3D Garage rather than list

I'd like to see a 3D version of your own garage, almost like a museum with the ability to park your cars where you want and using different ways to mount and display them. Hell of a job for the progammers but it would be far nice going through a 3D garage than having to scroll down through a list and selecting a car before seeing it?
Yeah, PGR2 on Xbox is similar to this. It would be very cool. 👍

Edit: If you have too many cars, you can have an option to change it to a list if you want. :)
or like some are parked in the garage, some on display inside, some tatting around outside in beautiful locations. would be nice to set out exactly as you wanted it, like having the cheap n common cars out the front or on the lawn, and the historic/expensive motors inside on display.

but thats going to be IMPOSSIBLE to implement :(
To be honest im happy with the existing method, im not against the idea of a 3D garage but id rather they spent the time developing such things as AI and implementing new ideas into the actual gameplay :)
To be honest im happy with the existing method, im not against the idea of a 3D garage but id rather they spent the time developing such things as AI and implementing new ideas into the actual gameplay :)
Plus you would have to face the cars to select them, and if you looked for your first car parked it would be a bit of a walk lol.
ohh ohh ohh

and when you buy a car, you go to that dealer and its a 3d dealers and you walk around looking at the cars :D :D :D

and the used car lots are grotty and smelly :P
Theres some good ideas about the home you might be interested in, in this thread here
With regards to it being 3D, I'm up for that, it wouldn't be hard to implement but it would probably be generic designs. You could have a drop dowm list of your cars available at the touch of a button so if you get lost or can't be bothered looking for/walking to a certain car you can just select from a list.Considering the number of cars you can store it wouldn't be a single room, it would probably be a multi-storey design. Say 10 floors with 200 spaces per floor. You should also be able to open the cars bonnet, boot, doors, climb in ect like in the new Test drive game.
Gran Turismo A:spec. Yeah sure. In all seriousness, being able to walk about cars isn't stricktly a GTA thing, it's a car thing. If this concept of3D garages and showrooms can be implemeted, then I'm all up for it. If we get car jackings and drive by's in GT5, then obviously, thats a no, no.
Yeah, PGR2 on Xbox is similar to this. It would be very cool. 👍

Edit: If you have too many cars, you can have an option to change it to a list if you want. :)
yeah, an otion would be great, cause its pretty booring to switch through a 3D car list...

EDIT: (when having lots of cars)
If PD did this then they would have to give you an option to show it to you in list form. First, it would take forever to load(maybe not on PS3) and when I go to my garage I like to just find the car I want quick and get in it. I don't want to walk between rows and rows of cars just to find a car, I'd rather just sort it the way I want it and get back to racing.
Nice idea if you have under 50 cars, but is it feasible to bother the GPU with constant burden of always drawing a 3 dimensional world, and of course we know the immense detail that the cars will sport. I say put up a nice list with a pop up photo of the car, not just the name. It's much faster and smoother and saves wasted time that can be spent doing something constructive with making this game as close to the total package as possible.

Check My post , something I would try to implement if I was working with PD. Just a dream but one day someone will do something like this.
The GPU is designed to render 3d worlds, the fact that it's doing that100% of the time isn't a problem, it's how detailed the 3d world is, and considering the cpabilities of the PS3, the limit would be very high. The main problem with a 3 garage would be drawing the number of cars needed on screen at once. Maybe they could do rooms like the pages in GT4, you select a room and you have a list of upto 20 cars that are in that room, then you can scroll the list and select the car you want and you'll go to that car, then you can get in and use it, or you can walk around that room, walk to another car and so on. That way the computers never having to render more cars at once than are in a race and you get the benefit of walking around the cars and using the same system as in GT4 but with an extra feature should you wish to use it.
ohh ohh ohh

and when you buy a car, you go to that dealer and its a 3d dealers and you walk around looking at the cars :D :D :D

and the used car lots are grotty and smelly :P
Its being done already.

Polyphony will have to do something spectacular with a 3D Garage to get it up there.

Mircosoft's been in this part for a few years with PGR2, and Test Drive Unlimited already has it as well.
I think it's pointless to even include something like that, with the sheer number of cars GT will include it's not even feasible to include something like that. PGR2 did it, soo what they didn't even scratch 100 cars. GT has about 5 times the number of cars, I don't know about you guys, but just give me a list with a pop-up photo when I put the cursor on the car name, but no this virtual showroom. Utterly pointless and a waste. if they have time, i guess it can be an option, but very far down on the list of things this games needs. Nice idea but GT's sheer number of car may make that a lil' too much for the asking. I think since seeing that TGS vid of the RX-7 and the Evolution IX, everyone sees that as an awesome place for a showroom, and it's beautiful. But for showcasing what may be hundreds of cars, that's a head scratcher. Personally I can care less for those aesthetics, on the course visuals and the tuning is what I'm interested in. The garage selector can be 5X5 pels, i don't care as long as the in game experience is top notch.
They're not talking about the showroom, they're talking about the garage. So it wouldn't have every car in the game, just the ones that you own. And most likely not all in the same place, you'd have to walk from room to room to see them all, depending on how you had them sorted, just the way the current list can be sorted.

Personally, I found GT4's garage listing to be a rather large pain in the ass. I didn't like the idea of having to dig around to find the car I wanted, every single time I went in there.

A 3D garage would be fantastic.
Actually, with Photomode, they've shown that they can do it if they want to. But a Virtual Garage would hopefully include only a dozen or so of your favorite cars in a garage, or on a driveway outside your house.

