This is how it's done.
Biden took office amidst the first violent attack against the transfer of power in the history of the nation. Trump's legacy is a stain that cannot be removed, but Biden represented a return to the process of the American government - to the promise to serve the people, rather than the people serving him. Nothing could be more fundamentally American. Biden says "it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President". Serve. He never viewed the office, or his presence in it, as something that was about or for him. It was about the nation.
And so, the first President to take office after a violent attempt at overthrow, peacefully abdicates his candidacy for the betterment of his party and country. That's how it's done sir! It is a clinic in what it means to be President, and what it means to be a leader. This is something that all of his opposition have never understood. Leadership is not about commanding others, but about serving them. Leadership is not about yourself, but about your team. In this case, Team America (**** yea).
Ironically, I've never wanted him to be President more than right now, as he proves that he understands the office by stepping down from his campaign despite having rightfully won the nomination and being completely in control of his candidacy.
This move solidifies in my mind that Biden is, and always will be, one of the greatest presidents the nation has seen. Few American Presidents have presided over such a direct threat to the country, and during such a crisis of confidence in our system of government. Throughout my life, democracy has been a sacred virtue within the nation - not necessarily adhered to as well as I'd like, but revered as a principle of equality, freedom, and human rights upon which the country was founded, and upon which modern civilization must be founded. But recently, democracy is being abandoned in droves. Biden has presided over a nation that is losing faith in its roots, abandoning democracy for autocracy and fealty to a dictator who has ruthlessly gutted the republican party. Instead of commanding or coercing his opponents, Biden has been leading by example. Reminding us how our country is supposed to work, and why the principles of representative government and equality are inescapable qualities of what it means to be America. This latest act of stepping down from candidacy is his last best example of how our country is supposed to work. How it's supposed to be about all of us, not the personal gratification of a narcissist. This is what leaders do.
Well done. We'll never forget your personal sacrifice and example.