2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
It was joked about with Biden, but I think it applies to Harris.

Legalize weed, & it might just be a wrap.

  • 70% of U.S. adults favor legalization, up from 68% in recent years
  • Majority support persists across all major demographic and party groups
  • Support for legalization the same in states where pot is legal versus not
Of course there people.
"They're", and if it were that obvious that's what you think then it shouldn't have taken the exact same question asked three times of someone who chooses their words "carefully" and "on purpose".
Cool. Didn't ask.

Here's a harder one: do you, regardless of what legislation says, have an expectation of bodily autonomy?

To clarify "bodily autonomy" means agency over your own body: what goes into it (food, drinks, drugs or medicines, etc.), and when; what gets chopped off (surgery) or implanted into/onto it (cosmetic surgery or tattoos/piercings), and when; whether you can end your life at a time and manner of your choosing (where another person is not required to assist); freedom from slavery and servitude. In essence the ability to decide, even at risk of terminating your life, what is done with your body in life and even (with regards to your funerary requirements and any organ donation) afterwards.

While harder, this is also a yes or no question. Any equivocation again means "no".
A good look at the "Migrant Crime Wave" that Trump and other Republicans keep bellowing on about. Also this clip reminded me of something, it reminded me that I really, REALLY, don't like Curtis Sliwa and his band of thugs.


Here's a harder one: do you, regardless of what legislation says, have an expectation of bodily autonomy?

To clarify "bodily autonomy" means agency over your own body: what goes into it (food, drinks, drugs or medicines, etc.), and when; what gets chopped off (surgery) or implanted into/onto it (cosmetic surgery or tattoos/piercings), and when; whether you can end your life at a time and manner of your choosing (where another person is not required to assist); freedom from slavery and servitude. In essence the ability to decide, even at risk of terminating your life, what is done with your body in life and even (with regards to your funerary requirements and any organ donation) afterwards.

While harder, this is also a yes or no question. Any equivocation again means "no".
Seems they do!
Why should the vaccine be mandated? Why should masks get mandated? Why do these precautions need to extend past personal choice to protect yourself however you see fit?
But it's apparently not a principled position. A "freedom for me, not for thee" sort of thing. Weird.
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The beard makes Ted LOOK smarter but ACT dumber.
"They're", and if it were that obvious that's what you think then it shouldn't have taken the exact same question asked three times of someone who chooses their words "carefully" and "on purpose".

Cool. Didn't ask.

Here's a harder one: do you, regardless of what legislation says, have an expectation of bodily autonomy?

To clarify "bodily autonomy" means agency over your own body: what goes into it (food, drinks, drugs or medicines, etc.), and when; what gets chopped off (surgery) or implanted into/onto it (cosmetic surgery or tattoos/piercings), and when; whether you can end your life at a time and manner of your choosing (where another person is not required to assist); freedom from slavery and servitude. In essence the ability to decide, even at risk of terminating your life, what is done with your body in life and even (with regards to your funerary requirements and any organ donation) afterwards.

While harder, this is also a yes or no question. Any equivocation again means "no".
Hey man, you can play these word-salad semantics games all you want. In regards to abortion; how I feel, is how I feel

….its complicated.

I really could care less if this satisfies your thirst or not
Seems they do!

But it's apparently not a principled position. A "freedom for me, not for thee" sort of thing. Weird.
There’s my boy!!! I knew you’d come through!! 😎
I believe the unborn are humans and are entitled to rights too.
No individual has a natural claim to any part of another's body without consent. This is why child rape is bad.


Wait...is child rape bad?
So that's a pass, then. Gosh.

Republicans aren't sending their best. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
So that's a pass, then. Gosh.

Republicans aren't sending their best. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
It’s not a pass.

It’s a stupid question that doesn’t even warrant a response.

Hence why my stance is “generally pro-choice”

You’re better than this
Hey man, you can play these word-salad semantics games all you want. In regards to abortion; how I feel, is how I feel

….its complicated.

I really could care less if this satisfies your thirst or not.
Cool. Didn't ask.

It's not hard to say "yes" or "no" to what I did ask though. Certainly easier than typing out lines of evasion every time.

Or are you like the henchman Mustafa from Austin Powers 2, who can only answer a question at the third time of asking?
Cool. Didn't ask.

It's not hard to say "yes" or "no" to what I did ask though. Certainly easier than typing out lines of evasion every time.

Or are you like the henchman Mustafa from Austin Powers 2, who can only answer a question at the third time of asking?
Don’t know what to tell you, bud.

I have conflicting moral views in terms of abortion

***second edit

One of my own personal principles, is accountability for my actions.

i haven’t always lived up to my own principles. Especially when I was younger. Make of that what you will
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It’s not a pass.
Sure it is.
It’s a stupid question that doesn’t even warrant a response.
Child rape is bad. What makes child rape bad is that the child has not availed part of their body to another by consent. Child rape disregards consent and the sovereignty of the individual.

It shouldn't be so difficult to acknowledge these things unless you disagree with them.

Hence why my stance is “generally pro-choice”
"Pro-choice"? Child rape? What?
You’re better than this
Your message appears to have been cut off. I'm better than "this" what?
Sure it is.

Child rape is bad. What makes child rape bad is that the child has not availed part of their body to another by consent. Child rape disregards consent and the sovereignty of the individual.

It shouldn't be so difficult to acknowledge these things unless you disagree with them.

"Pro-choice"? Child rape? What?

Your message appears to have been cut off. I'm better than "this" what?
As smart as you are, you’re not a very good troll
Don’t know what to tell you, bud.
The answer to the yes/no question I asked you would be ideal.
I have conflicting moral views in terms of abortion

***second edit

One of my own personal principles, is accountability for my actions.

i haven’t always lived up to my own principles. Especially when I was younger. Make of that what you will
Cool. Didn't ask.
As smart as you are, you’re not a very good troll
What's the troll in which I'm supposed to be engaging? Unlike you, I'm not repeatedly replying to posts soliciting justification for a position I took without offering a substantive response.

That's another pass, by the way.

Edit: lol. lmao, even.

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It's a yes or no, as any equivocation means no.

It's hardly a tricky one unless you know you don't want to give an indefensible answer.
Don’t care to answer
it is indeed impossible to have a rational conversation with anyone who believes bodily autonomy is not a right.

Amazing how much effort you want to put into answering questions I didn't ask, but "don't care to" say yes or no to the two I did...
In general, I'm a fan of bodily autonomy but I think that states should be have to have the final say over what I do with my body.

My body, my state's choice.

Does that mean the state will pay child support?
What's the troll in which I'm supposed to be engaging? Unlike you, I'm not repeatedly replying to posts soliciting justification for a position I took without offering a substantive response.

That's another pass, by the way.

Edit: lol. lmao, even.

That’s like getting fired… on your day off!
“We called to say, Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office"
Happy Barack Obama GIF by The Democrats

I can't wait to hear the next excuse for why Trump can't debate now.

Amazing how much effort you want to put into answering questions I didn't ask, but "don't care to" say yes or no to the two I did...
What? You don’t think I understand the points you’re trying to make? I know my view in terms of abortion is complicated. I’m fine with that. I’m not looking to have an online epiphany, nor am I looking to change anyone’s mind myself.

You’re still, the only one that’s trying to have a conversation about it. Your incessant games of semantics is getting weird.

Stop being weird

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