Steam Pre-Order is LIVE!PC 

  • Thread starter crowhop
United States
Upstate SC, USA


Includes the full game, plus the exclusive Japanese Cars Pack that features 4 cars from iconic Japanese manufacturers Honda and Nissan—the Honda Euro Spec Civic Type-R, the fastest hot hatch to have ever lapped the Nordschleife; the thrill-a-second Honda Project 2&4 with its stratospheric redline at 14,000rpm; the original and one-and-only “Godzilla”, the Skyline GT-R (R32) Group A; and the brutal and raw twin-turbo V8 Nissan 280ZX IMSA GTX.

Includes the full game, and the Japanese Cars Pack, plus the Season Pass (that includes all 4 additional contents that will enhance and extend the overall Project CARS 2 experience after release), as well as the Motorsport Pack that includes 4 enthralling racing cars curated from 40 years of motoring history.

For the thrifty ones among us, this isn't a bad deal...
I've purchased from this site before, so it is legit. It should include the Pre-purchase Japanese Car Pack as well.
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I would consider buying from somewhere like this but I want to support SMS, so I think they will get maximum revenue from direct steam sales.
Damn. I really want this deluxe edition in a box for PS4. I hope we will get it somewhere to preorder it in Poland :(
Bit confused over versions... bottom line I want all the cars & tracks and do not need stickers / models etc..

Ive preordered the standard version via Amazon and because you have to have the season pass for some cars not in a DLC I will get the season pass once its out (which will get me the motorsport pack?)....

I "think" thats me covered for all cars except the Japanese car pack ?

Project Cars website says its included in the "Limited Edition" however on amazon I can only see: "Project Cars 2 (PC DVD)".

I do not see the limited edition for sale on amazon ?

Email received from Amazon once the release date is known suggests they upgraded it but does not mention to what... is it just the release date or does it mean I get the limited edition ?! I just want to ensure I get all the cars or am able to buy them later....

Quote Amazon: "We have good news! One of your pre-ordered items is now eligible for release date delivery and has been upgraded at no additional charge. Your new delivery estimate is: "Project Cars 2 (PC DVD)" Estimated arrival date: September 22 2017"

Honestly not a fan of these smoke and mirrors where if you dont pay attention you miss out on content that you cannot even buy once the game is out :/
I understand it that if you pre order you will get the Japanese car pack with the game and if you buy the season pass you will get the motorsport pack (pre ordered or not)
Bit confused over versions... bottom line I want all the cars & tracks and do not need stickers / models etc..

Ive preordered the standard version via Amazon and because you have to have the season pass for some cars not in a DLC I will get the season pass once its out (which will get me the motorsport pack?)....

I "think" thats me covered for all cars except the Japanese car pack ?

Project Cars website says its included in the "Limited Edition" however on amazon I can only see: "Project Cars 2 (PC DVD)".

I do not see the limited edition for sale on amazon ?

Email received from Amazon once the release date is known suggests they upgraded it but does not mention to what... is it just the release date or does it mean I get the limited edition ?! I just want to ensure I get all the cars or am able to buy them later....

Quote Amazon: "We have good news! One of your pre-ordered items is now eligible for release date delivery and has been upgraded at no additional charge. Your new delivery estimate is: "Project Cars 2 (PC DVD)" Estimated arrival date: September 22 2017"

Honestly not a fan of these smoke and mirrors where if you dont pay attention you miss out on content that you cannot even buy once the game is out :/

So the best option for you (and me)
Buy Limited Edition with Japanese Motorsport Pack and later buy Season Pass with Motorosport Pack


Buy Deluxe Edition - but I don't see it for preordering other than Digital copies, and i want it in a box ;)
Bit confused over versions... bottom line I want all the cars & tracks and do not need stickers / models etc..

Ive preordered the standard version via Amazon and because you have to have the season pass for some cars not in a DLC I will get the season pass once its out (which will get me the motorsport pack?)....

I "think" thats me covered for all cars except the Japanese car pack ?

Project Cars website says its included in the "Limited Edition" however on amazon I can only see: "Project Cars 2 (PC DVD)".

I do not see the limited edition for sale on amazon ?

Email received from Amazon once the release date is known suggests they upgraded it but does not mention to what... is it just the release date or does it mean I get the limited edition ?! I just want to ensure I get all the cars or am able to buy them later....

Quote Amazon: "We have good news! One of your pre-ordered items is now eligible for release date delivery and has been upgraded at no additional charge. Your new delivery estimate is: "Project Cars 2 (PC DVD)" Estimated arrival date: September 22 2017"

Honestly not a fan of these smoke and mirrors where if you dont pay attention you miss out on content that you cannot even buy once the game is out :/
Unless you want a physical product, SlowBloke, just grab the Deluxe version from Steam and know that you'll get all the packs currently announced.

Amazon don't sell the Limited Edition version, that's exclusive to, here in the UK. It's an extra £10, over the Amazon price, which gets you a lovely steelbook case, some stickers and the guarantee of getting the Japanese pack.

I can't see it announced anywhere that the standard retail release will get the Japanese DLC pack so, I'd play safe if I were you and cancel the Amazon order :).
Unless you want a physical product, SlowBloke, just grab the Deluxe version from Steam and know that you'll get all the packs currently announced.

Amazon don't sell the Limited Edition version, that's exclusive to, here in the UK. It's an extra £10, over the Amazon price, which gets you a lovely steelbook case, some stickers and the guarantee of getting the Japanese pack.

