2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
Thank god Biden is standing down. Not only will this make the DNC possibly extremely entertaining, but, man, I don't think he would have remained competent over the next 4 years.
The fact that I was expecting your last word to be 'months' says it all really.
I really hope that Harris, assuming she is the nominee, doesn’t make the same mistake as Obama and Hillary by choosing an obviously old and uncharismatic white man as VP just to compensate for the fact that a woman and/or person of color is running for president. I really don’t understand why a Harris/Whitmer or Harris/Buttigieg ticket wouldn’t be electorally viable, but I could see the Clinton-era party insiders convincing Harris to pick another Tim Kaine.
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I think they're gonna select a more prominent figure in their party. Pete ran before, but if I recall, he started to fall behind even Bernie.
George Clooney Reaction GIF
Harris - Jeffries would work. But I'm guessing they will go for a white male to balance out the minority female candidate. Can't get too extreme for old people.
Harris didnt even make it to the 2020 primary, that’s how unpopular she has always been. She’s a bad choice.
Harris didnt even make it to the 2020 primary, that’s how unpopular she has always been. She’s a bad choice.
I mean I agree, but it's more than likely going to be her. Independents will probably have an easier time voting for her too. I can hold my nose and vote for the unpopular young candidate way easier than I can vote for the senile old man.

I don't like Harris but I'll vote for her just because she isn't old.
Harris/Biden. No big responsibility and you don't lose the voters that didn't want Joe to drop out.

This is how it's done.

Biden took office amidst the first violent attack against the transfer of power in the history of the nation. Trump's legacy is a stain that cannot be removed, but Biden represented a return to the process of the American government - to the promise to serve the people, rather than the people serving him. Nothing could be more fundamentally American. Biden says "it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President". Serve. He never viewed the office, or his presence in it, as something that was about or for him. It was about the nation.

And so, the first President to take office after a violent attempt at overthrow, peacefully abdicates his candidacy for the betterment of his party and country. That's how it's done sir! It is a clinic in what it means to be President, and what it means to be a leader. This is something that all of his opposition have never understood. Leadership is not about commanding others, but about serving them. Leadership is not about yourself, but about your team. In this case, Team America (**** yea).

Ironically, I've never wanted him to be President more than right now, as he proves that he understands the office by stepping down from his campaign despite having rightfully won the nomination and being completely in control of his candidacy.

This move solidifies in my mind that Biden is, and always will be, one of the greatest presidents the nation has seen. Few American Presidents have presided over such a direct threat to the country, and during such a crisis of confidence in our system of government. Throughout my life, democracy has been a sacred virtue within the nation - not necessarily adhered to as well as I'd like, but revered as a principle of equality, freedom, and human rights upon which the country was founded, and upon which modern civilization must be founded. But recently, democracy is being abandoned in droves. Biden has presided over a nation that is losing faith in its roots, abandoning democracy for autocracy and fealty to a dictator who has ruthlessly gutted the republican party. Instead of commanding or coercing his opponents, Biden has been leading by example. Reminding us how our country is supposed to work, and why the principles of representative government and equality are inescapable qualities of what it means to be America. This latest act of stepping down from candidacy is his last best example of how our country is supposed to work. How it's supposed to be about all of us, not the personal gratification of a narcissist. This is what leaders do.

Well done. We'll never forget your personal sacrifice and example.
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Everyone's statements coming out make it sound like he's gonna die from covid complications any day now.

Getting rid of one geriatric and putting in another one would be a Democrat own goal.
Not that it matters, but Bernie never had a chance. According to Donna Brazile, the Clintons effectively rigged the DNC against him in 2016, after Obama talked Joe out of running.

Then as Bernie, was starting to pull away in the primaries in 2020, Obama once again put his thumb on the scale and came out to strongly endorce Joe (after Michelle previously refused to), because a socialist agenda had no chance in hell at beating Trump, or really winning any general election for that matter.

Then (even though I agree this was the right strategic move for the democrats right now - but Joe should have never been on the ticket in the first place - living up to his original pledge as a transition president), they decided to basically not have a primary because they didn’t really have any other options…because Kamala polled even worse than Joe. But alas, millions of people voted for him (or voted for him as a mechanism to just vote against Trump…regardless), just for the Democratic power brokers of Pelosi, Obama and billionaire donors…to big-league him off the ticket, disenfranchising millions of voters that elected him via the democratic process, just so they could sub in their own candidate.

So the way I follow this…

We have Donna Brazile admitting that the DNC was rigged against Bernie in 2016. Obama came out of hiding to endorce Joe because they strategically absolutely had to, in order to keep Bernie off the ticket in 2020. And then Joe gets jettisoned off the ticket in 2024, despite the democratic process that put him on said ticket in the first place.

All of this, to “save democracy”, right?
disenfranchising millions of voters that elected him via the democratic process
Biden, unfortunately, did that himself with his debate when voter skeptic about both men being too old to run was at an all-time high.
Biden, unfortunately, did that himself with his debate when voter skeptic about both men being too old to run was at an all-time high.
Anybody with eyes, a brain, and some lens of objectivity saw that Biden has been in decline for 5 years.

