Contributing Writer
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This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Brendan Rorrison (@Brend) on February 8th, 2017 in the Project CARS 2 category.
Did I just see aurora borealis, layered fog, dynamic wind, snow on the 'Ring, layered atmospheric effects, beautiful water buildup on the track..and more? I think I did.... I thought those things weren't possible in a beautiful looking racing sim on the PS4?
Sacrifices and/or efficiencies implemented.I really would like to know what sacrifices had to be made to achieve that.
Will this game have photomode?
Games don't need to kill each other off. Plenty of good games can and do exist within the same genre. There's more than enough time in the typical life cycle of a game of 2-4 years to also enjoy other games simultaneously. Both games appear to take a substantially different approach to the use of the available PS resources and both can be successful at the same time, IMO of courseGran Turismo killer?
I'm still enjoying Project Cars 1, have hardly even thought of GT in recent months.
"Don't get too excited, don't get too excited, don't get too excited..."
*Trailer Drops*
12k support. Good god, better start saving for a £5000 pc & 3 4k screens.
Not showing the 935 K3 unfortunately.....
Games don't need to kill each other off...