3D Garage rather than list

GT is about the actual cars as much as the racing, I'd like the racing to be upto scratch too but I'd still like a large focus to be on the cars, we have photomode which is great and a 3d garage would be cool too, as would 3d showrooms. Ofcourse the racings more important, but this thread is not about the racing, it's about 3d garages.
And you should need to find, purchase and consume food. And if you don't make sufficiently nutritious food choices, your car performance suffers too, because you can't drive as well.

Gran Turismo meets Sims...
omg! lol! :D i cant belive this... haha, this is too much for me... sorru ofr laughing but.. oh man, are you a GT fan? or a The Sims fan that want racing in The Sims??? i guess the 2nd... man this is a racing game. you know driving around a track against cars and try to win? this is no life simulator, its a driving simulator...

sorry for dubbelpost guys!
I just watched a little movie clip from PGR 3,and here they have implented a garden where u can walk around and watch your cars. Looks nice. Just take a look at the clip :)

PGR3 will have 80 cars, ofcourse much less than GT5. So as you guys say, they have to make a helluva big garden in GT5 :dopey:
PGR3 will have over 100 cars, theres upto 75 confirmed so far and 25+ unconfirmed. Also that garden lets you view I think it's 12 cars at a time, but you don't view all the cars together it's only a selected fewthat you can put in the 3d garage spaces.
PGR3 will have over 100 cars, theres upto 75 confirmed so far and 25+ unconfirmed. Also that garden lets you view I think it's 12 cars at a time, but you don't view all the cars together it's only a selected fewthat you can put in the 3d garage spaces.

Okey. Thx for correcting me :)
PGR3 will have over 100 cars, theres upto 75 confirmed so far and 25+ unconfirmed. Also that garden lets you view I think it's 12 cars at a time, but you don't view all the cars together it's only a selected fewthat you can put in the 3d garage spaces.
ok, if so it would be great in GT5 as well i think now. cause in PGR3 it looked just amazing!!! :drool:

EDIT: and if the car gets damaged you'll see the damage in the garden as well... and as in the vid a menu pops up when pressing a button near a car, and then it asks: use car?, repair car? or setup car? and maybe something more...of course it should cost to repair it, and how much depends on how serious the damage is... that would be cool i think :D
well.. why not just disply the last 10 u have driven by chousing them from the list in a row in your garage.. so i say combo of a list and a small 3d garage
well.. why not just disply the last 10 u have driven by chousing them from the list in a row in your garage.. so i say combo of a list and a small 3d garage
yeah but you should be able to chose what cars should be there as well but thats good idea
Yeah that would be cool, it defaults to the last 10 or so cars used but you can manually override it and select the cars you want in there, you should also be able to save your choice.
PGR3 will have over 100 cars, theres upto 75 confirmed so far and 25+ unconfirmed. Also that garden lets you view I think it's 12 cars at a time, but you don't view all the cars together it's only a selected fewthat you can put in the 3d garage spaces.
Your sources are wrong then.

There have not been 75 confirmed cars. Only about half of thes cars have been 100% proven and about 6-10 are still needing confirmation.

There are not 100 cars mentioned anywhere, and there's no way in hell 75 cars are confirmed.
Maybe, but I have seen a list with 75 cars on it, and a source for each car and then saying there are more cars to be included with the total set to be over 100.
PGR2 did it, soo what they didn't even scratch 100 cars.
Didn't even scratch 100 cars is kind of a strong word isn't it? I'm pretty sure PGR2 has about 105 cars. Besides, all the cars are different. In GT4, you've got 700 cars, there's like 50+ Skylines if I'm not wrong, if not 100. PGR2 had a garage and a showroom with a total of ~105 different cars with no lag, no hitch, no loading problems. If PGR2 can do it, GT5 can do it.

And by the way, it was a very nice feature. The showroom had that nice ambient song to it.. didn't feel like that since playing NFS Porsche a long time ago, and I could have mates over and show them the showroom, it was so nice.
I'd like to see a 3D version of your own garage, almost like a museum with the ability to park your cars where you want and using different ways to mount and display them. Hell of a job for the progammers but it would be far nice going through a 3D garage than having to scroll down through a list and selecting a car before seeing it?

