- 11,511
- United States

We are delighted to welcome @IanBell to GTPlanet! Please give him a warm welcome! Ian Bell is the head of Slightly Mad Studios. If you want more information about Project Cars 2, Please check the General Project Cars 2 Thread, and you can look on the official website. Please keep the off-topic to the minimum, Moderators will keep quite an eye out on this thread, and will delete off-topic posts. Please keep the chit chat to a minimum, this will help Ian get to your question. But please, read the Q&A, so you don't ask the same question!

Just a reminder to everyone, this thread is for questions and answers, only.
Please respect Ian's time and do not post wishlists or other general comments; we have several other threads just for that purpose here in our Project CARS 2 forum. Thanks, everyone.![]()

7th, February 2017
Topic: Laser scanning, multiplayer and co-op career.

Topic: Oval racing AI, Aussie tracks, track detail levels, optimization, touge and hillclimb, bigger offline experience, tracks carried over from PCars1, Septemberish release date, FFB, Suzuka, dedicated servers on console, steering wheel grinding bug, join in progress bug on multiplayer, invisible walls, AI improvements, reworked audio software, controller optimization, AMD GPU's, dedicated servers on pc, any car on any track, improved multiplayer coding, Porsche/Lambo/Ferrari confirmed, FFB presets, speed sensitivity on contollers, Portuguese track confirmed.

Topics: UDP apps, pitstop animation, better crash physics, modding, tire wear, rip grip, Ian's most exciting feature, car modeling detail levels, improved physics model, Shift assets used, physics bugs (cars sticking together), drifting physics, track count.

Topics: PSN pre-ordering, more official licenses, music, more variety offline, weather limitations, tire noise levels.

Topics: Interlagos announced from fan request on GTP, Brazilian Portuguese in game confirmed, general improvements, driver swaps, DLC frequency and pricing.

Topics: Sourcing laser scans

Topics: Dealing with player feedback, most difficult track to scan, licensing Suzuka, visual damage limitations

Topics: Wind physics, FOV and other cockpit adjustments.

Topic: Vegetation seasonality, flashing headlights while overtaking, AI personality traits and sliders, developing AI rivals, lapped AI fighting for position, overall performance on console, more historic tracks, Formula A/B/C confirmed and more, most cars carried forward from PCars1, dirt/snow buildup on cars, fire, headlights, helicopters, stats, no changing cars while on track, 100% control of setting up cars/classes online, host dictates the rules.

Topic: Not Available Yet

Topic: Not Available Yet

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