I'm assuming that you want full TC exiting a corner and low TC when you're getting up to speed? If this is what you do I have tried it and I couldn't notice any difference
Most of the times yes 👍
Does everyone use Auto Gears in the Pal League ?
I was thinking of using Auto gears at Imola, as I did a 4 lapper earlier on and did a lap around half a second slower than I normally doMaybe it was just luck, but I had many spins though.
Hope I don't finish last on Sunday.![]()
You finish second in one race by a tiny margin because you were too polite to another driver and now your afraid of loosing!
Edit: Yeah I use auto as well, and use to use a sixaxis, but no more, DFGT equipped now, and should be ready to go for next weeks race.
Very informative and detailed answer thanks Gyles!
I'm gonna be practicing at Imola tonite, if any other NTSC guys are interested. I know I've seen ZERODUCK on pretty regularly. I'll look for you guys online, but feel free to PM, if you'd like to do some online practice.
I gotta kick some serious butt tomorrow, since I missed Melborne.
Also, has it been decided, who my new teammate will be? DaddyVDUB had mentioned that Chiboss1 was a possibility. That's cool by me, as I know that Biggles/SimcoeAce is caught up with some other stuff right now.
Anyway, I look forward to racing you guys again tomorrow. 👍
I'm going to assume Chiboss wants it and I'll send him the details just in case he can't reply till after I'm asleep. If Chiboss either doesn't want it, doesn't reply in time or can't make it, I will ask Z if he can be backup again.
Also, I'm introducing a PAL-Oceania championship with help from zed300!!! This should help with getting drivers from Australia and New Zealand in on the action with some more acceptable race times. Its probably too late for organising their San Marino GP, but we will be organising catch-up races during the weeks.
Race times and dates still need to be decided.
I will be there to race. Is the start time 8PM CST, 9PM EST? If so, I will be racing in another series that starts at the same time (8Pm CST). Can we move the start time one hour? What is the password?
Ardius , DaddyVDUBB , I am unable to race tonight , somebody my want to get ahold of Suede , Z , mastercivil , to try to fill spot. Will be back next week , thanks and sorry. All NTSC and PAL drivers , good luck tonight , have fun. 👍
Not to nag, but I haven't received a PM yet for tonight.
I've actually managed to get into the 1'18s(after alot of Penalties and mistakes that is).I don't know why Fishfash is so unconfident, he's still going to be much quicker than most other competitors haha.
But out of interest, what are the times people are getting around Imola? (PAL)
Just to let you know I probably won't come tonight, I don't know the track at all and I don't want to make mistakes that could ruin other people's race.
Do you guys have a full house for the NTSC race tonight? If not I could give it a shot. Let me know...
No we don't however, I'm inclined to give the remaining seat to the GP2 guys, sorry Biggles.
I just realised I'd forgotten to take you off the PMs list, sorry about that too.
Now thats not the right attitude at all. I didn't know at least 10 of the tracks last year before going through the last championship but I didn't care because I was driving for some fun and I knew if I made any mistakes people would be understanding.
If you're not good at a track or don't know it very well, try and practice it before hand, and if you can't practice it, just go into the race knowing you aren't going to do amazing and just try and drive a consistent race. Trust me, it pays off more than attempting to be fast and screwing up.
At the very least if you turn up you will usually pick up some points even if you finish dead last and San Marino is a track where people make some costly mistakes, so if you drive a slow, consistent race it isn't impossible for you to beat a couple of people.
Yes I know it's for fun, that's the point of these types of things!- but usually a few people on here get very annoyed when mistakes happen, and they take it as if it's done on purpose, that was the case a few times last season and one time this season as well!