That'd be cool, and it would be possible with the PS3's brains. I like the idea, and something more: the way the cars look in the garage are the way they look on the track. Just as glossy and shiny as in the garage, but with the ability to completely muck up and dirty that photo grade shine to a muddy, grass-smudged mess! And you should really be able to see the actual chunks of mud slide off your car as you thunder down some new and amazing rally track! :mischievous:
And you should really be able to see the actual chunks of mud slide off your car as you thunder down some new and amazing rally track! :mischievous:
And, when you're looking in pretty good shape to win a rally, a big rock could appear from nowhere in the middle of the road, break your brakes and steering, and send you helplessly off into the woods. (Like Petter Solberg in last weekend's WRC Rally Japan).

I'm being facetious again.
Maybe, but I have seen a list with 75 cars on it, and a source for each car and then saying there are more cars to be included with the total set to be over 100.

common guys.. who cares about 75 or 100 cars? GT4 has 700+ cars
so lets look witch is the better game.. :dopey:
I agree and I think it's going to be cool and fun to make a 3D one. I would like it to be just like in Sega GT Online, but the different thing I want them to do is when you replace something in the car you can see people working on it and replacing the part that you want to replace and unstall parts and install parts. I think this is would be cool 👍
I nice idéa that i got from the intro of SRS (Street racing syndicate) is that parts fly of and replces with new one.. but in gt4´s case a pit crew will skrew it off and add a new one and this idéa would be alot nicer with damage on.. imaging removing the front cracked bumper and replacing it with a new one..
common guys.. who cares about 75 or 100 cars? GT4 has 700+ cars
so lets look witch is the better game.. :dopey:
PGR2 was more fun, GT4 doesn't offer much exitement in the racing. I like the game but only beacsue I like cars in general. I prefer GTR to PGR2 and GT4 and that has less cars the both of them but the racing is intense and the handling if more realistic even if the graphics are looking a little dated now for PC games, it's still at the top.
Just because it's not a sim doesn't prevent it from being fun. Grand theft Auto doesn't come cloe to realistically depicting life as a crime lord but it's still fun. Burnout is fun, Doom is fun, Battlefield 2 is fun, none of these games are realistic but they are still fun.
Just because it's not a sim doesn't prevent it from being fun. Grand theft Auto doesn't come cloe to realistically depicting life as a crime lord but it's still fun. Burnout is fun, Doom is fun, Battlefield 2 is fun, none of these games are realistic but they are still fun.

Ok. If you see it like that.

Half - Life 2, Dungeon Siege 2 and and and... are fun, too.

But I thought we are here in a GT Thread. And GT is a bit more "sim" than "arcade".

Have Fun!!!


...who has played Burnout 4 on XBox for hours....
Yep, and were in a thread discussing the possibilities of 3d garages, PGR2 and PGR3 have 3d garages, hence the reason people have been mentioning them. You then implied that PGR2 wasn't any good because it was arcadeish, which isn't a bad thing, just a different thing. GT4 isn't the most realistic racer around you know, it's still a good game.
...who has played Burnout 4 on XBox for hours....
Me as a matter of fact.

I like the GT series very much, but in other ways games like that are more fun, and in other ways aren't. Knowing it isn't a sim puts you off a little, but once you do the powerslides and go at ridiculous speeds it challenges your reflexes and can become more of a challenge than GT.

You got to accept a game as it is and not think "it's arcade so it isn't fun", that is not true.
Maybe, but I have seen a list with 75 cars on it, and a source for each car and then saying there are more cars to be included with the total set to be over 100.
Do you have a link out of curiousity?
We've only confirmed 46 cars here and on 2 other sites.
I've just had a look for it, I can't remember the anme of the site bt I couldn't find it. I might have just been mistaken, but I can't the site again eitherway.