I can't see it announced anywhere that the standard retail release will get the Japanese DLC pack so, I'd play safe if I were you and cancel the Amazon order :).
Thanks Cluck :)

Edit - Deluxe ordered, Amazon cancelled !
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One quick word about particular versions only being available in certain outlets. This is very much a retailer-driven thing and can be seen across many different products. It does mean you sometimes have to 'shop around' to find exactly what you want and, with a lot of people now using Amazon as their "go to" store for everything, they might well miss that the LE version is even available - which would be a pity, since the steelbook case for pCARS1 was lovely and I don't doubt it will be just as lovely (or better!) for pCARS2 :).

As a personal example, for a long time I could not source (and still can't) certain HP product lines as they are destined for large retailers only. It was quite frustrating, as a retailer, having to tell customers "I'm sorry, we can't get that printer/computer/etc for you as it's exclusive to PC World/John Lewis/etc." . It doesn't mean it's right, of course, just that the exclusivity of certain products to certain stores is far from being solely consigned to computer games :)
Its pretty anti customer imo but it is what it is !
I know this is straying somewhat off-topic but, I'd argue that it's quite the opposite. When you have a dominant player in the market, like Amazon, it is far better for the marketplace if other retailers are given something that Amazon, for example, don't have :). Don't get me wrong, I buy a lot of stuff from Amazon but I will always shop around and sometimes even pay a little more if it gives a smaller company a bit of extra business :).

All that aside, it's nice to see the Steam version available now. I can only imagine the smiles on the SMS team's faces in a few days when they see the number of pre-order copies sold :).
Puts the onus on the buyer to be informed of all the options. Historically you buy a game you play it and you buy extras as and when you want to. if your not in the loop and you approach it like that and you wanted the additional bits your stuffed.

From that perspective its screwing the customer.

You could argue dont be a lazy idiot and be informed... I just feel content should be available regardless of reseller as this punishes the unaware or the easily confused.

In an ideal world incentive to buy from a certain reseller should be a win win for both SMS and the customer regardless of the choices.

Ofcourse I also want SMS to get really great sales - Im not WDM but as you know I love pcars and want SMS and the people who are passionately supporting creating it to be rewarded for all their efforts so that hopefully we get to see pcars 3 in 3 years from now with all its additional glory :)
I would consider buying from somewhere like this but I want to support SMS, so I think they will get maximum revenue from direct steam sales.
I wonder if this is true or not. I have no idea how sites like Instant Gaming get their Steam Keys. Do they deal with Steam or directly with the producers of the games? I've purchased two games from that site and both instances have been very positive for me. I managed to get both games for about half what they were selling for on Steam at the time.
I wonder if this is true or not. I have no idea how sites like Instant Gaming get their Steam Keys. Do they deal with Steam or directly with the producers of the games? I've purchased two games from that site and both instances have been very positive for me. I managed to get both games for about half what they were selling for on Steam at the time.

The more trustworthy ones like GreenManGaming for example have direct deals with the publishers.
The "others" are mostly buying the keys from Steam in countries where the games are cheap (Russia, Ukraine for example) and resell them in the more expensive regions. So if you want to support the developers don't buy from cheap key resellers.
I 'll wait a bit before I'll place any pre-order. I would like to have the full car and tracklist first. Beginning of september will be early enough to place it and maybe I'll simply buy it in the store and get the seasonpass when it is on sale. The base package should be more than enough to begin with. Hmmm choices...choices...
I 'll wait a bit before I'll place any pre-order. I would like to have the full car and tracklist first. Beginning of september will be early enough to place it and maybe I'll simply buy it in the store and get the seasonpass when it is on sale. The base package should be more than enough to begin with. Hmmm choices...choices...

I agree, I will wait before preorder. Indeed, questions are currently unanswered and I can not decide before I have all the information:
- Will there be an offline custom championship? (Or will it be possible to fill in the online custom championship with only AIs and if so how many AI can be included on PS4 ?
- Will there be a stockcar championship in career mode (even with a DLC?)
- How many online players on PS4?
Slightly Mad has also expanded on the contents of the PCARS2 Season Pass. Priced at $29.99, it’ll include four yet-to-be-revealed DLC car packs, each containing eight new cars, a new track, additional liveries and new career events.

I'm not a fan of this, as new tracks/maps in games tend to split the Multiplayer community if they're not available to everyone.

Take Forza Motorsport 6 for example. 2 environments (Virginia International Raceway and Homestead Miami Speedway) were locked behind DLC expansions. This meant that they could not be added to the track rotation in Public Multiplayer Lobbies, essentially limiting them to private use.

Having cars locked behind paywalls isn't as big an issue as most competent racing games have dozens of cars to choose from on-disc, but when a track is paywalled it limits what the community can do.

I know this won't change as the developer and publisher agreed to these plans months in advance, but I wanted to put my opinion out there anyway incase they consider it in the future.
I'm not a fan of this, as new tracks/maps in games tend to split the Multiplayer community if they're not available to everyone.
I wouldn't worry about that too much, if Project CARS 2 is anything like the first game. So long as the host has access to the DLC tracks, everyone in the lobby could race on it regardless if they own it or not. Same with the cars, only it had to be locked so everyone could only use one car.
New to PCars here. System requirements says minimum Intel i-7. My Alienware Alpha has a i-5. Will this run on my machine? Hard drive and memory meet the specs, not sure about the graphics card.