I purposely didn’t mention the media for a reason, but there were a lot of the media whom purposely lied to the public about Joe (namely Joe Scarborough - and many others. And the White House staff never directly answered the questions (which to be fair, I wouldn’t have either)

And then media and politicians all acted “suprised and shocked” after the debate when Joe face planted.

Are people that dumb that they can be manipulated both either one of their teams on the opposite side of the aisle. Of course. Obviously 😂

That’s why their entertainment media!
Cue Republicans complaining that Biden shouldn't step down because of the people who voted for him in the primaries :lol: :ouch:

Seriously, where is their decency?? Shame on them.
As I view it from afar, this seems the correct decision and the best decision for both Biden himself and the country as a whole. I hope Biden is allowed some privacy after his term ends to get any medical assistance needed in peace. (he probably won't get privacy but he should)
Menendez was indicted earlier this year, was just convicted and will be sentenced in October, facing possibly decades in prison. Yeah, it took a long time to get rid of him, but justice has finally caught up with him. John called for him to be expelled & now he is.
Not that it matters, but Bernie never had a chance. According to Donna Brazile, the Clintons effectively rigged the DNC against him in 2016, after Obama talked Joe out of running.

Then as Bernie, was starting to pull away in the primaries in 2020, Obama once again put his thumb on the scale and came out to strongly endorce Joe (after Michelle previously refused to), because a socialist agenda had no chance in hell at beating Trump, or really winning any general election for that matter.

Then (even though I agree this was the right strategic move for the democrats right now - but Joe should have never been on the ticket in the first place - living up to his original pledge as a transition president), they decided to basically not have a primary because they didn’t really have any other options…because Kamala polled even worse than Joe. But alas, millions of people voted for him (or voted for him as a mechanism to just vote against Trump…regardless), just for the Democratic power brokers of Pelosi, Obama and billionaire donors…to big-league him off the ticket, disenfranchising millions of voters that elected him via the democratic process, just so they could sub in their own candidate.

So the way I follow this…

We have Donna Brazile admitting that the DNC was rigged against Bernie in 2016. Obama came out of hiding to endorce Joe because they strategically absolutely had to, in order to keep Bernie off the ticket in 2020. And then Joe gets jettisoned off the ticket in 2024, despite the democratic process that put him on said ticket in the first place.

All of this, to “save democracy”, right?
Bernie would’ve gotten all the Democratic vote but would’ve brought young people out in DROVES. I bet he would’ve gotten higher vote counts than Biden. Plus, the guy conversates WAY more intelligently than Biden, can debate any topic clearly and concisely, is full of energy and exudes passion for his cause. He would’ve rallied the troops.

He came in second in the primary, remember.

There’s an actual poo emoji for you because Kelly was the best possible candidate. Oh well.
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Bernie would’ve gotten all the Democratic vote but would’ve brought young people out in DROVES. I bet he would’ve gotten higher vote counts than Biden. Plus, the guy conversates WAY more intelligently than Biden, can debate any topic clearly and concisely, is full of energy and exudes passion for his cause. He would’ve rallied the troops.

He came in second in the primary, remember.
Yes, I do remember he came in second. But I also remember him starting to run away with the primary until Obama came out of hiding to endorse Joe. And in democrat politics, Obama might as well be the messiah, and everyone promptly fell into line.

While the theory and promises of socialism are alluring to college kids whom don’t have much life experience or a lot of personal capital and investments in place yet for their own personal prosperity (noting that I agree with you that the college kids would have come out in droves for him)

…as well as the ideology of socialism also provides some sort of moral high ground for the costal elites to hang their hat on - all the while being completely insulated from the negative effects of socialism

A “socialistic agenda” was a hard pass for middle class Americans, let alone even more-so in the rust belt swing states. And this is why Obama came to Biden’s rescue and carried his water, while Trump predictably stepped in his meat, and Biden hid in the basement.

Oh yeah, Harris was such an unlikeable candidate, she was done by Iowa after Tulsi gut-punched her in the second debate. And the result was she failed upwards and got DEI’d into a VP position
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So, why, after the debate, where everyone on the left could see what everyone on the right knew for four years prior that Joe was in severe cognitive decline (link:https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2020/08/06/what-dan-bonginos-sources-have-told-him-about-biden-n2573855 ), did all the democrats call for Biden to step down before this? And why is it that he's still somehow not being called to resign or have the 25th amendment be enacted to force that? Rather peculiar...

Also, if you were one of the 14 million who voted for Joe in the primary, how do you feel about this democrat party coup that lead you all along, convinced you he was mentally sharp (link:https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politi...ss-and-says-he-has-complete-confidence-in-him ), and then pulled the rug out from under all of you just before the convention? When the man claiming to be fighting for democracy is shuffled aside, and all these votes are completely disregarded, that seems rather undemocratic, doesn't it?