers have filmed themselves intentionally destroying aid) is not a serious attempt at ending the famine.

I think primarily your complaint is about a package that was a concession to help Ukraine. If I have to choose between Israel falling and Ukraine standing, I choose Ukraine standing. They're fighting the more important battle.

This is what politicians do, they make deals to get their top priority.
I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying the Biden administration didn't want to send weapons to israel, but had to do so in order to also send weapons to Ukraine?

For one, I'm not sure that's true, as Biden bypassed congress in December in order to send weapons to Israel specifically.

Also, I will not accuse you of thinking this, but your choice here might suggest that you think Ukrainian lives are more important than Palestinian lives. Based on your phrasing I think the truth is more that you have a utilitarian view of these conflicts.

I just don't think it's acceptable to sacrifice Palestinians for any other cause. I oppose Russia's invasian of Ukraine but if supporting Ukraine means funding Israel then, no thanks. But again, I'm curious what specifically you're referring to there.
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Yeah, we're not a democracy we're a republic.
We're a representative democracy. This is one of the first things you learn in your middle school civics course. Republics and democracy aren't at odds with one another either since a republic is really only at odds with a monarchy. You can have a republic that comes in all different flavours, just like you can have various forms of democracy.
Diseases that weren't a problem in America before, are now a problem because of an open border. Thanks Biden
That isn't how that works, but I suspect you have no desire to learn otherwise.
You just said we're not a democracy, we're a republic twice now.

I think my quote from Trump goofing on your ass stands.

Such as?eas

We're a representative democracy. This is one of the first things you learn in your middle school civics course. Republics and democracy aren't at odds with one another either since a republic is really only at odds with a monarchy. You can have a republic that comes in all different flavours, just like you can have various forms of democracy.

That isn't how that works, but I suspect you have no desire to learn otherwise.
No I think you're such a hard head you not listening to anything that's said. Many diseases that are coming through the southern border that are being transmitted measles is one. The joke is "protect our democracy", but I'm sure that goes over your head. Protect our democracy by having candidates removed through lawfare and through having them taken off the ballot. But it's fine to have primaries where Joe Biden is elected and then have him replaced by the DNC.
You can have a republic that comes in all different flavours, just like you can have various forms of democracy.
Well, not all flavors. Republics are governed by the people. Because they're governed by the people, they hinge on democratic processes. If it's not a democracy, it's not a republic.
Not saying otherwise.

Somewhat peacefull. Its normal thing in exUSSR to protest this way against authoritarian governments(Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, etc). On the other hand those 6% of violent BLM "protests" looks like real riots to me. Different optics.
You're exposing more of your country's flaws & evidence of why it needs new leadership if you think Jan 6th. constitutes mostly peaceful. Politicians aren't barricaded or evacuated under "mostly peaceful" protests....
Many diseases that are coming through the southern border that are being transmitted measles is one.
That's funny because measles can be traced back to your group. Ya know, the one who is anti-vaccine.
Well, on the national level, state and local authorities have announced at least 55 confirmed or suspected cases of measles. That's across 17 states. And to provide some context for these numbers, measles hasn't circulated widely here for decades, and that's because of vaccination.

Outbreaks have been increasing since 2010, and that's because it's easily imported by unvaccinated travelers. And then it can spread in underimmunized communities. In 2019, more than 1,200 cases of measles were reported in the U.S., and that's the highest number we saw in decades. In 2022, it was 121 reported cases here. And then in 2023, we had 58 measles cases reported. And of course, we're on the verge of surpassing that number from last year, and it's only March.

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I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying the Biden administration didn't want to send weapons to israel, but had to do so in order to also send weapons to Ukraine?

I'm saying that I know for sure that republicans were lined up to stop it unless it included support for Israel. I don't pretend to know Biden's personal thoughts on it, but given that he had started backing off on support for Israel, I think the aid package for Ukraine goes through without Israeli support unless republicans demand it. Biden's support had faltered some in light of sentiments from people like yourself.

Also, I will not accuse you of thinking this, but your choice here might suggest that you think Ukrainian lives are more important than Palestinian lives. Based on your phrasing I think the truth is more that you have a utilitarian view of these conflicts.

I just don't think it's acceptable to sacrifice Palestinians for any other cause. I oppose Russia's invasian of Ukraine but if supporting Ukraine means funding Israel then, no thanks. But again, I'm curious what specifically you're referring to there.

I don't value any lives above any other lives (based on nationality. Putin can go to hell). But I think it's more dangerous for the world for Russia to prevail in Ukraine than for Israel to prevail (which it's going to do anyway) in the middle east. I don't want to see Ukraine become Vietnam, but they have put up a valiant effort that directly resulted in at least a threat on Putin's reign. All of that is good for all of the people of the world.

As far as utilitarianism goes, I reject that notion. I'm not a politician, I wouldn't want to be the one to hand over anything to Israel. But if you're accusing me of being a utilitarian because I'm willing to vote for one, I'm not sure that's fair either. I'm voting for a representative, and I recognize that that person may not be exactly what I would choose in all circumstances, but I'm also recognizing that getting that is not possible.
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