The problem with this stance is that by not voting for Biden, you are essentially conceding the destruction of Gaza. Biden is at least, attempting to do something. Trump, in the very debate last night, said Israel needs to finish the job & then referred to Biden as a Palestinian like a slur.
The time to vote third party was the last election, which I did. The spiraling towards terrible candidates is already here, though. Again, in the debate last night, voting for Jill Stein is exactly what Trump wants you to do.
If you're concerned for Gaza & wanting to think further ahead, then you should vote for Biden as much as you don't want to b/c there's a real threat that there won't be a Gaza left for the next Democrat candidate to stand for. It sucks, but those are the cards dealt.
Biden isn't doing anything to stop it. He claims to, but he's actively funding and sending weapons to the military carrying out the destruction.
I'm aware that a Trump victory is also bad for Gaza. It's like voting for a 10 ton bomb or a 20 ton bomb. If either of these candidates win, it's devastating. Can we start blaming the people who are actually supporting people like Trump? I know it's not practical to win them over, but please don't lose sight of the fact that half this country is actively working
towards putting sociopathy in the white house?
In the trolley problem, people always talk about the culpability of the person at the switch who is poweless to prevent the deaths. How about we blame the person who tied people to the travks and sent the trolley careening towards them?
Listen, I wanted to vote for Biden. I've never liked him, but I voted for him in 2020 because I knew Trump would be worse. I was willing to overlook nearly every flaw Biden has and vote for him wholeheartedly just to keep Trump out. I was desperate to vote for him. My only bar was that he wasn't a genocidal murderer. That he didn't support and then deny war crimes. That his administration didn't question the authority of the international justice community, and deny the humanity of millions of people.
It was a low bar, but somehow he sank lower.
Biden was never the only option to defeat Trump. People like me tried to get someone else, someone not only more ethical with regards to Palestine, etc. but also more capable. Biden's declining faculties have not been a secret. If liberals won't forgive me for witholding my vote for Biden, I will not forgive them for choosing him as a candidate. If Biden loses, please do not tell me that the people who voted for him in the primaries, who refused in this election to even run a proper primary with debates, etc., who rejected the idea that any other candidate was capable of beating Trump, bear no responsibility. They bet on a losing horse. They cannot blame everyone else for their mistake.
I live in MA by the way. If my voting third party causes Trump to win my state, then my god, what a hopeless candidate Biden must have been.