3D Modelling, Post your 3D models! (Cars, Planes, People, Landscapes etc!)

A house, based on the properties of a regular icosahedron.
This is just the basic outlines, the plan is to make a detailed model with interior.


Edit: A few updates made. Still no interior though.

Update: The interior takes quite some time, having to make all the internal walls (at first they were paper-thin), stairs, floors and ceilings. Here are the first pictures of the stairs on the second floor. The idea is that it's an area for hanging out and chilling, the round window for instance could serve as a good reading chair. The stairs flows together at the base, kind of like two waterfalls.

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Hi all, I decided to try to learn 3D modelling again, so i watched a couple Blender tutorials and now that i know a bit more i decided to try to model a car, and try to learn more along the way.

I quickly gave up on my first try, and this is my second try at modelling a car. I'm working very slowly because i want to get the shapes and proportions right even though i don't really know if I'm doing things the correct way.

The car is a 1966 Pontiac GTO. it's shape is pretty complex for a beginner, but i thought I'd rather try doing a car I like so hopefully I'll have more inspiration to finish it.

Ignore the materials, I'm still just playing around with the way materials react to light. Also there are plenty of silly errors that I made and it takes me a while to correct them.

The corner where the windshield meets the door and fender is giving me nightmares..still cant get it right

Some questions:

-Sometimes I read that the mesh should be constructed of quad polygons and not three sided ones. However, in some cases it seems like there's no other way but using those. Will this cause problems?

-When using Subsurf, how to get sharp edges without using edge loops (hopefully i understand that term correctly)? It complicates the mesh

-Is it possible for different parts of the same model to have different levels of smoothing applied? And is there an ideal number for Subsurf for car modelling? Mine is set to 2, I hope that's good.

Any criticism or comments are welcome!
Great work so far, I instantly recognized the car from the first render.

I don't know much about Blender but to answer your first question using three sided polygons is fine but either try to make them less visible or move them to a flatter part of the mesh where they will be less likely to create shading issues, triangles aren't really the problem high valence vertices are which are created by triangles but they can also be created by quads.

Notice how even though quads are used in the red area (below) more than 4 edges come to a point (6 in this case) which could potentially cause shading issues especially on such a sharp edge.

Before I share some of my work, let me just say that it is great to see some of the 3D work of the fine folks here on GTPlanet. I am certainly impressed with the artistic-style work of eran0004 in Post #576. 👍 Those renders kind of remind me of when I used to play Okami. Anyhow, onto some of my work.

I have never been successful at creating polygon models. So as a next-best-thing, I've been making voxel models. If you're new to voxels, think "volumetric pixels." One of the more recent games to take advantage of voxels is "Everquest: Landmark." I used to use Qubicle Constructor, but I am nowadays using a program called MagicaVoxel.

Anyhow, here is a pack of characters I created in MagicaVoxel and placed all into one picture. It comes from one of my blogs:


For more: http://johnscreativespace.blogspot.com/p/magicavoxel.html

The point of having models like this is for me to eventually create certain animations and other work. None of the models are rigged. I haven't intended to rig any of these character models, at least as of now. These characters would look distorted if I were to add armatures to these models and play around with the bones. MagicaVoxel currently doesn't allow for you to break up models into individual meshes for better animation unlike with Qubicle Constructor.

Never have I considered myself a pixel artist. Others do this MUCH better than I do. I just am so fixated on detail and trying to get the most detail with not a lot of space. Both rows of characters were made from the base model, which is on the far left in the image. I used that base model to create both male and female characters. I've stuck to human characters because I don't consider myself talented in making fantasy-type characters (like comic book characters or certain beasts). I realistically could take the heads of some of the top row characters and put them on the bottom row characters, and I could do the same with the bottom row models with the top row characters. The models I created are a mix of design cues I've taken from "Minecraft" and the Deuce of "Ace of Spades." My own twists were with the neck and the hands.

I think this is the first time I shared any sort of art of mine on GTPlanet. Thank you for reading.
I've done tons of GT Photo Mode edits using Photoshop and posted them here in GTPlanet, you can visit my galleries, links below. Now, I decided to get back into 3d modeling, it's been a while. Bungie's Destiny game is my inspiration, my kids love the game. I haven't played it but I find the Ghost's geometric shape very interesting. I'll be making a photorealistic scene with this model with Autodesk's 3ds Max 2015 and render it with V-ray 3.0.

From a simple box, I made the general shape.

I began to add geometry. The top half is my working model. The bottom is just the "symmetry" model done by the program to save time.

Close-up detail of the top of the model.
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So, I got bored and started messing with my rather incomplete 1970 Dodge Challenger mesh...

Got both wheel arches done, along with finishing up the rear fender area. Also slapped some temporary wheels to see how it would look. Probably will move on to the front if I can keep motivation levels up.

Also decided to mess with a really old fighter design I made around 6 years ago...


Original design had lots of aerodynamic issues, along with just not looking cool enough :P
Still needs a lot of work though...
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That looks beautiful, if you added grooves so the tyres looked like wets and had 2 cars wheel-to-wheel kicking up spray with one wearing a Prost helmet and the other Senna it would be even better.
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That looks beautiful, I thought I saw something wrong with the floor but I was looking at MP4-5 images.

Thanks! I was tricking myself too with some ref images I found that happened to be from an MP4-2, as it was tough to find images of certain areas of the car.
If you added grooves so the tyres looked like wets and had 2 cars wheel-to-wheel kicking up spray with one wearing a Prost helmet and the other Senna it would be even better.

Well this is still very much a work in progress. Only the model is done (pending changes i wanna make later). Still lots to do here. I have lots of ideas for renders, possibly even some animation on track. I might even recreate some iconic images from the Senna vs. Prost battles.
I take it this is Prost's car

The nose gives it away really

Haha. I actually just made a generic head with a nose that happens to resemble his. Ill push and pull the geo on the heads to better suit the drivers if i decide to start making the other cars. The visors will likely be somewhat dark anyways. Im modeling these more for the cars not the drivers. I specialize in vehicle and environment models, so the drivers arent going to be a focal point.
Currently in the process of making an Audi R8 in SolidWorks. Just installed it at home to help progress, as I only spend 30 minutes at lunch on it a day.

I'd like eventually to be able to make concept designs for F1 in it, to give visuals to my old blog when new rules come about.
Audi R8 I mentioned in previous post. Got SolidWorks working at home, but I need a new graphics cards for it to work at any reasonable speed!

Can you get your .skp into Blender and carry on there?
I'm not a blender guy. I use 3ds Max (so much easier) but there have been problems every time I've tried. I'll probably send to my school and export it from there.

Lot of work though...
You could try downloading a trial of a different version of SketchUp, I don't know if that will work but in the past it's worked for me with other software.
I'm not a blender guy. I use 3ds Max (so much easier) but there have been problems every time I've tried. I'll probably send to my school and export it from there.

Lot of work though...

I like Blender because it's easier to talk to it from MS applications for data visualisations, I have 3DS Max on my work laptop and have never even signed a token out for it :D

You could try downloading a trial of a different version of SketchUp, I don't know if that will work but in the past it's worked for me with other software.

Thinking about it, my SketchUp on my own PC has never expired... that's "SketchUp Make version 14" rather than a Pro trial. Save your .skps somewhere safe (just in case), uninstall SU and try that version, good thinking @Peasantslayer :)

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