Think about it in a wider perspective. In all the previous GTs, the only prize for winning was a pat on the back, a glorious ending movie (which, honestly, you won't watch more than a few times) and an expensive and fast car... since your garage at the end of the game is already full of expensive and fast cars, maybe this would be a way of rewarding the guys who toughed it out and finished the game. For every percentage completed (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%), you get a better house, a bigger garage (1 car at 0%, 2 cars at 10%, 4 cars at 25%,...etc... 12+ cars at 100%) and a nicer showcase for the garage. Of course, this garage doesn't limit your TOTAL number of cars, just the number you can display. The rest of your cars go into storage, and you can scroll through them showroom style in the "regular" garage.

An additional bonus would be a nicer neighborhood to "free roam" for some instant car tuning and testing. Be honest, how realistic is it to pay for track time for testing when you can just do a spin around the block?

Even more realistically, you could buy a new "house" for a few million bucks in-game. These "houses" would include the garage showcase, your own personal "free roam" or test area, and possibly bonus race series "local" to your neighborhood/city/state/country. :)
An additional bonus would be a nicer neighborhood to "free roam" for some instant car tuning and testing. Be honest, how realistic is it to pay for track time for testing when you can just do a spin around the block?
Very, when was the last time you saw a race car take a spin round the block, also you push the cars to the limits on a track, you don't on a road. And should the option be availalbe to go over the speed limit on a road you can kiss a few manufacturers goodbye who won't have thier cars seen doing anything illegal.
Hmm. I'd still want the current "inventory list" type garage, complete with the current nice selection and sorting features, even if there was a 3D display option.

How many cars do you guys have in your garages anyway? I'm approaching 300 cars now. That would take a lot of time to roam around looking for something. You might need to get in a Diahatsu Midget to drive to the car you want. :)
Even more realistically, you could buy a new "house" for a few million bucks in-game. These "houses" would include the garage showcase, your own personal "free roam" or test area, and possibly bonus race series "local" to your neighborhood/city/state/country. :)
And you should need to find, purchase and consume food. And if you don't make sufficiently nutritious food choices, your car performance suffers too, because you can't drive as well.

Gran Turismo meets Sims...
Very, when was the last time you saw a race car take a spin round the block, also you push the cars to the limits on a track, you don't on a road. And should the option be availalbe to go over the speed limit on a road you can kiss a few manufacturers goodbye who won't have thier cars seen doing anything illegal.

I'm rarely one to try and score points, but are we talking about the same Honda, Toyota, Ford, Lotus, Nissan, etc... who have their cars in games like the Need for Speed Underground series? :dopey: A valid point, though... and you have to wonder what 'Safety conscious' Ford and Toyota are doing in there. :indiff:

Well, to address the point, what I want is a nice neighborhood or back road to at least run my "streetable" machines on. I'm a hardcore racing fan, yes, but I consider Gran Turismo from the Turismo point. I've done quite a bit of long distance driving, and no track day can quite capture the beauty of over 300 miles of mountain road driving. That's about the only reason I went back to NFSU2 after I finished it. Just wandering around... not even speeding or crashing... just wandering.

Ah... but that's another thread, argument. (How many free roam arguments do we have on this board? :lol: )

And you should need to find, purchase and consume food. And if you don't make sufficiently nutritious food choices, your car performance suffers too, because you can't drive as well.

Gran Turismo meets Sims...

Nah... I just want my own hood, yo... the eating and exercising in GTA San Andreas are a real turn-off.
I'll look it up but one of the big Japanese manufacturers has pulled out of street racing games because they no longer want their cars represented as being used illegally. I can't rembmer if it's Nissan, Toyota or Honda but I'm pretty sure it's one of thoes three. Also theres a good few toher companies thet won't allow the same that we just haven't seen in street racing gmaes for that reason. As for bying new properties, you could simply have it that you start off with space for 50 cars, then you get a chance to buy a new place with more spaces thats more upmarket too, eventually you'd own a place that can hold a couple of thousand cars and has it's own test track. I wouldnt want property managment to go any deeper than that though.
I'll look it up but one of the big Japanese manufacturers has pulled out of street racing games because they no longer want their cars represented as being used illegally. I can't rembmer if it's Nissan, Toyota or Honda but I'm pretty sure it's one of thoes three. Also theres a good few other companies thet won't allow the same that we just haven't seen in street racing gmaes for that reason. As for bying new properties, you could simply have it that you start off with space for 50 cars, then you get a chance to buy a new place with more spaces thats more upmarket too, eventually you'd own a place that can hold a couple of thousand cars and has it's own test track. I wouldnt want property managment to go any deeper than that though.

That was Honda, the didn't want their cars in Street Racing Syndicate, it had police chases. Like I stated before car manufacturers have a stipulation about their cars represented on normal streets, they must have guard rails and designated markings making it a track. So free roam will have to be something sorted out with manufacturers first, I pretty much don't care about it. But there has to be some kind of hub world for the the online area, it must be something appealing. Here's to hoping PD has something excellent in mind, that beautiful glass building from the TGS video might be a sign of something.
That glass building is in GT4, it's a photo mode location.
ohh ohh ohh

and when you buy a car, you go to that dealer and its a 3d dealers and you walk around looking at the cars :D :D :D

and the used car lots are grotty and smelly :P
lol, no!! I think that would suck! but maybe thats just to me...I just want the ordinary list... this is a DRIVING/RACING game... the only thing you r gonna do in a racing game is to race. i cant understand how you can even discuss this when the imoprtant thing is how the racing experience is going to be...